Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness. Our Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!



Psychedelics Don’t Create Hallucinations, They Are Portals to Another Realm

    Psychedelics Don't Create Hallucinations, They Are Portals to Another Realm     Andrew M. Weisse   Welcome to The Psychedelic Blog. I write about the Impact of Psychedelics on Grieving, Relationships, Culture, and Death. This week, I’m debunking the notion that Psychedelic experiences are merely hallucinations. They’re not. They’re portals to another realm. Let’s dive in.   “Life is infinitely stranger than anything...

The Power to Gather OUR Intelligent Resources

The Power to Gather OUR Intelligent Resources     Saying and doing are about as far apart as watching the pretty girl or handsome guy on tv get kissed, or doing the kissing. Words are easy, words are wind, it is in the actions we see, we get what we send.   Of course, many may enjoy the cerebral games of thought, played internally with self, giving the answers as only your past can see them, in that, anything you can think of,...

Most Everything is Faked-It’s All a Lie by Makie Freeman

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing....

Rene Guenon, Antichrist, & the Digital Deception

Rene Guenon, Antichrist, & the Digital Deception   By Jim Brandon From New Dawn 199 (Jul-Aug 2023) It is in the work of a French-born writer on philosophy and Eastern religions that we find a truly panoramic overview of the deep-running problems that are coming to a head today. Rene Guenon (1886-1945) was a French metaphysician, writer, and editor responsible for laying the metaphysical groundwork for the Traditionalist or Perennialist...

Spiritual Emergence

  Spiritual Emergence   By Paul Levy   In 1981 I was sitting in meditation when, just for an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind. I began acting so unlike my normal self that a friend brought me to a hospital, afraid I was going crazy. Though I was let out of that hospital after three days, the experiences that began to unfold were so overwhelming that I was hospitalized a number of other times during that first...

Normal Unfreedoms by Kingsley L. Dennis

Normal Unfreedoms   ‘Fear is the deadliest assassin; it does not kill, but it keeps you from living.’ Popular Saying The Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains thirty articles. Nine of those articles directly state the word ‘freedom.’ We therefore expect that a range of freedoms are our basic human rights. We consider ourselves as ‘free’ and independent individuals. And ever since the rise of complex societies we’ve been trying our...

Start Life All Over by Vernon Howard

  Start Life All Over   Now we have the greatest story ever told to humanity because it's a story about you as an individual, as a man or woman here on earth. If you don't like the chapters in your personal novel, you can toss it all out, leave it back where it belongs in ancient history, and get a fresh pen, and start your life story all over. You must not allow the subtle and cunning power of past history in your personal life to...

Gods of the Bible: A New Interpretation

Gods of the Bible:   A New Interpretation of the Bible Reveals the Oldest Secret in History   By Mauro Biglino    I can’t help but think of how it all began. As I write at my desk, I have in front of me the first printed copy of Gods of the Bible, first on top of a tall pile of books, block notes, and paper sheets. Such crumbling towers take up most of the desk. My books and those of others form a chaos of overlapping memories...

What is Shadow Work?

What is Shadow Work? By Max Lowen   Photo by David Werbrouck on Unsplash   Shadow work or Inner work consists of healing and integrating our traumas, subconscious programming and shadow parts in order to rise above our limitations and become united with our higher selves.   Life on this planet has been inverted, distorted and poisoned by dark forces and none of us emerges into adulthood without wounds. We are not able to reach...

The Tyranny of the Dead

www.agoristnexus.com The Tyranny of the Dead   By Storm Delagora, 2021   Who makes the laws? Who controls us today? Who decides what we can and cannot do? The answer is simple: the government, obviously. But this simple and accurate answer is also misleading. It allows for some equivocation. What is the government after all? In the fields of political science and political philosophy, it is that entity that claims a monopoly right on...

“There is a spiritual law which is entitled ‘The Law of Spiritual Individual Growth.’

There is a spiritual law which is entitled:     'The Law of Spiritual Individual Growth.'   By Vernon Howard   "There is a spiritual law which is entitled 'The Law of Spiritual Individual Growth.' Every human being who comes into this world is under that law. The very act of entering this world places you under the law, which means that we are put here to do something different with our level, to raise it, to be a different...

A Voyage into a Complete Unknown Known by Edward Curtin

A Voyage into a Complete Unknown Known. by Edward Curtin   An Absurdist Review   “Every time I ask what time it is, I get a different answer” – Henny Youngman   I don’t know about you, but I find some movies useful and even entertaining because, like dreams, they exercise my imagination. They project onto my mind horizon-framed memories, my soul into a visual brigantine seeking its Ithaca where I will finally open my eyes and...

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What Can ‘You’ Control?

What Can ‘You’ Control?

What Can ‘You’ Control?     By Tom Bunzel “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will". -Epictetus   This is one of my favorite reminders to reduce stress. But it brings up the inevitable question – what is...

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The Existential Paradox

The Existential Paradox

The Existential Paradox   By Gary Z. McGee   “The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” ~Epicurus   The existential paradox, in essence, is the tension between the human search for meaning and the apparent meaninglessness of the universe. Humans inherently seek...

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Our New Hub:  good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop  a true Human Evolution.


Forever Free by Picking Up Speed

Forever Free by Picking Up Speed

Picking Up Speed   By Lorenzo   Picking up speed, practically speaking, is more about dropping need than any outward seeking.   After all, we all know, heavy loads make slow roads. So drop needing and stop the bleeding.   Take an inventory, a life-size effort of study...

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Not That Kind of Mom

Not That Kind of Mom

Not That Kind of Mom   This post will be a little different, because I want to talk about something that will surely earn some hate mail. If you’re a mom with school-aged kids, and if you’re sick of being bossed around by out-of-control social engineers, this one is for you. According to...

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Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization

Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization

Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization   by Johnny Hawke   Your Indigenous Role Model, Premier Wab Kinew on Jan 15, 2025 acknowledged the Provinces have Allodial Title to all the Lands and Resources while sitting with the Prime Minister and other Premiers in regards to CANADA's response to...

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