🌱 What are your seeds for the future?

by Soniko Waira


Now more than ever, our Mother Earth needs Visionary people dreaming of the new ways for a joyful empowered future.

It’s 2020, a new year, a new decade.

I feel very excited because I see the whole world changing so fast!

My heart is filled with hope because I know we carry powerful seeds for our future.

Huyayay human being, it’s time to wake up and remember!

There’s this little-known thing called learning to be human.

Do you know what it means?

Everyone’s talking about visionary processes to help the individual find a purpose that gives direction to their lives, right?

We all know that you can’t be happy if you’re out of balance. But what almost no one understands about visionary processes for self-empowerment is the concept of learning to be human.

It’s not making vision boards and hoping for the best outcome that helps you create a fulfilling purposeful life, in harmony with Pachamama: it’s learning and practicing the original teachings from Mother Earth. And that can happen anywhere, even if you are living in the city within the current system, as long as you’re also living a meaningful, conscious indigenous culture.

Here’s the TRUTH!

Most people in the modern world are feeling lost, walking through life without a sense of purpose to guide them towards a meaningful fulfilling life. Why?

Because we don’t have a clear direction for our journey and feel disconnected from the natural world; and because we don’t know how to access these valuable indigenous teachings to help us gain a clear sense of identity, related to who we are as people in the world.

The good news is that these teachings that have been kept safe and alive for thousands of years by indigenous wisdom keepers of traditional cultures from all around the world, now are being shared with anyone who is ready to listen with an open heart and mind. Because this wisdom is very needed if we want to survive.

Because it’s time to remember how to thrive in this beautiful playground!

At this time, there is an emergence of magic and conscious-healing that is awakening the world, and we are realizing that the path to change starts within; by investing our heart into manifesting our dreams and by becoming active agents of transformation, co-creating together a modern indigenous tribe of people of may colours.

But it can not be done if we are still walking all alone… Remember this;

A dream you dream alone is just a dream

A dream you dream together becomes your reality!”


Imagine What Life Would Be Like When You Manifest The Life You Envision.

Waking up every morning feeling inspired and empowered to be the best human you can be. Daring to be joyful. Serving in ways that bring you joy

Focused on the important things that make you grow as an individual and as a community member. Monitoring your impact on others.

Feeling really good about developing, cultivating, maximizing and sharing your talents, skills, strengths and unique gifts for the world.

What are you doing when you make the biggest difference? Do more of that!

Know yourself – Bring yourself.

Knowing that your actions are planting the seeds for a harmonious future, creating your legacy. Doing what matters now!

If you still are not clear about what is your seed for the future, reflect on these questions.


WHY you came here?

How will the world be a better place because you were in it?

What lessons would you like to pass on to future generations?

How do you want to be remembered?


The answer to these questions, That’s your seed!

I believe it’s super important that we humans connect with our sacred vision to get inspired to empower ourselves to transform our lives, co-creating a beautifully harmonious experience with confidence, sharing our gifts and talents with passion.

Because we’re all here to express life and ourselves to the fullest of our potentials.

Because we’re here to 🔥 LOVE with no limits ❤️”

If you are reading this, perhaps you are ready to connect with your sacred vision and you’re ready to create a Heart Map that will help you get there fast…

I can definitely help you with that!

If YOU resonate and connect with this message and are ready to give birth to your seed, I encourage you to start your HeartQuest!

WHY? Because you’re ready to be free!

WHEN? Every new moon we gather a new group of visionary artists of their own path… The next group starts on Jan 24!


Your mission, if you so choose to accept…

✅ STEP #1. You must commit to this process & to yourselfand then DECIDE from your heart to change, so you can create the life you dream of.


✅ STEP #2. Complete my free video training “Awakening the visionary human”


>>>> Start your HeartQuest today >>>>





✅ STEP #3. Once you finish the first training; follow the steps to register for “The Power of a Seed” online workshop that will give you the exact steps to improve the quality of your life in 14 days.


Are you ready to change and improve the quality of your life?

Are you ready to be free?


Huyayay human being… Huyayay!



About Soniko Waira:

Father, Artist, Musician and Visionary,

walking the sacred path of “the awakened human”.

“I believe we humans are here to remember how to walk a path of beauty, in service to Mother Earth and all life”.

I help visionary artists and conscious entrepreneurs improve the quality of their lives in holistic ways using powerful indigenous wisdom and modern mind techniques, so they can do the same for their communities and the world.


Read more: seed.heartmapexperience.org/meet-soniko


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