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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
What Can ‘You’ Control?
What Can ‘You’ Control? By Tom Bunzel “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will". -Epictetus This is one of my favorite reminders to reduce stress. But it brings up the inevitable question – what is...
FEAR FACTOR: The Tyranny Of Modern Scientism – By Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null
FEAR FACTOR: The Tyranny Of Modern Scientism – By Richard Gale & Dr. Gary Null Source – lewrockwell.com “…If anyone doubts that the Inquisition was only a dark anomaly in western history when the Church and superstitions reigned, and that our “enlightened”...
Aleister Crowley & UFOs: Did Occultists Open an Interdimensional Portal?
Aleister Crowley & UFOs: Did Occultists Open An Interdimensional Portal? Five years ago, in 2017, the New York Times broke the story on a black-budget Pentagon program tasked with investigating UFOs. Since then, a steady stream of photos and videos have been leaked...
Musicalizing Existence – the Scalar Musician -II. the Sacred Anatomy of Creation
Musicalizing Existence – the Scalar Musician Kit Walker Music a 5th Density Approach to the Study and Practice of Music kitwalkermusic.wordpress.com II. the Sacred Anatomy of Creation the Body is the Instrument The first change of perspective that we must allow is that as musicians,...
Is 2025 to be the Year that Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth?
Is 2025 to be the Year that Billionaires, Bandits and the Blind Rule the Earth? By Julian Rose In an age of gross materialism the grossest materialists are set to grab the helm and steer the world according to the view they see from their gilded thrones. ...
The Existential Paradox
The Existential Paradox By Gary Z. McGee “The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.” ~Epicurus The existential paradox, in essence, is the tension between the human search for meaning and the apparent meaninglessness of the universe. Humans inherently seek...
Forever Free – Finding Your Real Self – Testimonial and Ch-alice Art Gallery
Forever Free - Finding Your Real Self - Testimonial and Ch-alice Art Gallery My 10 week journey with Lorenzo and Cambell By Antonia X Cambell and Lorenzo take no prisoners. They are not here to gain your servitude they are here to set you free. The journey I...
Forever Free by Picking Up Speed
Picking Up Speed By Lorenzo Picking up speed, practically speaking, is more about dropping need than any outward seeking. After all, we all know, heavy loads make slow roads. So drop needing and stop the bleeding. Take an inventory, a life-size effort of study...
Not That Kind of Mom
Not That Kind of Mom This post will be a little different, because I want to talk about something that will surely earn some hate mail. If you’re a mom with school-aged kids, and if you’re sick of being bossed around by out-of-control social engineers, this one is for you. According to...
One Year, Two Freakouts: Notes From The Trenches Of Educational Restoration
One Year, Two Freakouts: Notes From The Trenches Of Educational Restoration By John Coleman You’d never have me for a P.R. man. Once I taught at another school, St. Esau’s Academy. Those years were the subject of my latest book, An Excess Of Love (2024). Children...
Pearls Before Swine: Where Pedagogy, Naturism, & Fantasy Collide
Pearls Before Swine: Where Pedagogy, Naturism, & Fantasy Collide “Shhhh, I’ve a secret for you. Nudism in the classroom is a concept meant to draw out everyone’s social and personal baggage. In this one topic is a world. As I’ve neuroticaly meditated this past year,...
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization by Johnny Hawke Your Indigenous Role Model, Premier Wab Kinew on Jan 15, 2025 acknowledged the Provinces have Allodial Title to all the Lands and Resources while sitting with the Prime Minister and other Premiers in regards to CANADA's response to...