Revolutionary Water Treatment Allied to New Paradigm in the Biological Sciences

by Liala Ackerman

Water’s true nature has been observed to contain a living crystalline network of molecules. Researchers identified distinguishing characteristics occurring in life supporting natural waters found in its wild state as pure manifestations of Nature’s original grand design, such as in famed healing waters (i.e. Lourdes, Hunza). Actually a gel-like liquid crystal (H3O2), it has been found to reside in only one other place: the body’s healthy cells, and has a distinct unique structure and set of properties referred to as “Structured Water”.


Some of the Characteristic Differences Between Structured Water H302 and Regular Water H20 [1]

Structured Water H302 Regular Water H20
Instantly Hydrating Yes No, cell entry can take days
Zero Point Hydration Yes No
Hydrogen Quality In Perfection Unbalanced
Naturally Alkaline Yes No
Molecular Arrangement Perfectly Aligned Disorganized
Molecule group sizing 5 – 20

meets size limit for cell entry

80 – 100

exceeds size limit for cell entry

Balanced Energies Yes No
Neutralizing Effect on Toxins Yes No

Compared to regular water, Structured Water excels as a detoxifier and as a courier of nutrients and has significantly more:

Negative Hydrogen Ions, Oxygen, Minerals, Electrolytes and Bio-photonic energies

(Bio-photons appear as light in water and are also referred to as “Life Force Energy”).

Structured Water also has a positive effect on energy, oxygenation, and nutrient absorption.

Discoveries about the cell membrane and cellular uptake, indicate the water molecule must have a specific set of physical attributes and a specific pattern of energies in order to be truly beneficial – and not injurious to the human body, vegetation etc.. As expected, Nature-made Structured Water is exactly right for all life on this planet

Bio-water research emphatically underscores the importance of consuming water that is fit for the body. Such as research by University of Washington Bioengineering Professor, Dr. Gerald Pollack. He has worked extensively to investigate the characteristics and behavior of water in biological entities and to share information about Structured Water. [2] Some of his revolutionary conclusions are that:

  1. Water molecules constitute over 99% of the human body’s total molecules;
  2. Cell functioning is tied to the electromagnetic interface between cells and energies of surrounding water molecules.

Researchers have verified that there is an intimate connection between health and the quality of cellular water – whether it is structured or disorganized. In fact, the deterioration of Structured Water in the body has predictive value:

“The feedback loop between the loss of structure in the body’s water and the manifestation and development of disease is no longer theory. Researchers at the University of Southern California have successfully measured disruptions in cell waters that predict pre-pathological conditions – diseases that are undetectable and don’t yet display any symptoms, but which will develop into symptoms over time”. [3]

Research indicates non-natural water treatment processes and modern-day water delivery methods adversely alter the physical and energetic properties of water. Further, that water strives to restore its original structured state and, therefore, leaches from its consumer and from the surrounding environment to repair deficiencies. When deficient water is consumed the body fails to receive the content nature intended and is robbed a second time to compensate for the loss.

In response to diminishing access in modern times to the water Nature intended for life, water researcher and inventor, Clayton M. Nolte, developed and introduced the first Nature-emulating (Biomimetic) water structuring technology for public use. His proven technology is completely Nature driven and, therefore, self-powered and maintenance free. Nolte’s water structuring device spins the liquid in a balanced counter rotating dual-vortex: the action identified in producing Structured Water in Nature. This specific process, whereby Nature restores water’s natural properties and potential and rids water of biologically adverse elements [4], occurs in Nature when water actively descends down a mountain stream, tumbles over rocks, down waterfalls and flows through twists and turns. Nolte’s devices are sold by and are available for a variety of applications from personal and portable to farm and industry, swimming pools, showers, etc.

Nature’s water structuring process has a profoundly different effect on water borne impurities than what is achieved by conventional water purification processes. Those methods seek to remediate by adding or removing “things”, but fail to remove biologically harmful energies that are present in water.

