Age of Experience
“Perception is the pawn of social reality.”
Veils of Vision:
Each of us adopt, invent and enact perceptual filters. Some are instinctual, while others mental and emotional. Occasionally they are intuitive, yet these are rare and fleeting. Over time, our vision is clouded with so many facets of perception, we mature and live detached from our experience of life. We seldom cause or live it. We merely read and respond to our social and environmental stimulus. Sure, we exist, think and sometimes feel our way. Ultimately, we allow our anxieties, fears and insecurities to build a barrier between simply living to survive and being to thrive. We aimlessly wander through the forest of our personal filters, unable to escape the kaleidoscope of collective reality.
Social Psychosis:
It can never be overstated how destructive, impactful, influential and enslaving social reality is. Our innate desire to set the compass of our life to institutional relativity is how we destroy our creativity, imagination, possibility and transformation. Being creative, extraordinary and unique is callously and fervently admonished as frivolous in the face of popular existence. Meanwhile, our relatedness with ourselves and the universe is dismissed, distorted and thwarted by our ego’s selfish appetites. Social reality casts a long shadow upon our consciousness. In any moment, there are millions of opportunities to shift ourselves away from mainstream reality and commit to creating an empowering, enriching and inspirational experience.

Forbidden Fruit:
Our culture is rife with knowledge. However, contemporary wisdom is primarily intellectual. For centuries, universal being and multidimensionality have been and are adamantly criticized, reviled as flights of fantasy, daydreams and existential nonsense. Awareness is frequently threatened by denial, resistance, rejection and ridicule. Universal experience transcends two-dimensional existence in the three-dimensional domain of social reality. When it is discovered and explored, we encounter a perceptual paradox that challenges all we have been socially conditioned to believe, sense and think. All that flies in the face of society’s common narrative is deemed sacrilege.
Obscured by Clouds:
Social reality is pulled over our senses from the moment we are born. Our inherent, creative expressions are replaced with conditioned, destructive desires. Eventually, living in this paradigm renders us oblivious to the necessity of creativity, consciousness, enlightenment and transformation. It obstructs our universal power to envision, intuit and manifest life experiences, inhibiting our ability to fulfill our personal destiny. The further we distance from our heart, soul and the universe, the more challenging it becomes for us to experience everything beyond the facade of realism. Breaking the spell of social reality is far easier than being free from the one we cast upon ourselves.

“We experience as we think, not as we are.”
Age of Illumination:
We are in the currents of a powerful, once-in-a-lifetime energetic shift. As the global conditions of disease, greed, inequality, injustice, politics, racism, religion and war reign, our experience of this extraordinary age of conscious potentiality is quickening. Our default patterns of survival serve to distract us from the remarkable opportunities that exist for all to discover, express and become their unique purpose. Social reality is a hurricane raging around us. It arouses and entices us to abandon our connection and relation with the universe. The primary intention for conscious being is establishing the equilibrium between our instinct, intellect, emotion, intuition, soul and the universe.
Synchronistic Symmetry:
All of us have masculine and feminine qualities regardless of our physical gender. All of us embody the attributes of each planet in the solar system, though we tend to characteristically exhibit two or three. We all are composed of the four essential elements: air, water, fire and earth. Therefore, multidimensionality is essential to our fulfilled experience. The institutions of social reality strategically exclude diversity of being to prevent us from becoming enlightened. Our dependence, focus, energy and engagement in the charade sustains its existence. We become one with creation when we establish and empower the balance between our body, mind, heart, intuition and soul.

Creative Opportunity:
Social reality is designed as a method of endurance. The forbidden fruit of existence is to envision our purpose, create our experience and fulfill our unique destiny. Our lives are opportunities to transform any circumstance we may encounter. We are expressions of this power. Now that the energetic shift is happening, it is a hollow pursuit to simply observe our experience and be mystified. When extraordinary events transpire, we feel empowerment in every dimension of our being. The universe inspires us to be present and receive its infinite energy. Every moment is an opportunity to accept, focus, balance, center, ground, intend and embody our experience.
Being our Experience:
Remarkable experiences are few and fleeting when we are victims of circumstance. It is impossible for us to be present to our experience when we are continually engaged in the diversions of social reality. We may appease our body and mind, and our heart may be moved, yet our intuition and spirit are forgotten, silent partners. The equilibrium of our instincts, thoughts, emotions, intuition and soul is the foundation upon which we create our experience. This balance sustains our being and inspires our vision, creativity, power and purpose. When we align our focus, energy and intention with the universe, we become the expression of our personal destiny. All we choose to imagine becomes our experience.
“Experience is the entrance to enlightenment.”