The Article Collection
The Quotes of Iam Saums
The Article Collection of Iam Saums has been active for six years with over a hundred articles published. As a token of my appreciation for your readership, below is a quote from every article on the website. Please click on the article title below each quote to read the article.
Thank you!
“I never knew who I could become until I freed myself from who I am.”
“Our personal power can only be claimed and expressed upon a foundation of authenticity and integrity.”
“The greatest element of our existence is all that is unseen, unheard, unfelt and unknown.”
“All that is left unseen and untended shall forever be that which enslaves us with our very own fear.”
“Only when we read between the lines of reality will our truth be found.”
“It is extraordinary to create and live a destiny that is an expression of our love.”
“The greatest lie is that reality is “real.””
“The greatest illusion is that we are separate from our souls.”
“The traditional medicine way is not something one may choose to become; it chooses the ceremonial healer.”
“Our truth can only be found beyond the intimidating silence within.”
“Where we once stood with consciousness, we now kneel at the altar of acquiescence.”
“We are in everything, and everything we experience is in us.”

“It is only when we recognize our contribution to the evil in the world, we may begin to transform its existence.”
“We have the right to transform our lives and the world toward a convergence of energetic evolution.”
A Universal Instrument of Energy
“Only with our conscious breath are we truly alive.”
From Assimilation to Transformation…In a Single Breath
“When one of us becomes free, we are all free.”
“Fear cannot exist without being empowered by our belief.”
“Politics is an elite club from which the people are excluded.”
“The true power of experience is not in how it is seen; it is in how it is felt.”
“Our soul is what empowers our being to thrive to our greatest potential and possibility.”
“It is our soul’s destiny to stand in the face of death and choose to live in the name of life.”
“If our consciousness relates us with our true personality, then authenticity unites us with our soul.”
“Most will take, and few will give. Most die daily, while few truly live.”
“It is our entitlement to being entertained that keeps us from living the lives we love.”

“Our eyes are windows which not only focus our gaze, yet also our awareness.”
“All that we give is all that we live. All that we love is all that we are.”
“We must stand for something, or we live for nothing.”
“We are the only ones who can claim the leadership we were born to be.”
“The more we give of ourselves, the more we relate and connect with our spiritual experience.”
“We will never transform the world around us, only the world within us.”
“Community is our living truth as human beings.”
“Dismantling reality, one truth at a time.”
What is Real Beyond What is Real.
“We are not meant to be slaves to our identity; we are created to be champions for our freedom.”
“It is the veil we pull over our eyes that hides us from the truth of ourselves.”
“444 Hertz provides a natural energy of life, growth, progression, consciousness, awareness and truth.“

“Being present allows us to experience the best of our lives.”
“Until we choose our own experience of life, we will never truly live.”
“There is nothing more destructive than an illusion believed to be true.”
“Transformation is becoming conscious to the creativity of human being.”
“The difference we make begins with our ability to accept all for who they are and who they are not.”
Now and Zen: To Whom It May Concern
“The only truth about the truth is that there is no truth.”
“Spirituality is an illusion of being.”
“Voting is an illusion of power to deceive us into believing we are making a difference.”
“Wake from reality. Wake from your dream. Wake from the fear, that is tearing at the seams of the world.”
“Our opportunity to fulfill on our destiny is as vital as the air we breathe.”
“Giving is the greatest gift we will ever receive.”

“Entitlement is the shadow of enlightenment.”
“Fear is what happens to us when we deny our love.”
“There is nothing more powerful than creating our life.”
“We live our lives through the eyes of others.”
“Our vision is the gateway to our consciousness.”
“Energy is not produced from what we do, it is created by who we are.”
“Truth has all been stigmatized, a societal syndrome.”
“Experience is only as limited as we live.”
“Who we are being is the life we are living.”

“We must claim our lives to truly live.”
“Eternity is our soul’s expression.”
“Reflections of adoration and gratitude sustained my bliss till the morning came.”
“We are only as universal as we live ourselves to be.”
“At the heart of every storm there is stillness.”
“Creativity is the expression to our brilliance.”
“Our power is in the stillness beyond its strength.”
“When we create our purpose, the universe aligns with our intention and our soul becomes the source of our being.”

“Energy is the currency of consciousness.”
“Service is the nature of the universe.”
“Light shines brightest in the darkness.”
“Without mystery, life would merely be history.”
“Being is the essence of the universe.”
“Music is the sound of our soul.”

“Creativity is the art of streaming the universe.”
“Alone we may survive, together we will thrive.”
“Every moment is an opportunity to transform our experience.”
“Truth thrives in the absence of reality.”
“Knowledge may give us the world; awareness gives us the universe.”
“Until we discover who we are, we can never be who we need.”
“Enlightenment is being sourced by our soul.”

“Being is believing.”
“Healing is an everyday need that must be as aggressive as our greed.”
“Creativity is awareness in action.”
“Experience is the entrance to enlightenment.”
“We either bury our heads in the sand or choose to make our stand.”
“The death of self is the birth of power.”
“There are over seven billion truths in the world, and one gigantic lie.”
“Reality is a virus.”
“I am no one, and I am everyone…”
“Just because we do not believe in something, does not mean it does not exist.”
“Our center is the compass of our soul.”
“Unity is the soul of community.”
“Spiritualized” The Ego of Spirituality
“Universality is the energy of being.”
“Universality” The Soul of Spirituality
“Awareness begins with the choice to be conscious.”

“We are diamonds with infinite facets of existence.”
“Experience is the gravity of grounded existence.”
“Institutional intelligence is programmed ignorance.”
“Experience is our relativity with being.”
“Our soul is the cost for defying our consciousness.”
The Consequence of Consciousness
“Within every downfall is an opportunity for ascension.”
“Universality is the origin of our creativity.”
“I don’t write articles, they write me.”
“Universality is the expression of our soul.”
“Society is a reflection of how far we are from ourselves.”
“Our energetic resonance is our universal signature.”
“We cannot discover truth within reality.”
The Artificiality of Social Reality