by The New Agora | Apr 25, 2023 | The New Agora
Disinformation and the State: The Aptly Named RESTRICT Act by Ryan Turnipseed, Mises Institute The RESTRICT Act (Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act) has...
by NewNow | Apr 16, 2023 | Open Forum
Is The White Light of the NDE An Artificial Intelligence or Hive Mind Computer? by Wayne Bush, NOTE: My intention in this article is not to generate fear, but to provide information to help one better understand options at death. My...
by The New Agora | Sep 9, 2022 | The New Agora
Cheating the Ferryman: A New Paradigm of Existence? BY ANTHONY PEAKE Get the issue this article appears in From New Dawn Special Issue 14 (Dec 2010) What happens when we die? This is the ultimate question and one that we still have...
by The New Agora | Jun 7, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities Revisiting Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth BY RICHARD SMOLEY From New Dawn 144 (May-June 2014) Perhaps myth first arose out of the answers parents give to their children’s questions. Many of these are...
by The New Agora | May 29, 2021 | Shifting Realities, SuperConscious Realities
‘Toxic Prayer’, Be Careful What You Ask For ARCHONS, OVERLORDS & MAGICK By Richard Smoley From New Dawn 114 (May-June 2009) “…The chief thing to remember is not to fear. Fear is a negative emotion and weakens you far...