Precis on The Good and The Evil

by Michael Topper




Article – Laura Knight-Jadczyk



Michael Topper on Stalking

This is drawn from a series of articles written by a fellow named Michael Topper, who uses the nom de plume “Marshall Telemachus” or even “Mother Terasu” and others. After producing a great deal of material, most of which was published by Val Valerian in his series of Matrix books, he sort of disappeared from the scene.

The series is long and complex, and the complex language usage makes it almost inaccessible to the average reader. I am sure that this was intended, because it is hard work to read it. There is no free lunch in the universe. In this series, he gives away incredible secrets of reality; but you still have to work to “get it.”

I have here synopsized and condensed a portion of two sections of this series with great effort to assure that I have retained the content intact.


Precis on The Good and The Evil

by Michael Topper


Excerpts from an article in which Topper discusses the higher realms in terms of economy! We thus see the Hermetic connection: As above, so below, and vice versa. We can surmise the agenda above, by observing the dynamics below! [Edited for clarity and brevity]

In the case of both positive and negative beings of 4th Density, the negotiable currency of their transactions is a bio-psychic energy; the mode of both is accumulation, in the sense of storing and putting such biopsychic energy-capital to work in powering or transforming the centers toward deeper integration and functional unity.


Due to the character of our traditional spiritual and esoteric teachings, we may have a conceptual difficulty understanding how a being of a higher density manages to acquire its status without benefit of any basic heart-development.


Positive beings at 4th density have achieved the necessary intensity and developmental alignment through conscious decisions based on recognition of the abstract propriety of identifiable divine law. […] Such beings display a recognizably “scientific” approach to spiritual considerations; they openly regard Divine Light as a mensurable magnitude. […] Their apparent “coldness” or objectivity is only apparent. They register the distress of others and modify their approach accordingly. […] One need only compare the behavior of truly negative beings to appreciate the difference. In the famous account of Whitley Strieber [there is] an adequate example. […]


In Strieber’s account, we witness the astonishing effort to transmute those horrific experiences into a positive outline. Thus Strieber, with almost excruciating transparency invokes the standard “humanistic” saw to the effect that dichotomies of good-and-evil are too simplistic and medieval, truth always being some “gray” blend of opposites; in this way he shields from himself the obvious implications of his ongoing ordeal.


But more importantly, he demonstrates to perfection the procedure of how one “falls into the hands” of the Negative Beings and, by the denial mechanism of 3rd density psychology, creates the belief that “good” things, developmental things, positively proceed from such ordeals. […]


His conclusions, his distillates of what he’s learned, insist almost schizophrenically that these entities must in some way have the “good of mankind” at heart, but that through the apparent terrorism of their utterly unworldly appearance and vile behavior they function something on the order of “cosmic zen masters,” taking a stick to our stubborn skulls. […] As “proof” of the actually liberating work they’re performing, Strieber invokes the fact that owing to his jarring experiences he’s “come loose” and is able to sample in waking consciousness the phenomenon of astral travel.


Strieber’s inventory of “positive side effects” on the whole describe a definitive list of what would be characterized as distinct inroads in the Negative program of conquest and ultimate Soul-capture. Like diabolical chessmen, Strieber inadvertently shows that the “space beings” have maneuvered and bullied his thoroughly beleaguered psyche into actively choosing the hypothesis with which they’ve implicitly enveloped him. […]


In further “defending” his tormentors and interpreting their tactics as a strict but ultimately benevolent discipline, Strieber helpfully displays for us one of the common vulnerabilities on which the Negative tactics count, a kind of hook upon which the Soul is sure to be snagged: the persistent intellectual pride which refuses to be counseled when the counsel seems to touch too close to truth; for any suggestion that his entities are plain evil – that he might be being deceived – seems to cause him to clutch his experiences the more covetously, and guard his interpretation jealously from any who might have a revealing word. He proclaims over and again that no one can explain his experiences to him since they’re uniquely his, that anyone with another interpretation ipso facto has an ax to grind; and finally, his intellectual superiority makes him uniquely qualified to pioneer this field which he acknowledges sharing with other “abductees,” inferentially not so well qualified.

In other words, he invokes the ever popular “its MY truth!”

