A History of Mystery Continued….
“When we release the illusion of reality, we experience the truth of being.”
Four years ago, I published an article, “A History of Mystery.” I recommend reading this first.
Rude Awakening
In this piece, I shared a few of my personal experiences shifting into and exploring diverse dimensions. One I am most present to in this moment happened twenty-five years ago. Right after falling asleep, I found myself in a vast domain, standing before a massive wall of energy resembling the illumination and movement of fire. Everything else around me was white space. All I recall was stepping into this energy and shifting into the beyond. Mere moments passed before I returned to my body, awakened by my girlfriend.
The Boundary of Being
Since this experience, I observe this energetic barrier to be a boundary. In my understanding, when we cross this threshold, everything we encounter of this world remains in a vortex of what we perceive as “reality.” All we experience beyond this boundary is the energy of the universe, and its synergy with our soul. When we return to sensory awareness, we are unable to recall our transitory, universal experiences. Our body and mind are incapable of comprehending multidimensionality. Terrestrial existence is primarily instinctual and intellectual, with periodic emotions and rare epiphanies of intuition.

In the Darkness of Oblivion
27 years ago, I was in a musical group and living the party life. One Summer afternoon, I was taking a nap, prior to a performance that evening. After falling asleep, I found myself in a domain of utter darkness. I was in a deep pit, and I sensed the disturbing presence of entities all around me. As they drew closer to me, I was immobilized by negative energy. In sheer horror, I found a focus of will power to break the vicious cycle and escape the ominous doom seeping into my soul. Eventually, I pulled myself out of this wicked realm, gasping with terror, as the residual dark energy surged through my body.
Duppy Conqueror
For over half of my life, I have encountered these entities more times than I would choose to recall, in many diverse dimensions, environments and incarnations. Each time, they became craftier at entrapping me. A year ago, I had what I believed to be my final experience with them:
I found myself in the backyard of my childhood home, playing with neighborhood friends. I suddenly shifted to the family room of the same house and heard thunderous footfalls approaching down the hallway toward me. A dark spirit, unlike any I had confronted, held me down on the ground and proceeded to lash me with its fists. Three entities circled me (the same ones from the pit), crawling like legless slugs. I found my will power, and for the first time, released a powerful, vocal roar, stunning the entities into fear and annihilating them for good. The dark spirit vanished, and I awoke empowered with the sense the entities had been defeated.

“The darkness empowers our light.”
The Shadow of Empowerment
What I experience is frightening to my core. It disrupts my equilibrium, intensifies my emotions, scatters my thoughts, frays my instincts and occasionally leaves me physically wounded. Yet, in all my experiences, my awareness, confidence, courage, energy, insight, prayer, strength and understanding has expanded beyond my imagination. In reflection, I realize the experiences inspire a unique, personal empowerment. Howsoever my instincts, thoughts or emotions interpret them, they are all universal. The duality of social reality programs us to believe in the black and white of dark and light. Yet, there is so much more…
Revenge of the Duppy
A few months after my experience in my childhood home, I drifted off one night and instantly shifted into another dimension of my bedroom. I looked up to see the dark spirit that had been attacking me in my previous encounter, standing over my bed with a wicked grin of malicious intent. Its eyes were blazing with a fiery glee. It had a silver, white aura, and a black form like the vacuum of a starless sky. I rose to face it, (which was the first time I recall moving in another dimension.) As I stood, it thrust its hand into my chest. I could feel its darkness pulsing through my being, viciously and violently seizing my energy. My focused will power severed the dark tether and I returned to my body, gasping for life with every breath.

The Cost of Consciousness
Many may believe consciousness is an illuminating experience of empowerment, enlightenment and ecstasy, an adventure of discovery, exploration and fulfillment. In some ways it can be, yet in most ways it is not. My personal experiences with consciousness have been extraordinary, insightful and powerful, as well as arduous, horrific and perilous. Beyond the energy, focus, intention, balance and expression it requires to establish and sustain awareness, there is a darkness we all must face, our own. This is the most terrifying experience we will ever encounter. It is the cost of our consciousness.
A Solar Return
24 years ago, I met a healer who practiced an East Indian ceremonial tradition. She performed an ancient healing ritual on me, and I instantly shifted consciousness:
I was walking down an octangular, glass corridor surrounded by brilliant light and flaring fire. When I focused my vision, I realized I was on the Sun. I came to a door at the center of a solar flare and crossed its threshold into a large octagonal room. The only illumination were fire embers moving through the grains of its wood-paneled walls. In the center was a massive, uprooted tree, stripped of its bark, with its gleaming roots sprawling throughout the space. There was an altar at its heart, and I was drawn to lie down upon it. I shifted again and returned to my body on the healer’s table. Later, I discovered this was my soul’s ritual of being born.
Our Common Experience
I feel to the roots of my soul we all have these experiences, uniquely sourced by our resonance with the universe. Our only distinction: some of us recall them, while others are unable, or unwilling. Our engagement in social reality inhibits our natural ability to intend and fulfill their eventuality. Personal consciousness creates and empowers our experience. We all have a soul existing omnidimensionally in the universe, which empowers our potential to explore beyond the boundaries of our being. Our absolute question remains: Are we willing to release the illusion of our persona to embrace the truth of our soul?
“Conscious experience synergizes our soul with the universe.”