Frequency Change: A Deeper Look at COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon
- THE STORY: What’s the deeper reason to explain the bizarre phenomenon of the COVID vax transmission phenomenon?
- THE IMPLICATIONS: Does this connect in with the Synthetic Agenda, the Nanotech Agenda and the Smart Grid? Is this actually about controlling frequency and perception?
The COVID vax transmission phenomenon
has now become well-known. Many have experienced it. The COVID vaxxed are transmitting something to those around them (including many unvaccinated people) that is causing those around them to suffer strange symptoms (migraines, nosebleeds, bruising, bloating, period pain, serious irregularity with menstruation, etc.). In my previous article which covered this topic, I ended by offering up a theory that the ultimate cause of this bizarre phenomenon was resonance or frequency. In this article, I will expand upon this idea some more. It just so happened that David Icke did a recent video (Human Antenna – Broadcasting The Vaccine Frequency) where he elaborates upon this subject, and as usual, his ideas are extremely important to consider. What is going on here is unprecedented; never before in history (that I am aware of) has a so-called ‘medicine’ or ‘treatment’ (the COVID non-vaccine) ended up spreading to those who didn’t take it to cause them tangible harm as is happening right now.
What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?
Before we begin with Icke’s take on the subject, it is very appropriate to remember these 2 quotes from scientific genius Nikola Tesla:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
We have to keep this perspective in mind as we analyze this weird phenomenon if we want to get to the root of the matter. Something is happening on an energetic level not just a physical level, and since energy moves in waves, and waves travel at different frequencies, the answer will involve frequency.
DNA: The Transmitter-Recevier Antenna
DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid and is considered the master genetic blueprint of the human body. It is arranged in a spiral helix. DNA is also a transmitter and receiver of energy; 2008 Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier proved that DNA transmits and receives frequencies in his 2010 paper entitled DNA Waves and Water where he showed that “bacterial and viral DNA sequences have been found to induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions.” In other words, DNA is like an antenna. This article summarizes Montagnier’s findings:
“Using a photo-amplifying device invented by Dr. Jacques Benveniste in the 1980s to capture the ultra low light emissions from cells, Montagnier filtered out all particles of bacterial DNA from a tube of water and discovered that the post-filtered solutions containing no material particles continued to emit ultra low frequency waves! This became more fascinating when Montagnier showed that under specific conditions of a 7 Hz background field (the same as the Schumann resonance which naturally occurs between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere), the non-emitting tube of water that had never received organic material could be induced to emit frequencies when placed in close proximity with the emitting tube! Even more interesting is that when base proteins, nucleotides and polymers (building blocks of DNA) were put into the pure water, near perfect clones of the original DNA were formed!
Dr. Montagnier and his team hypothesized that the only way for this to happen was if the DNA’s blueprint was somehow imprinted into the very structure of water itself resulting in a form of “water memory” that had earlier been pioneered by Jacques Benveniste …”
The article also quotes Montagnier from different interviews:
“The existence of a harmonic signal emanating from DNA can help to resolve long-standing questions about cell development, for example how the embryo is able to make its manifold transformations, as if guided by an external field. If DNA can communicate its essential information to water by radio frequency, then non-material structures will exist within the watery environment of the living organism, some of them hiding disease signals and others involved in the healthy development of the organism.”
“The day that we admit that signals can have tangible effects, we will use them. From that moment on we will be able to treat patients with waves. Therefore it’s a new domain of medicine that people fear of course. Especially the pharmaceutical industry… one day we will be able to treat cancers using frequency waves.”
David Icke’s Perspective on the COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon
Icke ties this in to the overall nanotech agenda (including things like the hydrogel biosensor), stressing that although there may be a chemical element that is being transmitted, the main cause is the energetic element – frequency. He emphasizes that the introduction of synthetic mRNA via the non-vaccine is designed to change the DNA antenna inside of us, so that it responds to a new (artificial) command and control center – in other words, it’s literally hijacking our divine connection:
“It’s not really about shedding some substance so much as a transmission of what is in the vaccine, or what the vaccine is giving off ...
Everything in this reality, in its foundation, is about frequency. The body is a recevier-transmitter of information … DNA is a recevier-transmitter of information … how that DNA antenna is receiving and transmitting dictates what we are interacting with …
[They want to] change the nature of DNA … so it’s not picking up those [high] frequencies, it’s only picking up the frequencies of [the] technological sub-reality – the Smart Grid. So this nanotechnolgoy, which is in these vaccine potions, is changing the receiver-transmitter antenna nature of DNA … so our Mission Control is not expanded conscoiusness, it’s simply the Cloud … so we receive and transmit only their information.
People who … have had the vaccine are having [their] DNA antenna re-wired so that [they] receive and transmit different kinds of information, and it locks [them] in to this Smart Grid, this Cloud. That’s the foundation; I am not saying there’s not a chemical element to this transmission we’re hearing about, but for me the key area is this frequency. And if you get nanotechnology in the body, and then it starts transmitting its frequency, then obviously that frequency, that substance which is impacting upon the person who’s had it, as it transmits its frequency, it’s going to impact in the same way on others who pick up that frequency, even though they’ve not actually had the jab.
I think this is the foundation of what’s going on. They’ve turned these vaccinated people into antennae, transmitting their frequency.”
Final Thoughts
So, just as with many aspects of the COVID op, this subject of COVID vax transmission ties in to the Synthetic Agenda, the Nanotech Agenda, the Smart Grid and so much more. This isn’t just about toxic vaccines, gene therapy devices, sterilization, infertility and depopulation, although these are all clear and present components of the operation. This is about controlling the information our DNA can access, because that in turn affects our perception. This is about the larger NWO (New World Order) scheme of perception control. Our perception depends upon the information we receive. This bizarre phenomenon is actually about changing Who We Are at a fundamental level, so that our perception becomes so narrow that we become technological slaves, cut off from our magical, unlimited and divine potential. Interestingly, there was a report last year from someone who got the COVID non-vaccine and allegedly said: “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God; my soul is dead.”
Finally, I will finish with this presecient quote from Rudolf Steiner who wrote it over 100 years ago:
“In the future, the soul will be eliminated by medicine. On the pretense of health, there will be a vaccine whereby the human organism will be treated as soon as possible, possibly directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the awareness of the soul and the Spirit.
Materialistic doctors will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul from humanity. Like today, people are vaccinated against specific diseases, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that will immunize against the ‘madness’ of spiritual life. The vaccinated person could be very clever, but would not develop a conscience, and that’s the real goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you could get the etheric body to detach from the physical body. When the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the soul and the universe becomes extremely unstable and man an automaton, because the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by will and by spiritual effort. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of force that rivets consciousness to matter. Man can no longer get rid of materialistic feeling. It remains animal by constitution and can no longer rise to spiritual conscience.”
He also wrote this:
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life –‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists.“
Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.
Bizarre Phenomenon: Unvaccinated Getting Sick Being Around the COVID Vaxxed

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