A History of Mystery

“Intelligence is ignorance in the wake of the universe.”



Almost thirty years ago I had an experience that would expand my perception, understanding and vision of reality, at least what I believed it to be. I was 18 and home for a weekend visit from college with my Mom and brother. Perhaps it wasn’t the first time I had one of these encounters, yet it was the first time I remembered the experience. Years later I would learn it takes over a half hour to reach REM sleep. I was lying on a hideaway bed in front of a dormant fireplace and had just fallen asleep. What I experienced was not a dream, yet a transition to a different dimension of existence and a diverse state of being.


Rude Awakening:

Instantly, I awoke into an experience very distinct from the ordinary. There was a paralyzing energy rolling through my body from my head to my feet and back again. I could only move my head. In front of me a fire raged in the dormant fireplace. To my right, drumsticks silently beat on a revolutionary period snare. Streaking lights flew around the darkness of the room. There were intricately colorful patterns resembling paisley over everything in the room. I was seeing multiple dimensions existing within the same domain of my vision. The multiplicity of the experience was terrifying. It took an expression of my will power to break free.




As I laid in bed after my experience, I could feel a current of energy resonating through my body. After many experiences over the years, I would later discover that it was residual energy from my soul’s re-entry through the electromagnetic sphere of the Earth. Eventually it dissipated and the balance of my being returned. I was confronted with the mysteries of the unknown, beyond my comprehension and imagination. I struggled to make intellectual sense of what I would find to be an intuitive journey into the possibilities of existence. The intense impact of the experience would stay with me.


Soul Survey:

Months later, I had another experience. I was staying at my father’s house and I awakened into the frightening familiarity of multi-dimensionality. Once again, I was paralyzed from the neck down by the energy slowing moving like waves through my body. I could sense there was activity to my right. With great effort, I turned my head to see two tall beings illuminated by emerald light communicating clairvoyantly. They seemed to be unaware of my awakened state. They were analyzing and evaluating me. As I observed the environment, I noticed that I was levitating three or four feet above the bed.  Once again, I escaped with the focused intent of my will power.



A History of Mystery:

I eventually realized these were not dreams, fantasies or nightmares. There was a ritual, routine and purpose which I may never entirely comprehend. Every experience began with my shift into a diverse reality in which I encountered energetic paralysis, synthesis and transference. There are always visuals of beings, energy patterns and streaking lights, yet I had never heard any sounds or other senses except for the residual electromagnetic energy that resonates through my being long after my return to reality. In every incidence the energetic intensity becomes overwhelming until I express the focused intent of my personal power.

“Experience is the expression of consciousness.”


Go with the Flow:

Time and understanding gradually taught me to interact and grow with the experiences. The more I shifted in and out of multi-dimensionality, the more I was able to navigate my explorations into diverse realms of existence. Discovery and transcendence replaced my anxiety and fear as I embraced the inevitability of the experiences in a quest to flow with the currents of universal energy. I realized in those moments I was giving away my personal power with my apprehension and resistance. Just as I was becoming accustomed to the progression of the experiences, everything changed.



First Contact:

It had been months since I had an experience when they would become much more challenging. I recall being very tired and falling asleep on my back. Almost instantly I shifted into another dimension. I was in my bedroom, it was dark and I recall the energy waves moving through my body. There was an indigo illumination in this dimension, and I saw what looked like a spirit leaning over me at the foot of the bed. It was pulling my spirit out of my body by my legs. I expressed an inherent resistance to this and the being let go and vanished in the darkness. The legs of my soul returned to my body and my will power shifted me back into reality.


Upon Reflection:

For years I have contemplated this experience as being a soul adjustment or something more sinister. Maybe the being was attempting to assist my soul leaving my body to travel beyond the known realities of existence. Perhaps I will never know the true nature of this experience. The sensation I felt stays with me to this day. Occasionally, I wonder what would have happened had I not shifted into that dimension to thwart the apparent seizure. How often have these experiences occurred in other dimensions outside of my awareness or when I didn’t recall? What was happening to me? Who was I becoming?



A Conscious Return:

Years later, I shifted into a unique dimension where I was outside. The wind was blowing the leaves of some trees and I heard waves crashing on a beach. It was a warm night. I could feel energy from the top of my head moving down my entire form. I began to phase through several dimensions from the beach to the room in which I slept. With each phase the energy decreased in intensity. I saw the beach becoming more distant and the physical room in which I slept merge with that dimension. Eventually I could only hear the beach and see my bedroom as the phasing energy resonated in me long after I shifted into reality.


Expanse of Experience:

After three decades of experiences, much remains a mystery. The constants are the energetic interactions, dimensional shifting and visual manifestations. Yet their clarity, meaning and understanding elude me. I continue to have these experiences and wonder how often they are occurring beyond my awareness. I have learned to believe they are multi-dimensional opportunities to explore and discover the enigmas of existence. I accept my human cognizance may not be enough to realize this expression of universality. I am left with the experiences that guide me through the expanse of my being to bring consciousness to these experiences.

“Without mystery, life would merely be history.”



Iam Saums is an author of articles on community, consciousness, creativity, music and transformation.  He has been featured on numerous websites, publications and social media.  His vision is to empower and inspire community through creativity.

“The darkest nights of our soul ultimately become the brightest days of our lives.” (Quote from “The Art of Being.”)




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