Frequency of the Flow
“We exist in a paradigm of singularity.”
Singularity Stigmata
When we are born, we transition from a universal soul of infinite energy into a human being. Beyond the magic and mystery of childbirth, we overlook the devolution we endure to exist in the illusion of physicality. Familial and social institutionalization enslaves us into habitual patterns of reason and routine. By the time we reach adulthood, we have been indoctrinated into a future of singularity. We are a man or a woman, conservative or liberal, atheist or religious, gay or straight, rich or poor, peaceful or violent, etc. When we allow our ideologies, lifestyles and opinions to be compromised, we engage in the dichotomy of duality.
The Con of Duality
Social reality is a kaleidoscope of stimuli. It provokes our engagement via our reactivity, while extracting our energy to who, what and where we conduct our attention. Given the deficiency of consciousness in society, we are always conceding awareness to our daily circumstances, eventualities and environments. Duality is the ritualistic paradigm in which we inevitably transpose our universality into artificiality. We tether ourselves to a matrix of dense, energetic frequencies, which enables our fixed way of being. The con is to capture our interest in common trivialities until we develop our social dependence.

Selective Reality
At the core of the delusion we invent to interact with the illusion of social reality is our instinctual compulsion for virtual security, intellectual filters of egocentricity and emotional immaturity; all of which represses our empathy. Educational, existential, hereditary, informational and religious indoctrination conditions us to engage in an insular simulation we adopt and interpret as life. Eventually, we drift into a stasis of individual oblivion, evading eventualities that conflict with our ideology. In essence, we live in a selective reality. When it is disturbed, we cling to our delusion to preserve our dependency.
A Wicked Web
Egocentricity is the social matrix to which we subscribe in our quest to strategize our existence through competition, manipulation, superiority and self-righteousness. All the while failing to observe the golden rule of awareness; no two truths are the same. When we react to social reality through a filter of singularity, we engage in the paradigm of duality. Our lives are a parade of physical gratification and mental proselytization. Routine is simulation, enslaving us into a wicked web of arrogant ignorance, defiant oblivion and entitled obsolescence, all in the name of vanity. Empowerment and fulfillment become inferior endeavors.

“We understand a fraction of what we know.”
The Rise of Personalization
Recently, I have observed an acceleration and intensity of cultural, political and social personalization, disturbing our existential reality. Many are encountering cataclysmic breakdowns in their experiences with reason, relativity and understanding. As our awareness is always leaving us, we are also abandoning ourselves. When we are not aligned, centered and grounded within, we will eventually acquiesce our personal power without. Our universality is sacrificed via our reactivity to our peripheral environments. While internally, we personalize dramatic and traumatic events, victimizing ourselves with our engagement in social toxicity.
Zen of the Smart Rat
We are too smart for our own good. Yet, intelligence ultimately leads to ignorance. Knowing is mental calisthenics, while understanding is a universal experience. Egocentricity is the common symptom of a smart rat. We overconsume selective media in justification of our elective ideology, to collect informational ammunition in condemnation of our adversaries. We exhibit our ignorance more often than our intelligence. Society is rife with self-righteousness, spreading its cerebral virus with vicious voracity. The most treacherous smart rats are those who refuse to acknowledge and transform their own egocentricity. They are captives to the Zen of fiction.

All That is Best
We believe we know what is best for our life, yet we are estranged from ourselves. We make commitments based on the evaluation of our personal advantage, amusement, comfort, convenience, safety and time. If it requires more than our selfishness dictates, we decline, convincing ourselves it is what is best for us. Remarkable experiences are swiftly disregarded as meaningless, replaced with familiar engagements, filling our time instead of our soul. We never know what is best for us until we understand that universality flows when we empower ourselves to escape our self-induced, egocentric existence.
Essential Resonance
As the focus of our attention directs our energy, its nature is defined by the quality of our being, environment and expression. Our soul and the universe symbiotically emanate an abundance of energy. In its truest embodiment, it is a transcendent resonance, empowering and enlightening our being. Our exposure to social reality degrades and diminishes our frequency into a quantifiable commodity, which is commercialized, propagandized and weaponized against us. Our consciousness is the essential resonance of universality, establishing the empowerment to hold the space for our soul to occupy our being.

Universal Equilibrium
During the energetic transition of our birth, our universality is condensed into physicality. A schism occurs between our soul and our human self, one from which most never revive relativity. As we “civilize” ourselves, social institutionalization enslaves us into a three-dimensional paradigm. We interpret our existence through a filter of intelligence. Our soul and the universe are one, conveying universality through our energy centers, into our heart, mind and body. Establishing our equilibrium is our essential purpose for human being. When we create and embody our balance, we are in flow with the universe.
The Frequency of the Flow
There are eternal currents of universal energy resonating within and around us in every dimension of our being. These frequencies are exponentially shifting and transforming with the resonance of universality. Our relativity with the universe expresses and embodies our soul in our every experience. The energy density of social reality enforces an environmental toxicity to disrupt, distort and destroy our energetic frequency. Our egocentricity enslaves us in its simulation. Aligning, balancing, centering and emanating the resonance of universality empowers us to transform and transcend, reuniting us with the frequency of our soul.
“Universality is the frequency of the flow.”