Written in the Stars
by Iam Saums
“Writing is my expression of streaming the universe.”
The Heart of It All
The content I write about in these articles is not popular, nor does it fit the engineered storylines aggressively broadcast by mainstream entities and organizations. Their strategic narratives are biased, perceptual interpretations “based” on fact, yet very distinct from truth. Social reality is not “reality” at all. It is simply a virtual analysis of events analyzed by “experts.” (Those who are indoctrinated into societal institutionalization to the “degree” they are unable to create their own unique observation.) What I am inspired to write may often be read as trivial by the standards of elementary social survival. For many, the articles simply are not relevant.
Alternative Propaganda
My friend Elva recently asked me why I thought more people were not reading our articles, and did those who “like” them on social media actually read them? I pondered this and realized, what we choose to write is so diverse from the narratives of society, it falls on blind eyes. In my humble observation, even alternative media networks are steeped in the dualistic paradigm of social reality. Otherwise, they probably would not have as many people clicking, following, liking and sharing their content. Such as it is, for all who promote themselves at the expense of their authenticity, consciousness, ethics, experience and integrity.

Social Impressions
Before I had the cognizance of awareness, reality and society always rubbed me the wrong way. It is disempowering, oppressive and superficial. Whatever justification we feign to accept, adopt and assimilate into reality, it will always be a social vortex, prodding us into the oblivion of action, thought and egocentricity. To me, it is all about acknowledging we have been swindled into solitary, selfish and trivial lifestyles, enabling a dream for the few, and a nightmare for the many. I feel some people may read these articles and identify me as a conspiracy theorist, radical or even an extremist. Believe what you want, you will anyway!
Beyond Reason
I have always endured a degree of criticism, judgement and ridicule. Most of us have. Fortunately, I have become accustomed to the social backlash in response to my controversial and diverse observations and perspectives. They have become a watermark for me to measure their impressions. Yet, society marches on to the beat of its arrogance, entitlement, politics, religion and self-righteousness. I do not begrudge these aspects of human nature. I simply choose not to give them my attention, energy, listening or reaction. We cannot enforce, impose or even inspire others to shift. They must create this for themselves.

“I am not interested in knowing anything. I am empowered by understanding everything.”
From the Inside Out
My method of writing is intuitively extensive. It is an intimate experience that brings great insight and understanding. It usually takes a week, sometimes two, to write, re-write, edit, revise and publish an article. I am not paid for this. Yet, I do experience a personal fulfillment that transcends monetary return. I take great risk in sharing my observations and perspectives, especially now. Some may classify me as a revolutionary or even a terrorist, simply because I express viewpoints most would choose to ignore. I do not have attachments or expectations of how they will be received. This brings me an abundance of awareness, energy, freedom and inspiration.
The Progression of Composition
With every article, there are initial sparks of insight, creating a momentum of conscious empowerment, and an expansive environment for understanding and literary expression. I become present to all beyond my own experience, observation and interpretation. My greatest challenge when writing is choosing the ideal prose to convey universal being, energy and understanding. I encourage anyone who visits the website to always read between the lines. The words provide an intellectual link, yet their understanding is contingent upon the reader’s personal discovery. Finally, I choose a clear and concise vernacular, to best express the universal.

The Task at Hand
Writing against the habituation of the institutionalized mind is an incredible endeavor. We are programmed everyday by a multitude of medium, intent on conditioning and controlling our feelings, thoughts and actions. If we perceive this observation as conspiracy theory, then we are simply unwilling to exercise awareness. This paradox of reason is eventually transformed with our consciousness. To me, it is about shifting the indoctrinated many from being mired in the mind to empowered by intuition. My intention is to inspire others to create this for themselves. Yet, the expanse between doing and being is as vast as the journey from our head to our heart.
Universal Opportunity
In my humble observation, we demean, devalue and procrastinate the extraordinary experience and personal power found in relating with our soul. Given the strict parameters of social reality, our spiritual relativity is nearly impossible. There are infinite dimensions within us, our environments and our experiences, empowered by our choices, creative expression and who we are being. We all have the potential to embody and express the energy of the universe. Writing is my personal opportunity to share in words all that inspires me to make a difference by being an expression of creative consciousness.

The Rhythm of Resonance
As I have mentioned before, I do not believe I write these articles. I choose to imagine they are empowered by the universe. Observing, understanding and applying these insights requires the intention to temper my ego, allowing me the vision and personal power to center, focus and ground my being. Through the practices of creativity, meditation, prayer and yoga, I become present to my intuition and soul. These daily rituals help me to stream the universe. We all have a unique energetic resonance. It is the vibration of our relativity with our soul, empowering our epiphany, evolution and transformation.
As I Stand
My literary method is intensive spiritually, intuitively, emotionally, mentally and instinctually. Often, I have contemplated shifting my creative expression from writing. For all the energy, effort and time I devote, the apparent response to the articles pale in comparison. Whenever I find myself in this space, I remember what my friend Elva once told me. “If we reach one person, it was all worth it.” When writing articles, my experience is like standing in the center of a sphere with a multi-faceted mirror surface, reflecting every dimension of my being. Thank you for choosing to share in the experience!
“Writing with the universe has revealed who I am.”