Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance   By Kit Walker   I’m wondering if maybe it’s time to stop conflating money with abundance. I see so many books, workshops, articles out there about how to attract more abundance in your life, and the assumption is...
There Is Nothing to Worry About

There Is Nothing to Worry About

  There Is Nothing to Worry About     A plimsoll line runs all around the lower part of the hull of the ship, very clear to see. And it has a very practical purpose, which is simply so that captain and crew do not overload the ship.   You already...
Solutocracy – A Way to Govern

Solutocracy – A Way to Govern

  Solutocracy – A Way to Govern     Again, I am offering, with additional thoughts, the content of a video I created. I have been speaking of a solutocracy for a long while and many People have asked Me what a solutocracy is. In this article, I...
The Occult Tesla Part 11

The Occult Tesla Part 11

The Occult Tesla Part 11       Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research       In the last chapter of the series Occult Tesla, you were introduced to the figure of Sir William Crookes, Tesla mentor, Rosicrucian high priest and...
Money… Do We Need It?

Money… Do We Need It?

Money… Do We Need It?       A look at the pitfalls of money use, and societies that had none – and why.     So Many believe that societies all have used some form of money – whether trade/barter, shells, beads, sticks notched and split,...
Yeshua was a Shaman

Yeshua was a Shaman

Yeshua was a Shaman   Putting aside the things that Christ, was crucified for – which were sorcery, blasphemy and sedition, according to the Babylonian Talmud, Jesus of Nazareth:     “On the eve of Passover, Jesus the Nazarene was hanged and a herald...
The Passing of ‘QuietBear’

The Passing of ‘QuietBear’

The Passing of QuietBear       It is with a world of grief in heart and soul that I must share that the demonic cancer which attacked my Bear, Michael Gibbons, finally won against his heroically courageous battle against it, on the morning of May 18,...
Give Hate a Chance

Give Hate a Chance

Give Hate a Chance     You don’t have to like anything       “We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes.” – Paul Laurence Dunbar     I’ve been ruminating on hate a lot...