Who Is Iam Saums?
“I am no one, and I am everyone…”
My given name is William Howard Post. That’s what the birth certificate says. I was named after my Paternal and Maternal Grandfathers William Post and Howard Saums. When I first began studying in The Fourth Way School, my fellow students began calling me Iam, which is the last 3 letters of my first name. I would later discover the name Iam has Celtic origins, in relation with my Paternal and Maternal Grandmother’s lineages, Francis O’Day and Ruth O’Laverty. In honor of my Grandfather Howard Saums, an inspirational and remarkable man to many in his community, “Iam Saums” is the name I chose to publish articles.
The Spark:
More than a decade ago, I began to observe the covert, intricate and influential nuances occurring in global society, primarily in the banking, corporate, medical, political and religious arenas. I became present to an elusive network of secret, authoritarian organizations imposing an agenda to control the nations of the world, which angered, frustrated and eventually empowered me to capture my personal insights and observations via writing. I would send them to select friends who I felt may be open to reading them. One of them was author Elva Thompson. Her experienced observations, passion and understanding inspired me to clarify, focus and express my own. Elva’s encouragement and her intent to make a difference in this world helped to empower the genesis of Iam Saums.

Source Archives:
Every day I meditate twice, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. I have been meditating for over 20 years in the Jain Tradition, the same Mahatma Gandhi embraced. I have also participated in Lakota Ceremony for almost 20 years. Over the last 2 decades I have experienced how these practices have empowered my awareness, creativity, intuition and transformation. This balance creates a foundation of focus, centering and grounding of my being to become an expression of the universe. I chose this opportunity through creativity to manifest this energy and transform myself and my experience. The content I am inspired to write and the energy beyond the words is greatly sourced by the universe.
Creative Dynamics:
We are all multidimensional beings composed of a body, mind, heart, intuition and soul. Yet, humanity primarily exists in the duality of instinct and intellect. This is how social reality is designed and imposed, thus preventing us from relating with our heart, soul and the universe. Our collective universality was fractured and lost ages ago during a great energetic schism. Identifying, establishing and sustaining our balance with the multi-dimensionalilty of our being inspires us to relate with our soul and be a creative expression of the universe. For each of us, it is both unique and vital. Not only for our destiny, yet also for how we make the greatest difference by empowering each other with who we are being.
“I am a declaration of being.”

Vision and Observation:
Everything in this world is created from energy, insight, intention and expression. In this new era, we have an extraordinary opportunity to become balanced, present, related and aligned with the universe. Our focus on creativity, consciousness, experience and transformation nurtures the possibility and manifestation of our purpose, beginning with our vision and observation. We are conditioned to be solely invested in our individual lives, unable to transcend the rampant duality of social reality. Inevitably, we succumb to its tides and give our power away to anyone and anything willing to take it from us. It is in this vicious cycle we sacrifice our lives to chase the dangling carrot constantly luring us toward the proverbial cliff of ordinary existence.
In Transition:
Now more than ever, we are shifting progressively into the embrace of a powerful, personal and collective destiny, if we choose. Many are racing to return to the way things were before the world went sideways, oblivious to the universal potentialities available to all. In the Spring of 2020, I was empowered and inspired by the possibility of a global awakening to shift us into universal being. Yet recently, I am confronted with the disappointing reality many are choosing to strengthen their familial bubble and the illusion of normalcy in this era of transcendence. This was and is still heartbreaking for me to this day. Though I choose to focus on universal vision, energy and possibility, I am at times overwhelmed by our forsaken potential for collective ascension.

The Truth of Reality:
Social reality is a weapon used against humanity to control, divide, influence and gain profit and power. No matter how intelligent or wise we believe ourselves to be, this is the truth of reality. We can deny, debate, protest and refute all we want, it does not alter the programmed conditioning of society. For decades, I have observed reality as an engineered, authoritarian system to enslave humanity into an illusion of choice, democracy, enterprise and freedom. Distorting and syphoning our attention, energy and power while using our own fear of personal accountability, authenticity, integrity and vulnerability against us. Social reality is a vortex of oblivion consuming our awareness, life force and possibility.
The Reality of Truth:
There are over seven billion truths in the world. Of course, they all fail to exist in our oppressive and imposing environment. The reality of truth cannot be established with congregational education, politics, religion or spirituality. It requires each of us to envision, focus, create, intend, express and manifest our truth with every breath. Our personal truth cannot live in others, as their individual truth will not exist in ours. It is a very intimate and private experience we share with the universe. A sacred covenant and union we consciously choose long before we are born. It is an incredibly challenging and lonely path to walk. Yet, the enlightenment, fulfillment and transformation we create and experience is momentous, eternal and infinite.

As It Shall Be:
To be honest, I have no clue who Iam Saums is. As with the many facets of each of our personalities, one that is fixed is unable to evolve, progress or transform. I choose to believe my literary endeavors are shared experiences between my personal expression and the universe. At least this is my vision. Perhaps I am guided by something greater, to be simply a current of energy in the vast ocean of universal consciousness. Then again, what I am inspired to write has become and is my personal truth. One that may resonate with others, yet nonetheless, my unique dance with the universe. Establishing our truth empowers us to listen, express and thrive. I have never been attached to what I write and how it may be received when published. Only the possibility the words I am guided to convey may illuminate and inspire our collective experience, so we all become who we are destined to be.
“I am who the universe expresses.”

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