American Families Are Rejecting Hi-Tech School Curriculums and Their Zombifying Effect
By B.N. Frank, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
For many years, Silicon Valley parents (aka tech inventors) have been sending their kids to private low-tech schools and limiting their use of tech, whereas other American families are being told that providing “high tech” educations is what’s best for their kids. An increasing number of experts and studies continue to warn that this is definitely NOT best for kids (see 1, 2, 3), and it’s not just about eye damage (see 1, 2) from excessive screen use.
When students at a private school in Australia were given a choice between a high-tech education or no-tech education, they chose no-tech. When American families aren’t given a choice, some are removing their kids from schools. From The New York Times:
The seed of rebellion was planted in classrooms. It grew in kitchens and living rooms, in conversations between students and their parents.
It culminated when Collin Winter, 14, an eighth grader in McPherson, Kan., joined a classroom walkout in January. In the nearby town of Wellington, high schoolers staged a sit-in. Their parents organized in living rooms, at churches and in the back of machine repair shops. They showed up en masse to school board meetings. In neighborhoods with no political yard signs, homemade signs with dark red slash marks suddenly popped up.
Activist Post regularly reports about risks associated with exposure to screens and other sources of wireless and electromagnetic technology. For more information visit our archives and the following websites:
- Center For Safer Wireless
- ElectromagneticHealth
- Environmental Health Trust
- Generation Zapped
- National Association for Children and Safe Technology
- Parents for Safe Technology
- Physicians for Safe Technology
- SafeTechForSchools
Image credit: Pixabay
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