Class offerings for Jan-April 2023

by Beth Perera


Eating Plant-Based for a Healthier Life

… and because plants are plentiful and delicious!

Instructor: Beth Perera with PositvelyPlants

  • Knowledgeable in Plant-Based Nutrition, Diet & Lifestyle Intervention
  • Former Food For Life instructor with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
  • Over 10 years of teaching experience

Beth ate everything until she experienced serious health issues. She read everything she could get her hands on and successfully reversed her painful conditions by switching to a plant-based diet over 11 years ago. Beth was amazed at how rapidly “food as medicine” worked and became passionate about teaching this information to others.

This 8-week course will focus on why and how to eat a whole-food, plant-based diet, covering heart health, type 2 diabetes, cancer prevention and survival, avoiding Alzheimer’s Disease, gut health-your microbiome/foods that boost immunity, and reaching an ideal natural weight without counting calories, carbs, portion control, without tracking points or worries about protein. Two optional classes will be documentary screenings (weeks 4 and 8).

Included will be discussion, short video segments from leading experts in this field, plus live cooking demonstrations with heavy sampling. Beth will share numerous books and other resources along the way. Classes are appropriate for teens & adults.

Dates for classes:

 (3 Homestead Way Richmond, Maine 04357)


  1. Hearth Health: Saturday, January 7; 2-4pm

  2. Diet for Diabetes: Sunday, January 22; 11 am – 1pm

  3. Cancer Prevention & Survival: Saturday, February 4; 2-4pm

  4. Documentary screening of What The Health: Sunday, February 19, 11-1

  5. Healthy Weight Loss: Saturday, March 4; 2-4pm

  6. Gut Health/Meet Your Microbiome: Sunday, March 19; 11 am – 1pm

  7. Avoiding Alzheimer’s/Diet for Dementia: Saturday, April 1; 2-4pm

  8. Documentary screening of Eating You Alive: Sunday, April 16; 11am – 1pm

Contact Beth to reserve your seat.


Text: 802/342-2946; email: [email protected]


A suggested donation of $150 for the class series ($25 per class where food is served).
Attendees can bring their own plant-based snacks to the two documentary screenings.
Barter and trade options welcome (your services, firewood, silver dollars).
Please make your reservation by January 2nd, so the menu for our first class can be finalized.