Source and the Mediacracy by Iam Saums
“Mainstream media is a crime against humanity.”
Broadcast Controversy
Six corporations control the global mainstream media. The editorialization of information has proliferated dogma, propaganda and rhetoric, driven by our selective inclinations. The news is not a broadcast of factual data to maintain our relativity with the pulse of current events. It is opinion, propagated by commercial agendas to deceive, distort and manipulate perception. Ratings, clicks, comments, likes and shares determine the information we receive. Advertising and entertainment are methods of conditioning, utilized to delude, distract and pacify the masses. Yet, we eagerly assemble around our devices to feign social intelligence.
Mainlining Mediacracy
Cell phones, computers, tablets and television screens are the modern projectors of artificiality, receiving and transmitting toxic electromagnetic energy to the user and their environment. Our fascination with their functionality has distorted our perception, causing an excess of social psychoses. It is an epidemic of oblivion, inhibiting our way of being, consciousness, destiny, evolution and universality. We are biological and psychological software programs, coded to accept the laws of reality as the rule of life. When this is challenged, we defend and enable its existence with our social programming.

Media Matrix
Our frequency of interaction with the media matrix is the degree of our programming. We are conditioned into a simulated lifestyle, congruent with our self-exposure to social medium. All things begin with energy. The energetic signature of the mainstream media is artificial, intense and negative, inciting and spreading fear. Our instincts become prone to anxiety with the virtual threat of a pending doom. We are inundated with intellectual information, coding our neural pathways into vicious cycles of arrogance, entitlement and egocentricity. Our emotional awareness is distorted and diminished, separating us from our intuition, soul and the universe.
Soul Sacrifice
Our coding is wired with the fear of losing what little control, possession, status, security and vanity we believe we have. Yet, we willingly surrender our personal power at every opportunity. We endure reality instead of empower experience, collecting whatever fleeting memory we can capture. We wager our authenticity, enlightenment and fulfillment for social superficiality. All the while convincing ourselves intelligence, knowledge, productivity, reputation and wealth are the standards of happiness. Meanwhile, our body and mind deteriorate with the absence of our heart, intuition and soul.

“The mainstream media imposes awareness; the universe empowers consciousness.”
Enabling Enslavement
All forms of media desensitize us to the horrors of human existence. Whether it is war, genocide, environmental annihilation, inequality and injustice, class, cultural or racial superiority, our exposure is excessively toxic. We are socially assimilated into competition, debate and division, where we invest our focus and energy into a surplus of social terrors, enabling their realities. These atrocities persist due to our obsessive tendencies for egocentricity. When we become disinterested, distracted or indifferent, we simply scroll or swipe our screen for a more desirable flavor of artificiality.
Totalitarian Programming
Our social programming is so gradual, we are unable and/or unwilling to trace its momentum. It is even more challenging to discover and observe its course. We acquiesce our personal power with our engagement in the paradigm of the mediacracy. If our enslavement was accelerated, many of us would notice and cause an uprising. This is the primary purpose why its progression is at a snail’s pace, to control our personal perception and prevent our freedom. We simply fail to acknowledge its influence and impact. We are preoccupied by an elaborate system of desire, delusion, diversion and exploitation. Therefore, we are oblivious to the atrocities we enable with our participation.

The Means Justify the End
The design of our enslavement is evident. Harness our attention with engineered information. Destroy our personal power within the environmental vortex of society. Provoke and maintain our fear, herding us into authoritarian dependence. Condition us to police each other under the threat of social punishment and ridicule. Program our obedience with mere survival to satiate our angst. Keep us distracted and preoccupied with a steady stream of amusement, debate, pre-planned global events and societal shifts, all while abolishing our basic freedoms and rights. We are indoctrinated to invest in social reality more than ourselves.
Choose Your Illusion
Where we aim our attention is where we express our energy. It defines our experience. We are conditioned to engage in the vacuum of disempowering realities, imposed upon us by authoritarian entities and organizations, existing as banks, corporations, education and religious institutions, governments and political parties. They diminish our personal intention and power by transmuting the energy we invest with our participation into sustaining our individual enslavement. The payoff we receive is our anger, apathy, indifference, naïveté and self-righteousness. Mainstream media feeds our insatiable appetites with content customized for our oblivious consumption.

The Currency of Reality
Since we are in the simulation of social reality, we are blind to the profundity of its exploitation, influence, impact and programming. Furthermore, we choose to refute its existence, believing our willful denial will somehow prevent its inevitability. Where we focus our attention is not just where our energy is expressed, it is also where we acquiesce our personal power. What is our greatest inconvenient truth? We alone cause and enable our enslavement. Knowing, let alone understanding, we are the cause of our social oppression is the vital epiphany empowering our freedom.
Transcendental Shift
We are given infinite opportunities to sever our tether with the mediacracy and social reality. Every day we have the choice to tune out from the peripheral programming and tune into our soul by listening to our intuition. Who we are is established by the quality of our source. Awareness of current events and their engineered complexities may harvest knowledge of society. However, consciousness empowers understanding, manifesting our universal experience of being. When we are enamored with the bells and whistles of the mediacracy, we are only emulating artificiality. When we are related with our soul, we are sourced by the universe.
Universal Source
Our soul and the universe are one. Our intuition resonates with the energy of our universality. This synergy between the universe and our soul empowers us to transcend the duality of the mediacracy. Our heart center enlightens our mind and enlivens our body with this energy to transform us, our environment and social reality. Breaking the vicious cycle of artificiality is our common purpose. Creating our unique experience is our personal destiny. When we observe, understand, express and embody our universality, we are one with all. Everything else is opinion.
“Streaming universality is the source of conscious experience.”