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Worlds Collide, New Solutions and Perspectives are Forged in the Furnace of Impeccable Necessity.
Frequency of the Flow
Frequency of the Flow by Iam Saums “We exist in a paradigm of singularity.” Singularity Stigmata When we are born, we transition from a universal soul of infinite energy into a human being. Beyond the magic and mystery of childbirth, we overlook the devolution...
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks
The Mask That Out-masks All Masks “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” ~Oscar Wilde If the Self is defined as ‘masks all the way down perceiving delusions all the way up,’ then the mask that out-masks all...
COINCIDENCE? POISONOUS VENOM SIDE EFFECTS NEARLY IDENTICAL TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE EVENTS By S.D. Wells Yes, Big Pharma uses deadly venom from poisonous animals to make prescription medications. This has been covered by...
Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins
Synchronicity: Meaning and Quantum Origins montalk.net (Video of transcript found below) Let’s talk about synchronicities, why they happen, and what they mean. A synchronicity, or synch for short, is a strange coincidence that you’re meant to notice. Carl Jung defined them as...
A History of Psychotronic Weaponry
A History of Psychotronic Weaponry by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post The remote, physical manipulation of humans is another scientific area that holds tremendous potential (good or bad) for life on this planet, but is recognized little and understood even less....
False ‘Patriotism,’ and Recruiting Human Fodder for Killing
The U.S. Military, False 'Patriotism,' and Recruiting Human Fodder for Killing: Let it Wither and Die By Gary D. Barnett "Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder." ~...
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization
Wab Kinew cosigns on Colonization by Johnny Hawke Your Indigenous Role Model, Premier Wab Kinew on Jan 15, 2025 acknowledged the Provinces have Allodial Title to all the Lands and Resources while sitting with the Prime Minister and other Premiers in regards to CANADA's response to...
Coming To Terms: Starting Our Nudist School Journey
Starting Our Nudist School Journey Let us come to terms upon starting out. Yes, without the slightest stutter or whisper or blush, I advocate that families ought to ease themselves into clothes-free living; that this will form deep bonds between parent and child; that...
Defenders of the Land
Defenders of the Land By Sandra Bruderer · Dac, Splitting the Sky John Boncore Hill, worked relentlessly to get this video out to the media to show the world who we were and to prevent an imminent slaughter as the RCMP and Military mounted an all out assault against us in...
Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society
Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society It's time to get physically, emotionally, and spiritually nude! In this reading from Pearls Before Swine: Nudism, Education, & The High Trust Society author John Coleman challenges us doff all the social larding we pick up via...
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III
Sex, Truth, and Masculinity Part III This essay gets personal. My intention is to show the great value of moving from labels for ourselves and each other to living from the essence that we all share. I want my experience to be a window that you can look through and see for yourself...
The Donaldiad: What Really Happened When Trump Down Wot Escalator (teaser)
The Donaldiad: What Really Happened When Trump Down Wot Escalator (teaser) Description - In this teaser poem you will learn something of what REALLY happened when Donald J. Trump, the once and future president of the UNITED STATES organization, descended down wot...