About Us
Our Online Magazine is dedicated to our readers’ health, happiness, wealth and above all Freedom. Always Encouraging the Evolution of Consciousness. Beyond all limits.
The New Agora has always been a way to research and explore Life, while communicating what we felt was useful, vital and important information for our readers, viewers and participators of all kinds. We’ve always intended and worked towards creating for ourselves a strong and loving independence, walking a path of sovereignty, all the while accepting the responsibilities of sharing that with the World.
With over a decade of printing our New Agora Newspaper to The New Agora Online, the main theme of our lives and our work has been and always will be, Freedom. A path for Sovereign beings available to any and all, but one that can only be made real for oneself.
We’ve been asked plenty of times, what it is we do and why we are doing it? Questions worth pondering for any of us. Honestly and simply put, we work to help ourselves and others gain the traction and build the momentum to build abundant, happy, healthy and loving lives. Nothing simple or easy about that, at least not so far, but we have found, from trial and error and a willingness to put in the effort, that authenticity grows results in making the best of us come forward and manifest.
Perhaps our main ‘claim to fame’, certainly one hard fought, is our learned skill to see through, sift and navigate our way between truthful authentic and inauthentic information, products, services, claims, movements, healers and the like, and thereby share helpful means for others to help themselves to a better more free life.
Freedom is free, but the efforts are huge. Hard work, true seeing, honest evaluations of both yourself and your business are required, for not only one’s personal growth and happiness but also to do well with us and in the community of Life. After so many years, and now, approximately half a million views per month and growing strong, we continue to feel a responsibility, not only to inform, encourage and facilitate our readers’ self-empowerment, but to always do so with integrity, truth and the courage demanded of us from the Time’s in which we live, this is also true of the people and businesses that becomes a part of this Agora in which together we create our New Now.
About our New Agora virtual magazine
We are publishing exclusive, often under-exposed, at times revolutionary, unique and helpful information each day. Gathering contributors from many different walks of life yet all sharing an intent for freedom.
From educators to healers, birth & life advisors, to freedom fighters, shamans, homesteaders, wild crafters, supplement creators & providers, visionaries, innovators of all kinds, inventors and so on, all with the goal of self-empowerment and human liberation and excellence.
Transitioning to being entirely online after so many years in print leaves us with the challenge of standing out in a field of what has now become a veritable tsunami of truth tellers called to action by the interesting times in which we live.
As happy as we are to add our voice to the chorus of human freedom we are diligently working to develop, express and share our own unique bloom in what is fast becoming a true Human evolution born of necessity..
About our Advertisers
Authors, Healers, Scientists and Inventors, Pioneers of all kinds, Retreats, Practitioners covering the spectrum of Arts: Healing and otherwise, Cannabis and Mushroom Supplements, EMF blockers, Earthing Companies, Detox Products, Organic Foods, Clothing, Building and Growing and other Self-Sustaining Technologies, Energy Sources, Building Supplies and Techniques and More.
Health Food stores, (Brave) Cannabis Stores, Growers and Manufacturing Companies, Vitamin and Metaphysical Stores, Hydroponic and Green Growing Supplies and Outlets, Healthy Products of all kinds, Healers, Psychics, Shamans, Visionaries and Simple, yet important, Organic Food Retailers, Unique Bookstores, Clinics and Studios.
About our Readers and Viewers
Over the many years of face to face meetings, through the hundreds of live events we’ve personally attended, we happily discovered our readers to be intelligent, active, of all ranges though often of higher income, always with a dedication to personal health and sovereignty. From young people lead by their curiosity and desirous of alternatives, to older folks with the drive and resources to implement change in their lives. Currently, as our major efforts have had to focus entirely online thanks to these ‘interesting times’ of ours and the challenges inherent in still standing for Truth in an era of fear and censorship, it appears the median age exactly that, with new parents seeing their responsibilities grow and having to make harder choices to help raise free, healthy, strong and intelligent children. Many are creative, authors, artists, inventors, homesteaders, self-taught and ‘out of the box’ thinkers’. They are aware, often outspoken, involved, community-minded, inquisitive, and generally of high integrity.
