NOW Optimized for all forms of applicable devices and media, visually more fun and certainly user friendly, enhanced for both our readers and advertisers, with tons of information and endless room for growth.

We can now help many of our valued participators, old and new, reach the entire world via our home page banner advertising, as well as throughout the many pages of the entire website.

With our new modernized capacity for immediacy and relevance, we wish to offer those first willing to support us greater and continued value.

We’re looking forward to doing good business with you.

Please contact us anytime for full details tailored to your requirements!


Fully Supported and Interactive New NOW Business Hubs NOW Available!


With Home Page Banner – Article Support – Viewership and

E-blast Contact Privileges

Please Contact Us for Full Details – Weekly Posting Potential Included

Many Options Available

Or call 604-259-9366 and leave a message

No Obligation – Let’s Grow Together!




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