An Ear to Hear
“The greatest expression of presence is listening.”
On Deaf Ears:
We listen primarily to articulate our response. This is essential to acknowledge. Our social conditioning does not inspire an awareness for quality relativity. Our impatience and intolerance are reflective of the dysfunctional personas we conceal from others in our quest to present an image of sanity in a sociopathic society. The expanding vortex of contemporary reality consumes our consciousness, creativity, evolution, imagination and sensibility, rendering us unable to empower and sustain our listening. When we are not present to this, our ego takes advantage of our imbalanced being. Ignorance is bliss, until we pay the price for our selective interpretation and self-righteousness with personal and social oblivion.
Reality-Colored Vision:
Our perspective is inundated with perceptual filters. We see the world as it seems, rarely as it is. Throughout the course of our life experiences, we adopt, adapt, embrace and express inherent personal and social, static lenses, hindering our enlightenment. Over time, we enable our selective viewpoints, casting ourselves into a narrow awareness of experience. Eventually, we impose our limited perceptions upon others to defend our self-induced coma of anxiety, fear, insecurity and prejudice. These personal rackets award us the arrogance to claim artificial power and flex it whenever our fixed perspectives are challenged. This compounds the illusions we weave, eventually becoming our reality.

Barely Audible:
Our relatedness is distorted and manipulated as much as our reality. We cannot relate when our language is as lethargic as our listening. The fullest potential of conscious listening is the equilibrium between our instincts, intellect, feelings and intuition. However, social reality is rife with toxic impulses, thoughts and emotions. These have become the avenues of our agendas, at the cost of our hearts and souls. We are desensitized to how we sacrifice our experience, building our bank accounts, establishing our status and bolstering our egos. Superficiality destroys the possibility of transforming our social conversations from individual greed to community need. Every day we disempower ourselves deeper into denial.
The Fragility of Consciousness:
Our instinctual, intellectual and emotional reactivity overpowers our awareness. We allow other people, social circumstances and environments to compromise our consciousness before it has the opportunity to evolve. Whether the fate of our transcendence is accidental or intentional, it all begins with the quality of our listening. If we were aware of the insight, transformation and wisdom available when we and those we speak with felt heard, we would chase after experiences to cultivate conscious listening. The frailty of our listening reflects the fragility of our consciousness. All we may become is sacrificed for all we may control. As we abandon our awareness, we diminish our ability to hear and be heard.
“Listening is the currency of being.”

Acute Observation:
When we choose to see how communication and listening does or does not exist in contemporary society, we need only turn to the internet, radio and television. Understanding 90% of what we observe in the media is corporate, political and religious editorial gives us insight into how we can choose to draw vital distinctions. Personal truth will never be found in the annals of education, heredity, politics, religion and alternative, mainstream and social media. No matter how true broadcasts may seem when pandered to our platform and position, they are dangerous transmissions resulting in historically catastrophic outcomes. Keen observation is the primary practice in distinguishing distorted facts from intuitive vision.
Distant Avenues:
We are not related. We believe we are. Yet, vast distances exist between us through social concoctions of fear, insecurity, selective interpretation, and deficiencies in acceptance, authenticity, empathy, trust and understanding. We consciously and obliviously sustain societal separation. All of this is simply a facet of our personal isolation. The deepest impact is the well being of our relationship with ourselves and ultimately our soul. We have an active connection with our instinct and intellect, though our relatedness with our heart and intuition is abandoned by our conditioned addiction to sense reality. When we are not related with others or even ourselves, we are not aligned with our soul and the universe.

Heart Resonance:
As we listen with our egos, we miss so much of what exists for others, and what occurs for us in theirs. We rarely, if ever, venture outside of our own experience of listening. Our narcissistic tendencies narrow our frequency of being, much as our mind can diminish our perception. Every conversation we have has potential for multidimensionality. The gateway to universal relativity is acceptance, empathy, support and understanding. In expressing this, we also benefit from the experience. We all emanate an energetic signature. When we maintain the equilibrium of our instinct, intellect, emotion and intuition, the resonance between us expands, expressing universality.
Universal Relativity:
Our being is multidimensional. All which cannot be perceived by most is easily dismissed into non-existence. Hence the oblivion we all inevitably adopt. Understanding we are a soul with intuitive, emotional, intellectual and instinctual expressions helps us to embrace the necessity of our personal equilibrium. Without it, we will never fulfill relativity with the universe, ourselves or others. We may believe we have decent relations with our family and friends, yet beyond the social bubbles we tolerate, we do not experience ourselves. Therefore, we do not relate with our soul and the universe. Universal relativity transpires when we chose to express authentic listening as our primary intention with all our relations.

Between the Lines:
I am a musical artist in addition to an author of articles. My creative process is an experiential, multidimensional environment, a sacred space the universe holds for me as a representative for all possibility in being my expression. The moment I intend to bring universality into three-dimensional reality, the eternal and infinite energy of the universe is inevitably diminished from its ever-expansive nature to a singular, static medium. Society’s perceptual tendency toward duality furthers the waning impression of creativity. For me, it is not the musical notes or words I choose. It is the universal energy inspiring them to empower their expression.
Relations of Power:
There is a vital distinction to be made when listening. For many, expressing it is an act of tolerance, “allowing” another to speak, all the while collecting notes to curry our response. Authentic listening gives people with whom we relate the experience of being heard, empowering their relatedness with acknowledgment, appreciation and acceptance. We may not agree with the viewpoints of others, though it does not mean we need to devalue, diminish and dismiss their voice when it is in contrast with ours. Being heard is a power we can share with all. When we give others our listening with the empowerment of being heard, we are extending equal courtesy to ourselves, thus becoming an expression of universal relativity.
“Listening is offering others the experience of being heard.”

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