Introducing Jeanice Barcelo!
Jeanice is an author, educator, researcher, and activist dedicated to exposing the dark side of the medical establishment.
In her first book, “Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine,” Jeanice offers a critical analysis of medical interventions during pregnancy and birth and exposes systematic violence against infants, mothers, fathers and families during hospital birth.
Through her books, classes, webinars and online interviews, Jeanice argues that medical violence is deliberate and designed for the express purpose of harming babies and families. Both mothers and babies are assaulted with damaging technologies like ultrasound which is contributing to severe birth trauma along with long-term, often irreversible injuries such as infertility and neurological damage in the children.
Jeanice has written a book entitled “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound” and has lectured extensively on this and other topics. She has also created a curriculum designed to put an end to this medical madness and restore humanity’s capacity to give birth in love. Jeanice offers a 20-week parenting program, multiple webinars throughout the year, private sessions for birth preparation and for the healing of birth trauma, as well as programs designed especially for men.
To learn more about Jeanice’s work, please visit
Link to Apocatastasis Press HERE.

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