The Birth of Power
“It is a crime against our humanity to segregate ourselves from our personal power.”
In Transition:
Since early last year, we have had an extraordinary opportunity to become related with ourselves, find the ever-evolving balance between our body, mind and heart, relate with our intuition and align with our soul and the universe. It seems a lot to fathom, let alone apply to our daily lives. Yet, it is vital to the sustenance of our multidimensional being. However, anxiety, indifference, ignorance, fear, opinion and self-righteousness are potent obstacles when navigating social reality. Establishing and maintaining our balance in intense environments is ever more challenging. Going within ourselves and our experience offers us insight to identify and transform the societally conditioned narcissism of humanity.
Spectacle to Behold:
Removing our focal point from the external world and shifting into our inner observer is the key to transforming our experience. Reality is the grandest of illusions, an enigma of existence, designed for the sole purpose of confusing, diverting and enslaving all in its seductive web of desire and temptation. It is a brilliant diamond, faceted with mirrors to befuddle the wisest of explorers, leaving us with empty lives and afflicted with social psychoses. The best way to trick people into believing they are awakened is to saturate perception and reality with propaganda and rhetoric to enable and promote “official” narratives as truth. Social reality is a racket of deception, devised and enforced by the few to disempower the many.
The Human Schism:
It is astonishing how people are eagerly willing to acquiesce their personal power to the authoritarian organizations of society. Yet, the instant they are asked to contribute their money, even to the worthiest of causes, they turn to stone. Where and to what we place our value is symbolic of our experience. There are essential moments in our lives when we are not present to the gravity of the choices we either do or don’t make. Often, it is in these instances when we blindly set a course for personal obscurity. Observation empowers us to draw pivotal distinctions, preventing us from falling prey to social pressures and enabling the schism between our soul and the universe. Left to our societal devices, oblivion is inevitable.
To Covet and Defend:
There is one thing apparent since the pandemic began. All our personal weaknesses we seek to hide from our family, friends and colleagues are now even more difficult to conceal. As human beings, we have an innate tendency to avoid and escape our fears and insecurities. When the scales of reality are upended, our desire to bolster our inner defenses fails within these current, declining social dynamics. The psychological impact to us is devastating, sending us reeling and spiraling into our deepest darkness. For some, it is an opportunity to shift into authenticity and transformation. For most, a trigger to strengthen their defenses, raise their weapon of self-righteousness and bury the truth of themselves.

“We have to face our darkness if we seek to become light.”
In Theory:
We engage and enable a dualistic society within a three-dimensional domain. This paradigm is rarely challenged, as it is commonly accepted reality. Yet, science neglects the validity of universality since the parameters of its own hypotheses deal primarily with intellectually proven fact instead of universally experienced insight. Logic fails to understand multidimensionality as there are over seven billion perceptions in the world and the universe is ever transforming. Regardless, it is apparent to most there is something extraordinary beyond what we can sense. No matter how we choose to discover and explore universal being, when we are present to our experience, the conclusion is always the same. Reality is an illusion.
Against the Current:
We all make mountains of mole hills. The human psyche tends to devise and embellish events and circumstances well before awareness, common sense and understanding intervene. This is a characteristic many adopt, given its seeds are planted long before our consciousness is established. Without daily practices of observation, meditation and transformation, the demons and tragedies we invent and enable grow in tandem with our ego, fear and oblivion. Eventually, we produce perverse schemes in our reactions to social stimuli, exonerating ourselves from personal accountability. This results in a loss of power and most importantly energy. Yet, if we can destroy our power, we can also create it.

Birth of Power:
Pure energy is the experience of true power. Most of us do not practice a daily awareness of energy. It exists much like a dream; abstract, elusive, foreign and even threatening. When it flows through us, it can inspire an abundance of creativity, empowerment and insight. It can also cause vortices of destruction, fear and oblivion. The origin of our power is how we choose to experience and express our energy. Its containment, conversion and expression define the quality of our existence. Energy + focus + intention = power. The universe is the eternal, expansive and infinite source of our vitality. We exist primarily as finite beings. Therefore, we experience only a fraction of our universal potential.
A Claim to Be:
Social reality is the proverbial wool pulled over our eyes to supplement our deficiency of being. When we seek to become and live awakened, it is essential for us to stake our claim. The foundation of our being is energy. The nature of its expression and manifestation is defined by our focus, purpose and willpower. As multidimensional beings, it is our birthright to transcend our enslavements to duality, ego, fear and opinion. When we hold a space for ourselves to transition from ordinary existence to extraordinary experience, we reclaim and shift our energy from gratifying our individual ambitions to inspiring collective transformation. This is our personal power, best expressed when we embody universality to empower all.
“The death of self is the birth of power.”

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