It is this type of rationalization and self-protective recoil upon which the Negative design counts. It is these psychological properties of 3rd density consciousness which serve all too predictably to convert scenarios of coercion into full volitional acceptance.[Stockholm Syndrome] [Strieber] accepts and defends in full Will, like a snapping terrier protecting its bone against all comers; and that is too bad, because by his own account and according to his public history he is a man of gentle instinct and kind, overtly benevolent traits. […]


The natural question to ask is how, considering factors such as “karma” and psychic “laws” of like attracting like, etc, that an apparently positively-inclined personality such as Strieber should be caught up in the net of Negativity which he details? Isn’t his tendency toward “goodness” enough? Is there some unknown element involved in all this which accounts for the seeming collapse of protection that ought to surround a “good man?” […]


In Transformation Strieber recounts the otherworldly interdiction whereby a “voice” bade him refrain forever from sweets, his one true vice. Addicted as he was, Strieber couldn’t stop, even though the “beings” engineered circumstances so as to bombard him with dire implications. As a result, one evening he is visited by a malevolent presence which he himself – as always – describes best, i.e. as “monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be.” Again, “the sense of being infested was powerful and awful. It was as if the whole house were full of filthy, stinking insects the size of tigers.” The entity, rising up beside his bed like a “huge, predatory spider,” places something at his forehead and with an electric tingle he is “transported” to a dungeon-like place where his attention is fixed upon a scene of excruciating torture. The victim, a normal looking though quite naked man, is being whipped to shreds amidst agonized screams by a cowled figure. His “entity” explains to him that “he failed to get you to obey him and now he must bear the consequences.” This disclosure is followed by a very interesting and significant “assurance” that “it isn’t real, Whitty, it isn’t real.” […]


The purpose of soothing Strieber with such assurance as to the ultimate unreality of the convincing scene experienced, should be familiar to anyone who’s heard of the torture tactics employed in any good Banana Republic (i.e. those in which the victim is subjected to excruciating pain on the one hand while being simultaneously stroked and reassured on the other, often by the same party). The object is to elicit the full cooperation of the victim under duress, by making him instinctively gravitate toward the implicit salvation extended through the “motherly” touch demonstrated in that schizoid Grasp. […]


Indeed, Strieber proves himself the compliant guinea pig; even having been told that it’s all a thought form, his compassion for the unsuccessful “bidder” persists so that finally he collapses into repentant love for the very roaches that bedevil him. “Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the ugliness and the terrible things that had been done, I found myself longing for them, missing them! How was this possible?” Again, “I regretted the contempt I had shown for its [the other reality’s] needs and its laws and felt a desperate desire to make amends. […] I had felt a pain greater than the pain of punishment. It was the pain of their love… I had the sense that they had on my behalf turned away from perfect love, and that they had done this to help me. […] I suspect that the ugliness I had seen last night was not them, but me. I was so ashamed of myself that I almost retched.”


Giving Love to such a being is a yielding to the Negative requirements.


Should there remain any reluctance to grasp this point, or some desire to conserve the liberal-humanistic proposal to which Strieber often turns (i.e. to call such things truly Negative or Evil is “simplistic,” you know) we find a passage in the Ra Material, that anticipates Strieber’s account by years and furnishes a framework before the fact, which not only fits the Strieber-entities’ behaviors like a key in a lock, but gives us a needed perspective of evaluation.


On page 21 of Volume III, The Law of One, the Ra entity characterizes a prototypical tactic of the [4th Density STS], that of “bidding.” “Bidding” is described in such a way to make it clear that Strieber’s experience represents a concrete instance of the phenomenon.


“Bidding” is a contest of will, rendering the consciousness that obeys into enslavement through its own free will. It is a command of obedience, precisely such as that issued without explanation against Strieber’s lust for sweets. It’s sole purpose is to bend the subject into accepting the command, the actual content of the order being largely beside the point. […] To possess a legion of servants in this way is an actual nourishment to the centers and systems of 4th density; a kind of “food-chain pyramid.” […]


Thus we find the Strieber entity virtually paraphrasing the earlier Ra recitation of the modus operandi that identifies the Negative beings – the failure to exact obedience bears punishable consequence. It is a continuing illustration of the way in which the Negative polarity extorts the desired obedience – and thus soul capture – through manipulation of Love.

The higher density positive entities are light beings. The higher density negative entities are “light eaters.” Love is light is knowledge. When they induce belief against what is objectively true, they have “eaten” the light-knowledge of the person who has chosen blind belief over fact! When you believe a lie, you have allowed the eating of your energy of awareness! When you do not take the time and trouble to check things out for yourself, to do the research, to compare, to network, to get a consensus, you have given away your power. You have failed in the creative act of learning.

