Dark Totalitarian AI Cloud Gathering Over Poland
By Julian Rose
Polish Premier Donald Tusk is going all out to make Poland the leading European country in the development of AI technologies, especially ‘Cloud’ advanced ‘internet of everything’ computing and digital two way distribution systems.
Cozying up to the US corporation Microsoft has won Tusk a seven hundred million dollar investment package “To establish a framework to strengthen Polish Cyber-security, involving the expansion of its hyper-scale cloud artificial intelligence structure in Poland by June 2026” (Warsaw Voice News Journal).
This comes on top of an earlier top level agreement reached with Google to invest heavily in Polish AI developments.
This rush into artificial intelligence is seen, by top level political maneuverer’s, as a big money spinner. It is part of a global stampede to get ahead of the game in establishing mass human surveillance, digital programming and the grand prize of amassing vast swathes of data in order to influence behaviour patterns of the population.
Sold as being a necessary tool for ‘cyber security anti-hacking’ national defence interests, it is actually a major step in the move to put a totalitarian control system in place to prevent any chance of an organised push back against the deep state.
Poland is considered a soft touch for this form of high tech hegemony. Polish citizens were at the forefront of cellular mobile phone uptake from the time of their first introduction to Europe and have been quick to ditch land lines in favour of EMF WiFi systems.
Microsoft has picked up on this trend and is currently pouring money into AI training centres on Polish university campuses and already employs over two thousand people in its Warsaw headquarters.
What will these young graduates find themselves embroiled in once they lend their talents to these vast corporations dedicated to profiting from a commitment to put in place the diktats of the World economic Forum’s ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution/Great Reset’?
Here’s a brief summary of the Brave New World that they will (mostly unwittingly) be paid to turn into reality both on the ground and in space.
The AI Cloud will likely be amongst the first major high-tech development programs that new recruits will be set to work on. This is a dense interconnecting network of electromagnetic pulses that link up to form a persistent microwave grid, managed and directed from a central control base station.
Into this is fed vast reams of data harvested from personal human economic transactions and communications; observed behavioural patterns and purchasing choices; preferences in online and off line entertainment; frequent contacts; economic status; membership of organisations; political affiliations; domestic and non domestic work routines; travel movements – and of course any criminal record.
All this information is to be available 24/7 for instant access by governmental and secret service cyber security personnel supposedly on the look out for suspicious behaviour that could constitute a ‘threat to the state’.
Any pushback activity that might be cooked-up as presenting such a threat, will – according to its threat rating – be subjected to treatment normally reserved for suspected criminals.
Another prominent feature of the Cloud is the influencing of behaviour patterns via directing message carrying electromagnetic frequencies directly to an individual human being’s brain, thereby influencing that persons thought patterns and emotional/psychological state of being.
Messages also designed to directly influence a large segment of mankind at a single download. This constitutes what is known as ‘the hive mind’, whereby a large group of people can be programmed to receive the same thought – pretty much at the same time – believing this to be their own thought and not that of some interfering hacker under the direction of the deep state secret service.
Be aware: all this will not be sold as a directed mid/body influencing communication system, but as a benign way of enabling millions to have instant access to virtual and actual amalgamated information available from inter linked data base storage centres.
The vast energy consumption and financial costs of rolling out this system to the required level will be a major factor in draining the resources of national economies.
‘The hive mind’ also taps into the large number of near earth orbiting satellites directing their EMF signals to base receiving stations strategically placed around the planet.
The Cloud is thus designed to form the ultimate global surveillance system. It will be able to monitor activities on any area of the planet, in relatively fine detail, once the tens of thousands of satellites required are blasted into orbit.
Elon Musk’s Space X program is leading the way in this vast spying and mind controlling exercise. Already Space X has 30,000 satellites in low orbit, bombarding the planet with microwave radiation and utilising 5 and 6G EMF mobile phone towers to concentrate their beams.
Recent scientific research reveals that internal human body/brain penetration is achieved through the ingestion – or injection – of the electromagnetic attracting substance ‘graphene oxide’.
Activated graphene has been identified as providing the link to DNA and brain wave denaturing exercises. Graphine is believed to be present in atmospheric geoengineering (chemtrail) activities and is activated by 5G mobile phone tower EMF pulses.
Tusk, like UK prime minister Keir Starmer, wants to see the rapid roll-out of electricity guzzling data centres to establish the land based part of the equation. He, like many others of the same ilk, see how having access to ubiquitous volumes of personal data is a potential goldmine for accelerating corporate access to customers preferences and influencing the voting habits of the electorate.
Put all this together and you will understand how the deep state’s tantalising goal of a totalitarian take over is brought ever closer to reality.
Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, articulated this agenda prior to the Covid pandemic in 2020.
Harari has made a point of stressing the progressive significance of ‘hackable humans’. This will apply to people unknowingly being at the receiving end of targetted connections made possible by The Cloud and its hive mind frequency grid.
I have spelt out this imminent danger because the vast majority of WiFi and Smart Phone addicts have no conception of the trap that has been laid for them.
Most are glad to have a 4 or 5G transmission tower close at hand because they get ‘better reception’. But they might not be so happy about that reception once they realise that such towers act as transmission centres for toxic terrestrial microwave pulses that both disrupt natural thought waves and control the content of these thought waves, with satellite Cloud transmissions also passing through those mobile phone towers’ antennae.
Poland looks like becoming a test bed for the widespread application of Cloud technology. But its development is ubiquitous, all countries are ultimately breeding grounds for this weaponised global technology.
What should you do?
Have a deep think about the wisdom of making WiFi communication systems a central component of your daily life. Ask yourself “Am I capable of freeing myself from an addiction to pulsed microwave communications that have been revealed to alter my thought behaviour, natural sleep patterns and ability to concentrate on deeper and emotionally satisfying pursuits?”
These are just the most frequently cited disturbances. It gets much worse when you get into the medium to long term levels of health deterioration that have been extensively categorized in countless peer reviewed scientific papers.
If your answer in “No” then you accept addiction in the same way as it relates to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs; but with the added factor of becoming ‘hackable’ and subject to mass indoctrination programs that work their way into your psyche, both subliminally and consciously.
If your answer is “Yes” – and I sincerely hope it is – then demand the retention of non brain polluting copper wire land lines and standard telephone systems that provide adequate communication needs and ensure the minimum environmental pollution that comes with ubiquitous WiFi microwave radiation forming an inescapable toxic electro smog, denaturing and disrupting all living elements of the natural environment.*
“Yes” also means you can break your WiFi addiction completely. You can give up your mobile phone and start a new life as I did some twenty years ago – also dispensing with that mind controlling flat screen attached to the living room wall.
You will discover a remarkable thing: that freedom comes with reducing, not increasing, dependence on the latest tools of corporate controlled seduction.
The voluntary simplification of our lives is the surest route to salvation.
*Join the International Campaign to save benign, non toxic copper analogue landlines. For details contact: Tanja Katarina Rebel <tankarebel@gmail.com>
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, international activist and broadcaster. See website www.julianrose.info for information about Julian’s acclaimed book
Overcoming the Robotic Mind and other works. Books can be purchased by contacting Julian direct: see ‘contact author’ under ‘reviews’.
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