By Phillip J. Watt
Waking Times
If you still think that Western Governments aren’t controlled by a shadow order, such as the banking dynasty and other special interests, then you’re still an engineered advocate for the control system.
In fact, many of your beliefs about the world are most likely false. No matter if you look at your philosophical or systemic beliefs, you’ve been purposely dumbed down by the matrix media to endorse a series of false narratives that perpetuate a system designed for the benefit of a few.
You’re not alone though, so don’t freak out; most politicians, doctors, teachers, academics, journalists and fellow human beings are not aware of their own perceptual and economic enslavement too. Once you truly accept that the beliefs you have are either inaccurate or incomplete, you then need to begin a process of reprogramming yourself to awaken to the deeper truths of your world (like all of us need to do).
And it’s easy too, once you put your pride to the side.
From this point, this article will number some of the bigger pictures that you personally need to investigate to come to your own well-informed opinion. This will not be a ‘this way or the highway’approach; it is more of a guide to encourage its readers to do their own follow up research.
In addition, please be reminded that the mainstream media – which besides the monetary system is the primary mechanism of control – should NOT be relied on as a bearer of truth because it is more a reflection of the social engineering agendas that characterise living in this day and age. Alternatively, if you want to come to a perspective that is more closely aligned to the truth, then you have no option but to navigate the independent channels that feature the growing number of independent journalists.
Good luck though; it’s a mind-field.
1.) Your Controllers
There are many secret societies and elite think-tanks who are accused of having primary control of the world. There are many families who are accused of the same. There are also three ideologies that are primarily mentioned when discussing the shadow power structure, namely the Zionists, the Jesuits and the Khazarian Mafia.
Yet regardless of where our personal research leads in terms of who the so-called elite are, it’s unlikely that we’re ever going to expose the individuals behind the curtain. Seriously, we could argue all day about who is really in control – and each show evidence to support our claim – yet it doesn’t achieve what we actually need to do.
That doesn’t mean that we ignore the amounting evidence of who is who, but the fact remains that the monetary system and the banking institutions, as well as politics in general, are primarily controlled by this oligarchical power structure. And because they control how money is ‘created’ in society, they also secretly govern the way in which society is organised.
What matters is that we band together and say NO to this system of control and begin to retake our money supply so that we can collectively design the way in which we move forward into our future, both economically and socially. For a simple but confronting video that demonstrates how the money supply is controlled in the US (as well as most of the world), watch this short documentary by Mike Maloney, ‘The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – Who Owns The Federal Reserve?’:
2.) Your Enslavement
As eloquently evidenced by the above video, the 99.9% are enslaved economically. In this or another form, it has been the case for most of our recorded history. Some people also convincingly argue that money itself is a form of enslavement, which will be elaborated on later in this article.
In any case, with the rise of the uniting global culture (fuelled by the instantaneous sharing of information via the world-wide web), we now have a genuine shot at ending our economic enslavement by taking back the innate rights we share to be sovereign beings within sovereign communities.
The reality is however, the governments of the world have not yet taken this monetary control system seriously and are therefore conduits for this agenda. They should of course be employees of the people to ensure that their true needs are met, but this has simply not occurred. The ironic aspect is that most political, military and police personnel, as well as academics and other influential figures, just don’t understand that they themselves are outright facilitating the expansion of this cancerous system.
For more, watch the following short video by Larken Rose called, ‘The Jones Plantation’. It is a metaphorical reflection on the evolution of slavery”:
3.) Your Human Identity Versus Your Legal Identity
Did you know that your birth certificate is a contract with a corporation masquerading as a government? This legal identity is called a Strawman, whilst your flesh and blood identity is called a Freeman. Instead of reinventing the wheel, simply watch this short mind-blowing clip for more:
4.) Your Future
The way it unfolds for humanity really is up to the people, not their so-called controllers. Why? Because our actions inevitably determine our destiny.
The unfortunate reality we now face is more war. With the oligarchs continuing to provoke those nations opposed to their hegemony – such as Russia, China and other BRICS countries – World War 3 is becoming increasingly likely. If you’re not up to speed with this dangerous geopolitical chess game, listen to a recent interview of former US Assistant Treasury Secretary, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:
If we stand back and do nothing, they’ll continue to employ their carnage to achieve their agenda of aNew World Order. Don’t believe that’s their plan? Listen to their own quotes:
You might ask, what’s wrong with a global governance? The answer is simple: tyranny. When you have that much centralisation of power, it will always be corrupted to benefit those who control it. Just look at where we’ve arrived today and it is easy to understand that power needs to be decentralised, and then relocalised, for most decision-making to occur at the community level.
