The Greatest Conspiracy
“Social reality is the exploitation of life.”
Anatomy of Realism:
I am not a conspiracy theorist, at least I do not consider myself one. Though I find it interesting how the common theorem behind its existence is scientific and critically psychological in contemporary society. Decades ago, the term “conspiracy theory” was concocted by the very authoritarian organizations attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the world for the sake of maintaining advantage, control, power and profit. Be they in the domains of banking, business, defense, entertainment, government, finance, media, politics or religion. Those who choose not to acknowledge relativity between these social control structures and current controversial events are simply not paying attention or are afraid and unwilling to accept the truth.
Selective Reality:
Unbeknownst to us, the institutions of parental guidance, education, media, peers, politics, religion and society program us from infancy to adopt, believe, engage, promote and execute a sinister global agenda. Suppressing, discrediting and abolishing our creativity, consciousness, evolution, imagination, power, transcendence and transformation. We are desensitized by our contribution to this devious, hostile and vicious social stratagem. Our condemnation, defamation, fear, hate, judgement, prejudice and shaming of others with alternate viewpoints has intensified in the last few years. It is the artificial power we flex at the world when our selective reality is compromised.

Lords of Illusion:
For centuries, governments have distorted, withheld and revised historical events under the guise of “national security” in the “best interest of the people.” Again, this should not come as a surprise to anyone, dependent on how one chooses to perceive the daily onslaught of propaganda and rhetoric we all receive from mainstream and social media. The potential for truth wanes when most are eagerly willing to sacrifice their exceptionality and personal power under the gravity of peer pressure and ridicule when expressing indifference with the “official narratives.” Yet, these structures of control persist as we enable, engage and sustain it with our blind and obedient loyalty to social slavery glorified as freedom.
Web of Deception:
Wealthy global families use Centralized Banks, who in turn use International Banks, who use National Banks (see a theme?), who operate in the global marketplace as Corporate Banks funding Global Corporations to invest in lobbyists, to buy politicians, to introduce laws and protect their enterprises, futures and profits. They use the armed and special forces to protect themselves from the people. The caveat for these families is the necessity for the people they are attempting to enslave to adopt and invest in this global pyramid scheme for its optimal success. What purpose does it serve to know all of this? The rate of our social consumption enables this system to benefit the few at the cost of the many.
“Just because we do not believe in something, does not mean it does not exist.”

Mind Games:
How we interpret events and people is inherently biased. The many filters we adopt and enable make it impossible to see things as they truly are. Our individual realities are predominately instinctual and intellectual. This is the design of society. We receive and process information with our instincts and thoughts, establishing our perception and understanding with a fraction of our being. This is how we surrender our personal power. In the process, we suppress our feeling and insight, thus distorting and weakening the alignment of our intuition with our soul and the universe. We become so invested in social reality, we defend and promote it more than we empower and manifest our soul’s unique purpose and destiny.
The Psychosis of Debunking:
Discrediting alternative viewpoints has become an artform for many. Millions go online to debunk just about anything with a surplus of “sources” to defend their beliefs and perspectives. Yet, this practice is not an expression of our instinctual and intellectual prowess. It is more an imposition of our rampant egos and our voracious appetites for self-righteousness. Given most of us have harsh opinions of ourselves, it feeds the socially charged, instinctual, intellectual and emotional vicious cycles to which we subscribe. The profound reasoning for our quest to disprove truth is really our fears and insecurities emerging when our adopted lifestyle and perception is challenged. For most of us, our egos dominate our being in our desire to feign artificial power.

Revisionist Perception:
We see only what we want, rarely what we need. Our internal and environmental dynamics are riddled with acquiescence, cowardice, doubt and fear. We are not born this way. We are conditioned to emulate society’s impression and influence. Our capacity for consciousness diminishes while we mature into adulthood. As we are assimilated, our personal power is syphoned from us through our reactivity to social events. The greatest hurdles in the “human race” are our anxiety, denial, resistance, self-righteousness and skepticism. We believe only what we think is best for us, all while abandoning our personal power at every opportunity. We adapt our perception to appease our fear.
Bursting the Bubble:
Social reality segregates us into limited domains of existence. Our family, friends and colleagues occasionally occupy this obligatory relation we maintain. Yet even this relativity engenders exclusivity. Beyond this familial bubble we build with our actions, decisions and fears, we have little to no awareness, connection, empathy or understanding. We honestly do not care about the world outside of our self-induced borders. We say we do, and at times we are inclined to become instinctually, intellectually or emotionally triggered into engagement, though our moments of epiphany and empathy pass. Authentic relatedness is not about personal advantage, comfort, convenience or tolerance. It is an opportunity to emerge from history to discover and embrace mystery.

The Art of Listening:
Recently, I participated in The New Agora’s “The New Now” online round table, moderated by Lorenzo Malowane, discussing men’s roles in contemporary times. One of the many insights I experienced from the conversation is the foundation of possibility listening provides. There was an energetic flow as everyone expressed their perspective and vision. This is one of many key insights absent in society. I have observed in either fluent or intense environments, once I offer listening without agenda, attachment and control, it instantly shifts the dynamic. There are occasions to speak, yet many more opportunities to listen. This vital practice empowers our transcendence beyond the duality of right and wrong, transforming our experience.
The Greatest Conspiracy:
The truth about conspiracy is we secretly believe because we feel the resonance of truth, we simply fear the social impact, ridicule and scrutiny. We are a conspiracy theory of ourselves, chasing artificial power by focusing our attention on the peripheral and overlooking the true reality. Our life, in relation to who we truly are, is a living delusion. It is the con we run on ourselves. We project a deceptive image to sustain our greatest conspiracy. We are a lie we tell ourselves and others to escape our truth. Every time we feel motivated to expose someone or something because it challenges the illusion we have designed to defend our belief, ego and fear, we should begin by observing ourselves as the only conspiracy theory worth debunking.
“In every conspiracy there is a seed of truth.”

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