Holistic Life Coaching (Lv. 4 PGDip – NCP Accredited)
Integrative Counselling (CPCAB Lv. 2 & 3)
Holistic Swedish Massage (ITEC Lv. 3 Dip)
Advanced & Deep Tissue Massage (Dip)
Psychology & Criminology BSc (hons)
My Journey
Welcome. Great to have you here on my page! My name is William, and I help people leave external saviour programmes and cults, being part of many for a good seven years of my life. I do not see these as wasted years, as I gained invaluable wisdom through direct experience. No textbook can teach you those lessons! Through freeing myself, I intend to free others along the way. As a result, I offer assistance to my clients by working with them to heal the “I am not enough” wound, thus restoring a sense of personal empowerment.
I have seen many different systems and “containers” that do not work, such as mental health systems, science and academia, New Age communities, militant vegan/carnivore communes and so on and so forth.. And despite working in health and wellbeing for almost ten years, I feel I am at the beginning of my journey into “absolute truth”, and “awakening from the false awakening”. I have a lot to offer those like me – good people with good intentions, who put their faith in false idols, who became intoxicated with an external saviour programme to the point where they lost their sense of self, their sense of truth and integrity, of personal power and agency.
We have all been trained from a young age that “experts”, gurus and external authorities know more about our minds, bodies and spirits than we do ourselves. Now is the time to relinquish this notion that we need something greater than ourselves, something to lean on. This does not mean we can’t seek support from one another, but it must be facilitated in a way that encourages and emphasises personal responsibility and sovereignty first and foremost. The true “gnosis” – knowledge or knowing – must come from within. We can, in turn, discover our true creator essence by sharing with one another and learning through gentle enquiry and guidance and collaboration/co-creation, rather than giving our power away.
One must first understand that we are the most powerful creative force on this planet. If we do not know who we truly are, then we are not able to achieve our full potential. Only when one is tested will they know who they truly are. I do believe that we are victims as long as we are being fooled. As long as we do not know who we truly are. Therefore, in order to leave the web of deceit, you have to make a commitment to become sovereign, to see the tricks for what they are. And thus build a better life, by choosing to face reality. Only then can you move into a state of personal empowerment by becoming your own “guru”.
So if you are just waking up to the many layers of deception that exist within this Matrix, and want to discover the REAL you, this is the place to be.

Calling In Balance: New Age Versus ex-New Age Extremes By William Emmerson
Calling In Balance: New Age Versus ex-New Age Extremes By William Emmerson Cover Image Credit: Mark Olivier Intent of writing What is stronger than fear? I’d say hope… You see, hope can be one of the most powerful motivating forces that awakens an...
Philosophy: Why I Have a Hub in this Lovely Community.
This hub manifested from me stepping up and sharing my personal truth, despite immense fear. It provided me with a perfect opportunity to share my message with the right people who are just starting to awaken from the false awakening and the many traps – the New Age, psychological operations, controlled opposition etc. It was proof for me that when we do things that terrify us, that which we avoid out of discomfort, we can trigger a huge awakening within.. In other words, success follows once we become “real” with ourselves, and can present our truth to the world.
Collaboration and co-creation is my philosophy. Your success and happiness is my success and happiness. I want to create a new way of being, working together in a safe container where anything is possible.
I am using this hub as a way to grow my online presence, and spread a message of unity and togetherness. In order to help people break out of their deep-seated delusions, so they can live a life of freedom, and stop giving their power away to external movements, ideologies, authority figures etc. By coming together and sharing our own personal experience and struggles from the heart, in a constructive way, we can bring about the deepest and most powerful change. Sometimes this may take a little guidance.
I ask for an open mind and a willingness to delve deeper into all the areas of your life in which you may have been deceived or misled. We will then explore how this has manifested in your life – as a coping mechanism, as a way to avoid taking responsibility, as a way to remain in a state of comfort or ignorance. I am looking for souls who are ready to truly progress in this Earthly realm.
In our sessions we will:
– Connect to your own energy and the energy of nature alone (nothing external).
– Heal the “I am not enough” wound.
– Reflect on your cult-ural programming using a life review to ascertain how you ended up in that position and how you can leave and become free.
– Find practical and effective solutions to remedy the situation at hand.
Co-Creation, Collaborative Opportunities:
If you would like to collaborate together then please do reach out.. If you have anything to share about your own experience regarding leaving cults/external saviour programmes, let’s meet to discuss and create something beautiful which can Empower others who also lost their way to the cult-ure of the Matrix/Archonic brainwashing. This can include written interviews and recorded video interviews which will be presented on this channel.
1-1 Sessions:
I offer guided sessions within a flexible coaching framework, tailored to your needs and goals. Intended to help you take back your personal power and understand who you truly are.
For 1-1 sessions I offer a £55/$60 exchange for a 60 minute session.
***For a longer term coaching package please enquire***
Consulting process:
Offering a gift of a 30 minute micro-session to discuss goals, hopes and expectations, and so that you can experience what working together would look like.


Here is what class attendees are saying…
“I found William’s style really warm, laid back and kind. I felt that he acknowledged my feelings and validated them. He was positive and reassuring and gentle. Basically just so lovely! I felt a real connection with him, and a sense of trust, and I believed him when he was positive about my ability to change. I now have a new-found sense of self esteem and a belief that I am able to take my life in the direction I choose. A sense of power even!”
“I’ve never felt as understood or as positive about the future as I have from these sessions. I think the combination of exploring the reasons behind my behaviour, my past, personality and current situation to come up with practical solutions is what makes the coaching work so powerful.”
“The sessions ended extremely well with William helping me sum up where I am now, and what my longer-term goals and actions will be as a consequence. I left with a much greater sense of clarity, and therefore am much better placed to evaluate my decisions within this context. Thank you, William.”
“I think William is a fantastic coach. I love his balance of listening and calmness with focus and incisiveness, making the sessions a pleasure to experience and purposeful in their intent.”