Ghosting the Soul: The Virtuality of Life
“Everything we experience in social reality is a simulation.”
Heredity of Maturity
All of us are afflicted with the social psychosis of adulthood. When we were younger, we observed our elder relatives as the standard of maturity. Many of us followed a similar path they did with a plethora of indoctrination, institutionalization and programming. We assumed the role of a qualified, respectable and responsible member of society. All the while, our soul, intuition and heart were dissected, oppressed and abandoned, sacrificed for namesake, status and wealth. Yet, it did not pan out in a way that empowered, evolved and fulfilled us. We simply conditioned ourselves to become a variation of our parents.
A Bitter Pill
When we acquiesce to the currents of social reality, we emulate ourselves as projections of personality. Oftentimes, when someone presents alternative topics, cognitive dissonance rises in all whom have logged a lifetime of social programming. When we encounter diverse viewpoints, we are conditioned to resist releasing old ideologies for a transcendent vision. Universality, to our fixed, linear perception, causes a personal paradox, crashing our regimen of knowledge, history and relativity. Our arrogance and ignorance defensively flex in a feigned attempt to appease our pursuits for an artificial sense of security.

Believe It or Not
With all of social reality’s narratives, manipulation, prejudice, propaganda and rhetoric, it is nearly impossible to distinguish one’s unique, personal truth from society’s chaotic symphony of lunacy. Eventually, we accept and apply biased, social deceptions to our behavior, ideology, intelligence and lifestyle. When we are confronted by the diversity of another’s experience, our defense mechanism is to debate, discredit, demean, ridicule and ostracize them with our unbridled fear and ignorance. We enable our self-righteousness at the cost of genuine belonging, expression and understanding. Our distrust of others is simply illustrative of our disbelief in ourselves.
Matrix of Enslavement
For a decade, I have been writing about the intricacies of how we are enslaved by social reality. Whether or not we choose to observe that entities, governments and organizations impose a virtual matrix to enslave humanity is irrelevant. If we do not see it now, then we simply are not paying attention. We are too preoccupied with its triviality. Our fear denies and devalues our soul, diminishing and destroying our personal power. As unbearable as it may seem to be with and accept alternative perceptions, our greatest quality is to embrace diversity. Our universal purpose is consciousness, creativity, evolution, freedom and transformation.

“Many of us know how we exist, few of us understand who we are.”
Human Aquarium
Social reality to us is like water to the fish. Because we are assimilated, we fail to see how detrimental it is to our experience. We do not sense it; therefore, we fall prey to its influence. We interpret it as “reality,” then move on to its next simulation of social bliss. Our sporadic attention spans enslave us into the vicious cycle of momentary gratification, governed by our desires, obligations, routines and reveries. The exploitation of amusement, education, media, politics and religion corners us into delusion, diversion, indifference and uncertainty, as we spiral out of consciousness into the vortex of existence. Social reality is the artificial boundary of the human aquarium.
Immaterial Purpose
Our greatest epidemic is our monetary dependency. Social programming desensitizes us to the influence and impacts of our oblivious proliferation of greed. Fiscal endeavors can be perceived and achieved in many ways, yet none supersedes the egocentricity of earning more at the cost of others. The dynamics of business have become an acceptable, common standard for competition and conquest. The ultra-wealthy’s gluttonous addictions and psychoses perpetually push the boundaries of global economic collapse. The rest of us enable our enslavement with our participation in their engineered marketplace.

Ghosting the Soul
We are phantoms of our universality. During our social indoctrination, we willingly sever our connection with our soul, intuition and heart for conformity. Beyond the fullest extent of our apathy, cognitive dissonance, cynicism, denial, intelligence, mystification and victimization, we are the shadow of our soul. Our fear manipulates us to “ghost” ourselves. We hide behind the defenses of our personalities, emulating the worst of humanity and acquiescing the best. We are an idiom of reactivity, yielding our power to everyone and everything, beneath the veiled, social threat of being held accountable, authentic and benevolent.
Silent Partners
There are millions of dedicated, altruistic people, both on and beyond the world, who send energy, healing and prayers to all. It does not matter how educated we are, our ideology, politics, religion or status. We can always receive the universal energy of being, healing and love. How we choose to accept and apply it to our life is entirely up to us. Maybe we believe we do not need another’s help. Maybe we believe it is an expression of weakness, trusting others for guidance, support and relativity. The eternal question I would ask, “how is that working?” In an egocentric, social reality, we know it may. When empowered by our universality, we understand it does not.

The Power of Choice
We make millions of decisions in our lifetime, yet these are distinct from choices. Surviving is a daily, instinctual decision we all make. Thriving is a conscious choice only a few fulfill. Will we continue to settle for the insanity of doing things over and over again with a same result? Will we break this vicious cycle and choose to transcend the enslavement of social reality? Will we embrace and express the multidimensional energy of our universality? Every moment is an opportunity to transform our being. Choosing to shift our experience is the key to our freedom. All it requires of us is to align and relate with our soul.
The Virtuality of Life
Everything we experience in social reality is an illusion. This is not to say nothing is true. It simply does not exist within the virtuality of “life.” No matter how excruciating it is to accept this truth, we cannot transcend our enslavement without being free from the simulation. Being, consciousness, creativity, empowerment, evolution, understanding and transformation do not survive in social reality. They thrive in the synergy between the universe and our soul, when our mind and body resonate with the energetic frequencies of our intuition and heart. This equilibrium is essential in becoming an expression of universality. It is our soul destiny.
“Virtuality is how we exist. Universality is who we are.”