By: Beth Perera ©

All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

Positively Plants

Fuel For a Healthier Life

mobile: (802) 342-2946  “text is best”

About Beth:


I ate everything for the first 47 years of my life until I had a health crisis. Arthritis supposedly “ran in my family,” but what I soon discovered was that it was cheese that ran in the family. I eliminated dairy products, and within several months, my joint pain was gone. Why doesn’t everyone know this?! I purged my kitchen of animal products and went on an educational binge. Skinny Bitch, then The China Study, then the film Forks Over Knives. I collected certifications in everything plant-based: Food For Life, diet & lifestyle intervention. Then I dove into teaching folks why to eat this way and how to cook healthy plant-based meals.  Tons of junk food is “vegan.” We’re talking about healthy, whole plant foods. And the perfect beverage – pure water.


A plant-based dietary lifestyle can offer you immeasurable benefits, while keeping meals colorful, tasty, simple and interesting. Come along… walk down this path with me. You have nothing to lose but pounds, pills & procedures. I’m now 61 and weigh just 10 pounds more than I did when I was 21. I live off-grid, carry all my drinking and cooking water 300’ uphill from my stream. You’re never too old to create new good habits. Discover the other side, the green side, the Positively Plant-based side of health.

Class offerings from Beth Perera of PositivelyPlants for Jan-April 2023

Class offerings for Jan-April 2023 by Beth Perera   Eating Plant-Based for a Healthier Life … and because plants are plentiful and delicious! Instructor: Beth Perera with PositvelyPlants Knowledgeable in Plant-Based Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle Intervention...

What is your centerpiece?

What is your Centerpiece?   Eat as if your life depends on it, because it does. By Beth Perera©, PositivelyPlants     We are already half way through November, unbelievably, so it's time to start planning for holiday get togethers. When we plan any sort...

Take Care of your Heart

Take Care of your Heart.  Eat as if your life depends on it, because it does.   By Beth Perera©, PositivelyPlants         Heart disease is epidemic in the Western world. Some of you have the scars of bypass surgery already. You are the lucky...
“One-hour video interview of Beth Perera with PositivelyPlants on
plant-based nutrition and eating plant-based. Co-Host is Vanessa
Avant-gard and Host is Graham Deyea. June 2021. The first hour is the
interview, followed by Q & A.”
PositivelyPlants nutrition/wellness classes with Beth: live for up to 16 people to include cooking a heavy sampling of 2 recipes, or via zoom. Discussion, videos, books, books, books…


Food Is Medicine: Introductory presentation – Food is the #1 cause of disease, disability, and death in the U.S., yet nutrition is not taught in most medical schools. Join me to learn the facts about food, our healthcare system, and how we can all benefit from the Power of Plants. Donations accepted.


  1. Heart Health: our #1 killer is heart disease, yet solutions have been known for decades.
  2. Diet for Diabetes: it’s not about sugar! Type 2 is often reversible; Type 1 diabetics can drastically reduce the amount of insulin needed.
  3. Cancer Prevention & Survival: learn which common cancers are strongly diet related & how not to become part of the statistics.
  4. Diet & Dementia/Avoiding Alzheimer’s: what’s good for your heart is good for your brain!
  5. Gut Health: Meet Your Microbiome – foods & habits that feed the good guys & boost immunity.
  6. Healthy Weight Loss: no calorie counting, no portion control when you eat the right stuff.

[Group Wellness Program – includes all of the above (6-week series)]


Cost: $40 per person for live classes; $20 per person for zoom classes.

Payment via PayPal

Monetary payments are accepted as well as trades and other offerings:
I will trade my classes for classes offered by others; I will accept 1 silver dollar as payment; I will also accept firewood, unscented tea light candles, or plant-based canned or dry foods. These exchanges can be done in-people locally, or we can arrange delivery. I’m open to other ideas as well… the more people who get this information, the better.


Contact me for my recommended list of books and documentaries. Email me your questions and phone number, and I’ll text or call you.

Beth Perera ©

Positively Plants

Fuel For a Healthier Life


Here is what class attendees are saying…

 “This course should be offered in all high schools & colleges & to all family practice doctors.”


“This course was way more than I had hoped for. Beth shared ideas, info, videos, books with good cheer and wisdom. YES, Everyone should take this course.”


“Beth has a lot of energy. She is SO present, she is fun – great sense of humor, she is well informed. I can’t think up one thing I’d change!! Truly, she gets an A+ from me. She is living what she’s teaching. An excellent example.”   ~ Anonymous, 3 class attendees from OSHER@Dartmouth spring 2018 classes


Great class, and great resource for our community! My husband is a physician and he will be strongly recommending this class to ALL his patients! ”  ~ Trish K., Rutland, VT


“I’ve lost 36 pounds effortlessly since I took this class with you. And I don’t miss the meat. Doing well with it.”  ~ Pat J., Pittsford, VT


 [ Numerous more testimonials available upon request.]