Of course it’s sensible to have global agreements – such as intelligent and ethical ways to manage nuclear power and weaponry, as well as environmental and other concerns – but governments (and their growing self-imposed mandates) has stopped working for the benefit of the people, so imagine the difficulty of doing it on a planetary scale.
With the right safeguards, however, this can and will be reinstated on national and local scales in a decentralised and restricted way.
Many groups argue for removing the government entirely, but that’s missing the point, because it will expose us to the same threats. We need to have a mechanism which ensures the protection of our rights and the protection of the environment. Without this mechanism, other tyrannies and monopolies will always arise, ending with the impediment of our basic human rights. It really is that simple.
Therefore, the governmental structure needs to be cleansed of its infiltration by the oligarchs and other systemic corruption, and then restructured to fulfill its original purpose. Bruce Lipton in this quick video explains how the government is like the central nervous system for the cells of the body and to remove this instrument, and not just its corruption, is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater:
As an example of what changes need to occur in the policies of governments, read ‘Governments, Terrorism, Money, Education and Other Important Discussions‘. In it there are basic examples of the shifts we need to take in terms of monetary, taxation, education, media, energy, health, drug, housing, food, environment, immunisation and sovereignty policy.
For further information on solutions to these and other issues, watch this interview with the President of the Australian Sovereignty Party. If our governments and politicians had the insight, intelligence and morality to undertake such a revolution in their own policy arsenal, then we would literally create a new and improved society within a matter of weeks:
Let’s not forget though that the capitalist model has inherent contradictions that no matter how hard we attempt to flush out inequality in opportunity and the consolidation of power, as well as install the tenets of free market ideology, we still operate within an economy of scarcity which naturally manifests the monopolisation of resources. This means that tools to survive are for sale, which isn’t exactly an ethical approach towards humanity’s future. For a deeper analysis of why capitalism was always doomed to fail, watch this new video at Abby Martin’s ‘Empire Files‘:
So, what do we do about all this mess in the long term? The question naturally becomes: if not an economy of scarcity, then what? The simplest answer is of course an economy of abundance.
This means that currency and money is completely removed and all the materials humanity needs to survive are provided for free. This is really only possible by the automation of jobs by computers, robotics and advanced machinery, but we’re quickly heading in that direction anyway. If individuals want to then thrive, it will be a personal decision, where the opportunity to do so is easily accessible.
There are several different models which have been designed to achieve this, which are best summarised as resource-based economies. The three main angles on this idea are heralded by Michael Tellinger (the Ubuntu Movement), Peter Joseph (Zeitgeist) and Jacque Fresco (The Venus Project). However, Michael Tellinger’s approach is the only one with a political arm and is contesting the Municipal elections in South Africa in 2016.
Therefore, the idea of a resource-based economy does have a chance of becoming a reality in the short-term future, something that is beyond the imagination of most people. Whether or not he is successful, it’s important that we all at least have a basic awareness of what this concept represents. In the following video I interview Michael where he elaborates on the Ubuntu philosophy and how he aims to translate it into practice:
Final Thoughts
Have you ever considered any of the above information? If not, then its a reflection of how much you’re a product of social engineering. Essentially, you think what they want you to think.
It might be tough to hear, but do you want to become a truly independent thinker, or do you want to continue to have your head in the sand? Do you want to be a part of the solution to the woes of the world, or do you want to continue to be part of the problem?
The choice is yours, so choose wisely. Of course the information herein is not designed to dictate your own beliefs, but it is designed to encourage you to question all that you think you know, as well as explore concepts that you’ve never before considered.
Ultimately, we are in control of our future. Because the masses are deeply embedded into the programming of the oligarchs, it’s not looking good in the short term. But it’s not all despair; there continues to be an increasing number of individuals who are disengaging from the lullaby narratives and joining a faction of society who continues to mobilise to take back our self-determination.
And that is none other than our natural right.
Note: Let’s hope this rebellion can unite – no matter the differences in their beliefs about how to move forward – to create a peaceful uprising that ensures the health, happiness and honour of ourselves, and our future generations. Now that’s a revolution worth standing for.
by Phillip J. Watt
March 29, 2016
About the Author
Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. He best identifies as a ‘self-help guide’. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.
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