Such beings are associated with darkness because the light- knowledge is drawn into the cavernous “black hole” of their congenital emptiness. […] All the massive, cosmic project they are engaged in in full consciousness and on the grand scale, is ultimately a means of “cornering the market” on energy, monopolizing all the known fields of light or light potential. The expanding order they attempt to impose, the totalitarian control over increasingly large numbers they attempt to exert, is the fantastical and internally self-contradictory project of coercing everything in creation to work for them, to cultivate and keep the fields of their energy-reserves and to furnish self-replenishing “herds” of emotional source-nutriment which can be converted into useful energy or light-capital. Since the negative beings can’t generate an important light-energy source themselves, they they use the reserves of the beings effectually harnessed in thrall to them. […]

There is an immediate psychic bond produced by belief. There is an instantaneous linkage and interpenetration with the individual who has chosen to believe a lie. The higher-dimensional beings have subtle, vertical filamental axes fixed on human beings. Those subtle nerve-networks process radiant-energy values, drawn in through the etheric “chakras” of the higher-dimensional systems, represented by the pineal/pituitary glands.

The network of the STS hierarchy extends in myriad psychic webs of specialized powers, forces and functions like a voracious Net flung across the heaven of stars, the sum energy comprising the group consciousness of that net redounds to the basic benefit of the Being at the apex of the control pyramid. This apex is composed of the most persistently negative being – the one who has stuck it out against all evidence of progressively-diminishing returns. This being can be described as the Desolate One, a being who most directly embodies and promotes the ultimate negative objective.

The consciousness of that being is literally fed and magnified by the number and relative strength of the subordinate souls who have been voluntarily subsumed to the network. The greater the development of the psychic potentials of the individual who has been co-opted, the more “energy” he contributes to the whole system. The more psychic energy available to the “Commander” of the negative soul hierarchy, the greater his effective power to co-opt even more potent and more difficult to capture souls.

The “contributions of consciousness” consist effectively of the energy a soul would otherwise utilize to encompass objective knowledge. Each time they choose a lie over the effort required to dig down to the truth, or the effort required to adjust their own psyche to adapt to Truth, that “love” energy is effectively transferred to the individual who is producing the lie in which they are believing without effort on their part to ascertain its truth for themselves.

Since the flow of contributions is a vertically-hierarchic flow, it may be seen that development of the mechanical psychic “food pump” – the opening and development of the vital-psychic powers of the field troops – contributes energy-sums upwardly to the “cortical” station occupied by the Commander, and serve to literally amplify the Intelligence, the effective Presence of Wisdom (negatively influenced in this case). The use of chemicals to achieve higher states of awareness, especially those related to the Pineal gland – the “outflow valve,” are emphasized in the teachings of the negative hierarchy.


The subordinates of the negative hierarchy are all connected like tiers of an immense structure, functioning as regimented extensions and mind/body “parts” – organs and processes serving the negative agenda from their respective levels – of the Overarching Apex, the “Eye of the Pyramid.” The beings at the different tiers do not perceive the object of the Ultimate Objective because it is a characteristic of the Negative hierarchy to deliberately mask and distort that which is higher and more comprehensive from that which is lower and more “specialized.”


In the positive realms, it is more intrinsically possible for the lower levels to perceive the objective and functions of the higher levels with a minimum of distortion because of the characteristic of the Positive realms to share and exchange rather than producing a one way channel of energies to the top, so to say.

As far as the beings of the lower levels of the STS hierarchy are aware, their objective is to crystallize under artificial pressure of economics, a global power elite structure of indigenous and alien beings that will completely dominate the earth and its inhabitants, thus making it a captured negative resource to “feed” the hierarchy.

This is what the 4th density STS beings perceive. This is their goal. This is all they know: ruthlessness and domination, power and control. The REAL objective is, of course, concealed from them. The even higher density tiers of the Negative hierarchy deliberately distort and mask the character of their objectives from the lower planes of “subordinate functionaries” that are viewed by them as a regimented machinery of beings serving as expendable cogs in an Engine of Conquest.

At the highest levels, the objective is to convert all energies and specialized powers of the negative troops into potable information patterns of a far-flung Matrix contributing to the knowledge amplification and awareness of they pyramidal generals, commanders, and overlords. The fruits of those energies and powers of the “pawns” in terms of actual ground gained, real elements subdued, contributes to the progressive compounding of highly integral control for the very topmost echelon of the Negative hierarchy, enabling them to even further expand the field that comes under their regulatory jurisdiction, thereby ensuring progressively more voluminous “farms” of energy-nutriment on which to vampirically suckle.


There is a consequence to this one sided intake of Light energy, and that consequence is only progressively manifested in the higher densities.


