Shifting With Universality
“Oblivion is a delusion of an illusion.”
Water is Life
Over sixty percent of our bodies contain water. Our software comprises more, while our hardware less. Beyond our necessity for hydrogen and oxygen, there is an essential functionality often overlooked and undervalued. Water is a conductor. Not just of electricity, yet also energy. Employing its own water table, our body rejuvenates and resonates with our soul and the universe. When we run dry, our energy is diminished and our conductivity decreases, thus our relativity with our soul. Our body becomes dense, and our equilibrium and flexibility are compromised. Our consciousness eventually wanes to oblivion.
Pathways of Light
There are hundreds of billions of neurons creating hundreds of trillions of neural pathways in our mind, communicating and processing an infinite amount of information. Our neural activity is empowered by our soul. It sources our brain to transpose universal energy into an applicable and functional expression. The pineal gland receives and transmits universality. As with the water in our bodies, neurons are conductors of electricity and energy. It is not mere data streams being relayed through our brains. It is the signature of our soul, resonating through our mind and body with the frequency of universality.

Torus of the Heart
Our heart center is an omnidimensional sphere, renewing and revolving universal energy empowered by our soul. Its resonance emanates six feet and beyond our being. At its core, our heart is a solar torus, evolving as a hypergiant star. It is the center of our human being, emanating and transforming universality into relative energy. The synergy of our soul and the universe empowers our emotionality, intelligence and instinct. When we are aligned, centered and related with our heart torus, we resonate with our soul. Being conscious and present to how, where and why we express universality is essential in our transcendence.
The Seed of the Soul
Our soul sources us with universality. It synergizes with our heart, mind and body, conducting its resonance through our intuition and into our energy centers. Omnidimensional frequencies flow in infinite currents, conveying our universal signature. Our soul inspires our creativity, expression, relativity and understanding, empowering our enlightened emotionality, conscious intelligence and proactive movement. Our universal synthesis is established by the enlightenment of our heart, mind and body, synchronizing our soul with our being to empower our transformation, transcendence and universality.
“Evil abides in the vortex of oblivion.”

Live Evil
The antithesis of consciousness is oblivion. Whatever the measure of its existence in our lives, our deficiency of awareness leads to our enmity. As our light is empowered by our soul, our darkness is provoked by society. While our soul emanates through our intuition and into our heart, mind and body, our evil thrives in the gravity of our density. It corrupts our feelings, thoughts and actions with its viral iniquity. Our positivity is empowered from within by our universality, whereas our negativity is implanted via our engagement in the environmental toxicity of social reality. As we primarily live outside of ourselves, we are influenced, traumatized and victimized by societal immorality.
The Vanity of Humanity
The polarity of light and darkness is our delusion of an illusion, our indoctrination into ideological and perceptual duality. In whatever dogma we subscribe, neither exists beyond the boundaries of our artificial comfortability, familiarity and security within our personal narrative. It is simply a bedtime story, with which we deceive ourselves to evade the existential suffering we endure. In essence, our egocentricity is exhibited in our control, defensiveness, fear, insecurity, psychosis and resistance, enabling our victimization. We cling to our delusion, as we cannot acknowledge or accept the truth. We sacrifice our relativity with our soul to engage in the vanity of social reality.

Weight of the World
When we exist in oblivion, we allow our social environment to alter, influence and manipulate our feelings, thoughts and actions. Our indoctrination disrupts and distorts our intuition, thus our relativity with our soul and the universe. We become peripheral beings, seeking authority, credibility and validity. As we engage in social reality, our energy frequency descends into density, expanding the schism between our soul and our human self. The weight of the world we bear estranges us from ourselves, others, our soul and the universe. When faced with our mortality, we wield the fear we weaponize with our oblivion.
Human Stigmata
Egocentricity is the density of society. We have collapsed our selfishness with our subscription for survival. We resist acknowledging our egotism, as this would be a paradox of our existential reality. We would rather die than claim and embody accountability. Our personal delusion endorses and enables our truest evil. We have no regard for anyone but ourselves, which is an exhibition of our oblivion with our soul. We preserve our illusion of fulfillment with an excess of simulated achievements and eventualities. We are social vortices, consuming toxicity as a supplement to gratify the emptiness in our being.

Shifting with Universality
Being is our relativity with the universe. The equilibrium of our intuition, heart, mind and body shifts us into an expression of our soul. The omnidimensional energy of universality streams through our intuition as a helix of metamorphosis, empowering the torus of our heart center to inspire transcendental vision in our mind and evolutionary momentum in our body. The universal flow is forever transforming. Balancing the dimensional elements of our being is our opportunity to resonate with our unique flow. Shifting with universality empowers our transcendence, reuniting us with our soul and the universe.
Evolution of Transcendence
Since the Winter Solstice in 2012, we have been in flow with a universal energetic shift humanity has yet to experience. The last thirteen years have been our evolution of transcendence. Not just to relate with our soul and the universe, yet also with ourselves and others. The new era has nothing to do with business, media, politics, religion, science, technology or virtuality. It is becoming a vessel for our soul to occupy our being and express universality, thus transforming artificiality. Shifting with universality is transforming ourselves from an emulation of social toxicity to embodying the universal resonance of our soul.
“Breathe. Be. Experience. Transform. Transcend.”

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