Plan Be
“We are.”
The Edge:
Now that we have been aroused from the slumber of social reality in the wake of rampant animosity, disease, injustice, politics and uprising, our opportunity to turn the antiquated page of human history has come. Over the last year, all of us have been driven to the brink with the threat of social annihilation. Our adrenals, attention, nerves and patience pushed over the edge. Believe it or not, there are many overlooked positives that currently exist in contemporary society during this challenging yet powerful age. Though we all have had our encounters with anger, hopelessness, fear, loss, sadness and restriction, an energetic transitional shift is occurring the likes we have never experienced. Regardless of how society may seem, we are in a new era.
Lethal Liaisons:
Fear is the most powerful force in society. This unfortunate truth is certainly evident now. Perhaps the greatest reason why it effectively passes its impression of dis-ease is our collective oblivion to its influence. Yet, the pure power of it is not that to which we are present. It is the fear to which we are unconscious and/or deny. We give our personal power over to fear more than any other social entity. The more we avoid this powerful element of human nature, the more we ultimately enable it and are enslaved. It is the primary reason most never manifest their human destiny. Generation after generation succumb to its prowess thus perpetuating an unfulfilled existence.
Sleight of Perception:
There will always be those who decide to deceive, exploit and manipulate the natural evolution and progression of human destiny. Fear-laden and insecure individuals deluded with the notion that real power is obtained through aggression, control, division, profit and warfare. Yet, the effectiveness, impact and success of these archaic paradigms are fading and failing amidst the transcendence of social consciousness, empathy, insight and unity. Their plan to take advantage of the vulnerable while society slips beneath the surface of its own cognizance, compassion, reason and welfare has backfired. The dynamics of life have changed. We either sink to the bottom of existence or flow with the ever-expanding tides of transition.
Organized Diversion:
Since before the last Winter Solstice, we are in a quickening of energetic evolution. The gateway to the universe is wide open granting us the opportunity to relate with and personify our soul. It is a powerful time when we experience both extraordinary inspiration and insight as well as extreme anxiety and fear. Social reality is designed to prevent and even prohibit this shift in human awareness. Authoritarian institutions have always and are intentionally attempting to highjack and obstruct our destined transformation. Whether their strategy is mass weapons of education, politics, religion or media, their agendas of control and power are ever-present. Yet, social awareness is now empowering a transparency unrivalled in human history.
“Being is believing.”
Transition of Power:
Most are quite comfortable and willing to relinquish their personal power to teachers, preachers, elected officials, broadcast personalities and a great number of other autocratic social entities. We have been conditioned to yield our power to others in the guise of agreement, belonging, conformity, patriotism, security and self-righteousness. We have enabled the very social enslavement we so despise when we are fortunate enough to acknowledge our harsh self-reality. Doubt is as influential in our lives as fear. Now we are being challenged with the undeniable truth of ourselves given our current social experience and environment. These evolutionary labor pains grant us a unique opportunity to claim our power and transform our reality.
Dynamics of Being:
Instinct is an aspect of our body, thought is a facet of our mind and feelings are an expression of our heart. Yet, these senses are not in and of themselves an articulation of being. We are multidimensional entities empowered by the totality of our potentiality. Being is our destined opportunity to express our full possibility. Our true nature is the essential ability to benefit from all elements of our being. When we establish and sustain balance within our being, we become an expression of our soul and the universe. This inspires us to collectively thrive. Our individual fulfillment is fruitless when obtained for the self alone. True enlightenment is a collective experience when achieved by all.

Source of Energy:
As the saying goes, “energy flows where attention goes.” The universe sources us with infinite energy from which everything begins and ends. Our energy is our power. How we express it defines our existence, perception and reality. Who we are being determines its nature and purpose. Its quality is often diminished by our toxic personal and social climates. Our focus and intent of it is the only way we can transform our selves and environment. The legacy of our energy resonates beyond our lives. Who we are being energetically manifests the universe into social reality. We are this powerful! Who we are being is a declaration of empowerment and the embodiment of our soul.
Universal Destiny:
Most may perceive contemporary times as increasingly grim. This last year has been an extraordinary opportunity to acknowledge and release our failures in social conflict, disease, duality, evasion, judgement, hostility, malevolence, prejudice and segregation. When observing with our instinct and intellect, these challenges may appear necessary and justified. Yet, broadening our vision to include our heart and intuition transforms our experience and aligns us with the universe. Living our full potential of being empowers us to transcend the tragic linear and peripheral social reality to embrace and become an expression of our soul. Our personal transformation creates, sustains and fulfills our universal destiny.
“Being is the essence of the universe.”

“Our individual fulfillment is fruitless when obtained for the self alone. True enlightenment is a collective experience when achieved by all.”
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