At 3rd density, the process of perception is a continuous two-way circulation of light values transmitting noetic patterns of the environment through the locus corresponding to the pineal-pituitary glands. Coded light values charged with the psychic imprint of Nature come in and and are “mixed” with the radiant energy substances taken in through food and other sensory impressions. These light values generally are taken in via the sensory system and are transmitted out via the Pineal gland with the “charge” of the “identity impressions” of the individual. As a rule, there is a lot of waste because of the comparatively low body/mind integration.


In order to move to the higher order of circulating and incorporating Light with greater efficiency, purer impressions are required. “Purer” means more objective. The less “twist” or “spin” put on the light impression by the receiving entity, the purer it is. This purity or objectivity of impressions is optimized in correspondence to a deep, unitive apprehension of consciousness.

This term “unitive,” does not mean that the “other” is perceived exactly AS self, but rather that all others are perceived as light-energy units to be conserved, aligned, balanced, and part of a whole structure, rather than something to be consumed in a one-way discharge to a single typology. This “unitive consciousness” promotes the cognitive field of the Whole-being, as being wholly of value through all patterns and forms. It perceives the sum of the different identities as possessing an AXIS of Conscious Identity, expressed by endless forms of existence/creation.

It is thus an ecstatic, celebration of the congruence of Love without any desire or need to “possess” or “eat” or force a “one way flow” of being or to “become One” The positive forces, the STO beings at higher levels are actively working to sustain the Creative fields toward achievement of the positive Logoic purpose which is the realization of Absolute Consciousness under all conditions and in all forms. Diversity is promoted and celebrated.

However, the Negative hierarchy is oriented toward the consuming of radiant light energy in a one way flow: to “Become One.” The progressive power that devolves from the “capture” and incorporation or radiant-light sources serves to feed and enhance an exclusive subjectivity of consciousness since the effort is toward the subordination of all things to the magnified narcissism belonging to devout ego consciousness.

At the higher levels, the absorptive framework of self-enhanced ego consciousness takes on a severe functional contraction and effective withdrawal from interest/involvement in the created fields of being, maintaining a minimalist interaction with only its closest contacts in the pyramid.


Thus, the negative being of higher densities takes on the configuration of a forebodingly lonely presence, lurking in caves and desolate grottos of the astrophysical realms. It becomes a fiercely mental entity of 5th density power-knowledge, possessing the proverbial basilisk gaze and only turning the stream of its attention “away” from that intensified/contractile self absorption toward the created worlds in token deference of the need to canalize the funneling food source – sucking vitality from the extravagances and pastimes comprising the follies of the created worlds, imbibing the “light units” to insure the uninterrupted power that it needs, the inconceivable “wattage” required, to maintain that monumental self-absorption and narcissistic self-luminance of the negative Ego-postulate – the Anti-Logos, the Selfness of Consciousness.


So it is that the Anti-Logos cannot simply withdraw from the worlds of creation – it must absorb them into itself – it feels the necessity of undoing creation – it NEEDS that energy to fuel its infinite self-contemplation.


This is the Ultimate Objective of the Being at the apex of the pyramidal food chain. And this is why its agenda is masked in the lower levels of the hierarchy. Until such lower level negative beings have consumed sufficient energy – a sort of critical mass – to trigger the implosion of such extraordinary self concentration, they are only interested in destroying that which resists their domination and preserving a vital minimum of captured resources so as to possess an ongoing supply of nutriment. They wish to control, or freeze the rate of planetary destruction and disintegration so as to technically conserve the intelligent life-form in a tractable state so as to render it a good “servant.”

The Objective – the ultimate total destruction that is desired by the Being at the Apex – the total consumption of even it’s minions – is masked from the higher density negative beings below it. The lower levels may “feel” or “sense” the looming black hole of absolute annihilation as they mount through the hierarchy, but the immediate pleasures of their feeding-frenzies keep them occupied, reinforcing the discouragement of the idea of looking any deeper into the Heart of Darkness proclaiming its gospel of Onenee and which has no qualms about making food out of even THEM!

Because the STO contingent honors and conserves the realization of consciousness in all forms and under all conditions, it has greater resources to sustain creation. It has access to an even more powerful allegiance of unified conscious resolve and collective intent so that the negative hierarchy is met with resistance at every turn. And this STO resistance is a great deal more in harmony and alignment with the Logoic pattern so that it possesses the sum value of the Creative as Its enforcement.