Science has learned that adverse biological effects of toxins are reactions to the toxin’s energy pattern – electromagnetic information, not only the toxin’s physical/chemical matter, and as such their presence and absence are important factors in health.

Water’s potential for carrying toxic energies is immense; for each water molecule has 440,000 storage panels that carry recorded energy patterns (electromagnetic signatures) of everything water contacts in its journey. Further, water molecules maintain the collected energies even after the associated particles or chemicals are gone from the water. [5]

The images below show examples of the usually invisible, radiating energy that emits from all living and non-living things.Images courtesy of IUMAB, International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography

Nature’s water structuring process also impacts matter that is present in the water in a way that disables potential harm. After structuring, physical/chemical matter is rendered energetically inert, non-adherent and non-absorbent. When consumed, the matter passes smoothly through the body and is removed through the body’s elimination system, with zero effect on the body.

Discoveries about bio-water and the properties of Structured Water has upended conventional ideas about cellular activity, memory, consciousness, thought processes ….overall human functioning. The resulting new scientific model sees the human body as a water vessel that is explainable by applying the principles of energy. Further, the body’s water is seen as both a carrier of energies that direct cellular activity and the carrier of the life force energy that fuels DNA. [6][7]

Visit for further details about the properties and benefits of Structured Water, the water structuring devices mentioned here, research findings and more.



[1] See About Structured Water for a more extensive listing of characteristic differences. Information is regularly updated as new findings are published.

[2] To learn more about Dr. Gerald Pollack’s research see:

[3] Carly Nuday, Water Codes, The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment. Amazon Books, 2014

[4] The work of Viktor Schauberger (1885 – 1958) represents the first recorded observations of the mechanisms that produce energized wholly life supporting water in Nature. A collection of his work is available to read and download for free at

[5]See “Your Water Has Memory” the documentary presentation of a 2015 study at the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany. The study produced compelling visual depiction of imprints formed in water by human energies and energies from flowers.

Also see the documentary, “WATER – The Great Mystery” which presents discoveries in Structured Water research in a compilation of interviews with expert scientists and theologians.

[6] Vladimir Voeikov and Konstantin G Korotkov. The Emerging Science of Water. The Biointernet Series eBook Water: ISBN-13: 978-1973736820 ISBN-10: 1973736829.

A comprehensive collection of structured water science findings are examined in relation to spirituality by Carly Nuday, Water Codes, The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment. Amazon Books, 2014

See also Water Memory, the 2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier. The film relates his test of Quantum Field Theory – using water, DNA and energy and the reaction of the established scientific community to his findings and conclusions.

[7] To learn about the emerging scientific view of an electrical universe, view Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie. The movie is produced by a group of Cosmologists, who are also the founders of the Thunderbolt Project (



  • Betterton, Charles. Introduction to Structured Water with Clayton Nolte: Overview of the Health Benefits, Cost Savings and Environmental Advantages of Structured Water. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 16 2011)
  • Emoto, Masuru. Hidden Messages in Water. Atria Books, 2005
  • Nuday, Dr. Carly. Water Codes, The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment. Amazon Books 2014
  • Pollack, Gerald H. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor. Ebner & Sons 2013

Viktor Schauberger Collection.

  • Voeikov,Vladimir, Korotkov, Konstantin G., The Emerging Science of Water. The Biointernet Series eBook Water: ISBN-13: 978-1973736820 ISBN-10: 1973736829. According to the authors, their book was facilitated “through long conversations with eminent scientists: Emilio Del Guidice, Gerald Pollack, Masuru Emoto, Jacques Benveniste, Fritz Popp, Rustum Roy, Harry Schwartz, and many others …Thanks to them, we owe a debt of gratitude for a new vision of nature and life.”

About the author: Liala Ackerman was personally trained by Clayton Nolte, a pioneer in Structured Water technology. She is the owner of Advanced Health Technologies, a distributor for Nolte’s water structuring units since 2009. Visit her website

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