Spiritual Emergence

Spiritual Emergence

  Spiritual Emergence   By Paul Levy   In 1981 I was sitting in meditation when, just for an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind. I began acting so unlike my normal self that a friend brought me to a hospital, afraid I was going crazy....
Not That Kind of Mom

Not That Kind of Mom

Not That Kind of Mom   This post will be a little different, because I want to talk about something that will surely earn some hate mail. If you’re a mom with school-aged kids, and if you’re sick of being bossed around by out-of-control social engineers, this one...
Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms   ‘Fear is the deadliest assassin; it does not kill, but it keeps you from living.’ Popular Saying The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains thirty articles. Nine of those articles directly state the word ‘freedom.’ We therefore expect...