Encouraging The Evolution of Consciousness. Our Nexus is dedicated to health, truth and above all Freedom!



Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance

Time is Money / Eternity is Abundance   By Kit Walker   I'm wondering if maybe it’s time to stop conflating money with abundance. I see so many books, workshops, articles out there about how to attract more abundance in your life, and the assumption is always there, that this means attracting more money. I guess the idea is, that if you have more money, then you will be able to do whatever you want, and then you’ll be happy.  ...

There Is Nothing to Worry About

  There Is Nothing to Worry About     A plimsoll line runs all around the lower part of the hull of the ship, very clear to see. And it has a very practical purpose, which is simply so that captain and crew do not overload the ship.   You already know what I'm talking about, don't you? Useless, dangerous cargoes. Your life was meant to carry only that which is necessary for a safe voyage and one that arrives where it's...

There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral Government, Rule, or Authority, and There Has Never Been

There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral   Government, Rule, or Authority,   and There Has Never Been       “The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of “government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to “rule,” (“authority”) there is no need to call...

Solutocracy – A Way to Govern

  Solutocracy - A Way to Govern     Again, I am offering, with additional thoughts, the content of a video I created. I have been speaking of a solutocracy for a long while and many People have asked Me what a solutocracy is. In this article, I hope to clarify.   First, I want address why I call it “demo(n)cracy.” The “demon” part comes from the fact that if enough People want to take what Others own, They can “vote” to do...

The Occult Tesla Part 11

The Occult Tesla Part 11       Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research       In the last chapter of the series Occult Tesla, you were introduced to the figure of Sir William Crookes, Tesla mentor, Rosicrucian high priest and popularizer of occultism who rose to the ranks of most powerful scientist of the British Empire when he was elected President of the British Royal Society in 1913.   In that...

Money… Do We Need It?

Money… Do We Need It?       A look at the pitfalls of money use, and societies that had none - and why.     So Many believe that societies all have used some form of money – whether trade/barter, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, metals, paper, or electronic bits. But in fact, where societies arose in abundance – where everything They needed was there for the taking – no money arose.   Why? Because money, at...

Yeshua was a Shaman

Yeshua was a Shaman   Putting aside the things that Christ, was crucified for – which were sorcery, blasphemy and sedition, according to the Babylonian Talmud, Jesus of Nazareth:     “On the eve of Passover, Jesus the Nazarene was hanged and a herald went forth before him forty days heralding, “Jesus the Nazarene is going forth to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and instigated and seduced Israel to idolatry. Whoever knows...

The Passing of ‘QuietBear’

The Passing of QuietBear       It is with a world of grief in heart and soul that I must share that the demonic cancer which attacked my Bear, Michael Gibbons, finally won against his heroically courageous battle against it, on the morning of May 18, 2024, when he finally crossed over, back to the Spiritual Realm from which we all came. Please, any of you who experienced and benefited from his beautiful spiritual guidance and...

Give Hate a Chance

Give Hate a Chance     You don't have to like anything       "We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes." - Paul Laurence Dunbar     I’ve been ruminating on hate a lot recently.   We live in a culture where half the human experience is ruthlessly suppressed. You are scarcely allowed to express how you truly feel about something if it's negative.   This is...

Jesus, Save Me From Your Followers!

  Jesus, Save Me From Your Followers!       By Bernhard Guenther   The rise of a dogmatic neo-Christian conservative/trad movement resembles, in some ways, the fundamentalist medieval Christian Church that resulted in the burning of so-called “witches” and the killing of millions of “sinners” who didn’t follow “the rules of God.”   It deems anything that is not “Christian” [in their own subjective and often literal...

The Shadow of the Human Psyche

The Shadow of the Human Psyche     A guest post by Colin E. Davis     These last six months have been a treat. Two books have come to my attention citing Political Ponerology. The first was Arthur Versluis’s American Gnosis: Political Religion and Transcendence. The second is Colin E. Davis’s Transforming Darkness: A Shadow Work Toolkit for the Red Pilled Initiate, which was published just last month. Both utilize...

Hikikomori and Lying Flat: When “Making It” Becomes Hopeless

  Hikikomori and Lying Flat:   When "Making It" Becomes Hopeless       No wonder so many people devote themselves to curating an artificial digital representation of themselves that they reckon is worthy of recognition and status.   What does it take to "make it" in today's economy? As described in Withdrawing from the Rat Race Is Going Global, the world has changed in fundamental ways that have made it much more...

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The Experience of Transcendence

The Experience of Transcendence

    The Experience of Transcendence     “Life is the lie we delude ourselves with to evade our soul.”     A Vision of Transcendence   We are eternal beings.  Yet, we rarely embody our existence as a soul, or as an expression of the universe.  Beyond our body and...

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The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita

The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita

The Meaning of Peace in the Bhagavad Gita       The superb Sanskrit text, The Bhagavad Gita, is an amazing guide and in my view the ultimate “user's manual” for the human adventure. This ancient text is a dialogue between two mighty heroes: Krishna and Arjuna. Krishna represents the...

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God Killer

God Killer

God Killer       “Beware the man who would kill a god, the choir whispers, for he will never know peace, and he will drag the whole universe into war to keep him merry company along the way. He will stand before the throne, look the void in the eye, and laugh.” ~Okayophelia  ...

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How Grounding Heals EMF damage

How Grounding Heals EMF damage

How Grounding Heals EMF damage   How to treat EMF Radiation - Part 3     Roman S Shapoval In the coming weeks, I’ll be doing a series on what strategies we can apply to mitigate EMF damage that’s already occurred.* This is part 3. *Future articles will also focus on how to...

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Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom     by JOHN W. WHITEHEAD   “Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher John W....

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Our New Hub:  good people doing good things for good reasons, with community at its heart and love leading the way: encouraging voices of human freedom, working to develop  a true Human Evolution.


Walking into the “Big Boys Club”

Walking into the “Big Boys Club”

   Walking into the “Big Boys Club”   in Ottawa April 23, 2013     By Candace Hill   “What is Big is small, what is small is BIG”   I have never shared my story publicly of the events that played out while in Ottawa. I had hoped to meet with the Minister of Health, which...

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Cosmic Cleansing

Cosmic Cleansing

Mark Carter's - Ascension Intention-From Shadow to Light!     Cosmic Cleansing       Greetings, readers!   If you're at all like me, you may have been noticing a recent acceleration and intensification of Energy/Light waves in your body, accompanied by greater...

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Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture

Digging out after the Rapture     ''From the rapture to solar eclipses, better grab that shovel and dig deep for the truth. I would say, don't trust any but self and recall the best of all ways is to be Autodidactic!''             Alright, lots to explore,...

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HELP QUIET BEAR BEAT CANCER!       We are asking for help for Michael Gibbons, whose spiritual shamanic name is QuietBear. QuietBear has been in service to humanity and Mother Earth all of his life. By the time he was eighteen, he had saved four lives, served as a volunteer Fireman,...

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The Revival of Wisdom

The Revival of Wisdom

The Revival of Wisdom     By Clinton     If you take a few steps back and look at the bigger picture you may see that there are many similarities and correlations between religions, cultures and even scientific disciplines. Is it possible that many of the religions and cultural...

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