Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society
It’s time to get physically, emotionally, and spiritually nude! In this reading from Pearls Before Swine: Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society author John Coleman challenges us doff all the social larding we pick up via parenting and schooling, middle class mores and the weight of human respect. Only with naked honesty will we be able to build a free and agentic society.
Link to Apocatastasis Press HERE.

John C.
“A proud product of public education, John Coleman received his undergraduate degree in history from Western Connecticut State University. Alas, that was to be the end of his flattering academic titles. Unwilling to once again become a debt slave to usurers, his graduate studies were scotched at the half-way point. John wasted over a decade of his professional life attempting to establish a high school for a community who took neither themselves nor their worldview seriously. Burned by these unseemly experiences, on Holy Saturday of 2013 Apocatastasis Institute was founded.“