The negative hierarchy, however, because of its intrinsic nature, must “borrow” the creative extensions and waking tools-of-being as much as anything or anyone else while, at the same time, being antagonistic toward them! In short, its intrinsic nature is that of self-loathing from which it must continually flee, requiring more and more energy to protect it from its own “truth.”

However, all of this is the Theological Reality of the hyperdimensional game of chess being played on our planet. When, as it occasionally does, the Negative hierarchy succeeds in conquering a planet or even a galaxy, it only accomplishes this by a long cerebral tournament of moves and countermoves, plays of the most subtle and surreptitious type in which the idea is always to draw on the given, positive elements and attributes of the gameboard and progressively co-opt them, slyly compromise their positive effectiveness and gradually integrate their characteristic moves to deviant patterns secretly optimizing the negative potential – either neutralizing their positive effectiveness, or actually “taking-them-over” by progressive, imperceptible distortions of the straight-and-true alignment until they add their own dimension of deliberate of conscious negativity to the overall strategic setup.

The Negative forces can demonstrate remarkably far-sighted restraint. If one group has been effectively captured and could be completely annihilated, instead, the game will be preserved with the conquerors holding their positions intact, poised to parlay their gains into even greater negative glory of “galactic conquest.” This is just superior strategy, trying to include as much as can be included at once so that a comparatively larger portion of the multidimensional cosmos can be wiped out in the twinkling of an eye.

What we find, at the end, is that the STS consciousness MUST subtract Love from the equation. It is only through a lack of love that an individual is moved to suppress or control or convert another person.

Love expresses the eternal condition that, within the unqualified identity of the Absolute, ALL qualifications are allowed by largesse of Unlimited Potential.

Love is the Power of the Absolute that makes It Absolute and unqualified by permitting even the apparent antithesis of the STS hierarchy.

Reality in its fullness, by its very nature, surpasses the STS hierarchy in an ultimate sense. The STO perspective pairs Love with Infinite Potential – the endlessly proliferating properties of Creation in all its forms and varieties. The STO perspective celebrates differences in form, while acknowledging identity in consciousness.

And it is for this reason that the STS hierarchy is “bitter” toward Love: because Love allows and accepts that attention can be shared and STS craves exclusivity.

Love is that which moves out into the multiplying streams of Creative potential, all the while retaining that awareness of the dawn state of infinite possibility – non-anticipation.

Love is that which knows that no matter how many times the Logos is subdivided or multiplied, it remains intact.

Love is consciousness that knows it may be provisionally focused on chosen delimiting attributes, but it also knows that it is never diminished.

But the STS hierarchy sees this Creative Expression as a “flirtatious wanton” whoring after other “gods.” It sees its job as “arresting” the indiscriminate proliferation and freedom granting bounty of Love. It wishes to “capture” the Mother, to keep her under lock-and-key, to utilize her power by appropriating her means, mimicking their actions and functions while strategically altering them and incorporating them into a restricted simulacrum suited to its own ends.

STS forces, remember, have no power of creativity; they cannot generate work of their own. They need the power of the Mother to do that. That is why they capture women with power, keep them half-alive so as to maintain a minimal continuity of creative interaction and the suitable production of form.

It is through tailored regulation of Loves’ forms that STS intelligence derives the means of coercing soul-energy into converting abstract-conscious capital to specific psychic and emotional coinage. And it is through the cumulative psychic and emotional energy that the STS forces hope to obtain the energy-keys to timelocks and spatial corridors of even richer and still-virgin terrains, portions of the cosmos intact with creative life, ripe for plunder and privileged profit.

And we see that the ultimate aim of the STS hierarchy, is to MASTER creative energy. To assimilate it to the self, to deprive others of it by inducing them to believe lies about “becoming One.” Because, when you believe the lie of the STS deceiver, you have given him control of your Free Will – the essence of Creativity.

The planetary entity is the focal point of a specific density of mind/body interaction. At certain cosmic moments, or “crossroads,” such a planetary entity may be scheduled to polarize into a higher density. The Negative hierarchy sees this as a “ripe moment” to induce that polarization to take place negatively so that the planetary entity will participate wholly in the Negative 4th density reality – the Oneness – rather than the Positive reality of diversity and creative expansion. Negatively polarized beings require a negatively polarized planetary base from which to function, just as higher-density positive beings need positively polarized planetary bases.

The Hermetic maxim again: Economics of light energy above, and economics of control of minds and will below. They want to use humanity’s own creative energy to “lock” our planet under their domination.


Click her for Part 2.

The Positive/Negative Realms of Higher Densities

by Michael Topper



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