Lorenzo, G.M – Bio
Artist, Content Creator, General Manager of The New Agora Online and the upcoming New Now Magazine and Co-Producer of our Freedom NOW Festival. From Stockbroker to Seer, Painter and Poet, always learning about life, mostly understanding how much there’s left to discover. Co-Author/Creator of illustrated tales for evolution: Our Mirificent (To Cause Wonder) Trilogy-The Rabbit of Dream, The Chicken of Freedom and our third one, still in the works. Producer of New NOW Content and Big Lover of Good Fruit and a Happy, Kind and Funny Life.
Open to questions and Suggestions. More Business Stats Available on Requests.
Cheers, H.L. Malowane. 604-259-9366 lorenzo@newagora.ca
Working together our successes becomes exponential in its growth.
Join us today as we get ready to ‘take over our worlds’ and help the best of us to the best life possible!
We’re happy to discuss the details.
The New Now Hub
At its core our hub is where good people doing good things for good reasons share.
Simple and effective, we’ve been working to connect intelligent and loving people to their ‘personal power’ for more than three decades.
Now we can plug you and your hub into our full range of world-wide contacts.
The best markets are those where there is a common goal of success assuring everyone is doing the best they can for everyone involved. We intent to facilitate such a market.
– Business Hub Pages
– Please Contact Us for Details
Hub Page Potential
Your hub page will be an ideal place for posting any created content: be it podcasts or videos, articles, art, music, calls to actions, advertisements, related, merchandise, services, fund raising, affiliates and the like.
All new content will, at first, be shared on our Hub Carousel Home page and then once that exposure time is over, permanently parked on your hub page for any to view moving forward.
Your new content, events and calls to action may be included in our e-blasts which go out, at least, weekly. Our email list is now 6,000+ and Growing Daily
We are in the process of setting up regular ‘town hall’ zoom calls (meet and greet and share).
Future online events are also in the works.
Home Page Exposure Assistance and Benefits
- Hub exposure to daily traffic generated by our New Agora online magazine. 25,000+ Monthly – Over 5 minutes Average/Visit – Highly Helpful
- We will facilitate personal and business connections that are mutually beneficial. Video and article Creations Assistance.
- Further exposure through synergistic ‘shout outs’ on our various Video Channels, websites, podcasts, social media, live event media and the like.
- Equally important, we will make personal introductions from the day to day interactions you and others have through this shared and growing community network. 6300+ and Growing E-Blast – E-Mail List! 800,000 Page Hits Monthly!
Hub Set Directions
-a quick conversation to determine the ‘overall feel’, direction and intent for your hub
-full assistance in creating you Hub Banner Image or Logo with a Short Catchphrase and/or calls to action
-as desired: headshot, and/or images and/or photos, and/or Logos, related to your hub.
-a bio, some background on you/and/or you business.
-you may share links, contact info, sales, products, related videos and articles.
As We Grow
We know, all too well, how difficult these times are and how important it is for many of us to develop new ways to connect and generate currency, both financial and vis-a-vis popularity.
Please consider your new hub with us the beginning of a platform where we can all interact, grow, share and connect to enhance the integrity, success and overall good quality of life everyone of good character appreciates.
Through networking and the helpful benefits of this ‘self-supporting’ system, soon to be a fully interactive platform, you can be a part of our growing community dedicated to the mutual benefit of all.
Once we’ve reached our present capacity threshold, as well as finishing setting up our Store, the Hub will be moved to its own platform to continue growing and to better sustain and protect any uncensored content and free thinking expressions in general.
To Get Your Own Hub or For More Info: info@newagora.ca

Our Past in Print: Here you’ll find all our past issues of The New Agora in Print. Free for you to enjoy. Great stuff, amazingly still relevant and basically timeless. Cheers!
Agorizmo: Where Elect to Govern Yourself meets Truth is Our Currency. Fredalupe’s The New Agora Collected Print Editorials 2011-2019.