The Article Collection
Beyond the Veil
“There is darkness…then there is light.”
Plight of the Afterlife
Centuries of extraordinary experiences have been documented about what we encounter when our soul leaves our body. All who witness these events are empowered to recall their journey. Yet, their personal revelations are often met with social anxiety, denial, dismissal, doubt, fear, insecurity and ridicule. For the experienced few, these encounters are more real than reality itself, regardless of public reaction. Many eagerly refute their remarkable experiences in a quest to discredit and scrutinize all that is contrary to the dogmas in which they are conditioned, or the artificial reality in which we are enslaved.
Experience to Remember
For over 30 years I have had these encounters. They are distinct from being awake or asleep. In my experience, it takes over 45 minutes for me to have lucid dreams, feedback from my mind releasing the past, daily events and unnecessary thought forms. As we drift off to sleep, something happens to us which transcends the REM dream state. The residual impacts of our conditioning and programming constantly impose their influence and deaden our senses. Yet, what happens in that window between awareness and slumber? And why do we fail to remember?

The Fire of Youth
As children, we can. We experience these encounters to their fullest, yet we lack the capacity to articulate, retain, apply and understand them. Eventually, the conditioning and programming of social reality compromises and diminishes our intuitive acumen and awareness. In addition, our exposure to ordinary life destroys our creativity and consciousness, severing our relatedness with the universe. The virtuality in which we exist is designed to stimulate and preoccupy our instincts and intellect, scramble our emotional being, disrupt our connection with our intuition and separate us from our soul.
The Age of Truth
As adults, we gradually surrender our intuition and evade our emotions. We are addicted and obsessed with the artificiality of society. Our social environment is not sustainable to nurture multidimensionality. However, we have the potential and possibility to experience what exists beyond three-dimensional reality. It requires observation, focus, balance, intention, expression and being to align and relate with our soul and the universe. This is the essential equilibrium between our intuition, emotion, intellect and instinct, to ground and center ourselves into the resonance of universal experience.

“We experience only a fraction of the universe.”
The Grand Illusion
Experience, relation and understanding begins with observing, accepting and transcending the greatest lie ever invented. “Reality” is real. None of this is real, at least in the way we are led to believe. It is a simulated illusion. We are born, conditioned, developed and trained to exist similar to a computer program. We interpret it as real because we are seemingly experiencing its commonalities within the paradigm of social reality. Yet, our engagement and investment in this societal matrix is the very energy enabling its existence. In essence, our life force is highjacked and manipulated by the few to enslave the many.
Sacred Space
All life empowered by the universe requires personal space for conception, evolution, existence, expression and being. For us to receive the energy of universality, we need to constantly align, center, ground, express and transform ourselves. There are energetic ebbs and flows in the universe, as there are personal shifts we must frequently experience to fulfill on our destiny. This involves our unique investment in creating, establishing and maintaining our sacred space, a personal energetic environment to cultivate our relatedness with our soul and the universe. This is our true purpose on Earth.

Who Feels It Becomes It
Our lives are lived through our perceptions. Yet, this is merely a figment of social reality. The personal power we acquiesce to our instinct and intellect imprisons us into the linear existence of duality. The body and mind are the dominating elements of our being, often overpowering our heart, intuition and soul. Each one of us emanates the energy to be creative, conscious, empowered, enlightened, intuitive and transcendent. Our choice to be all that we are expresses a universal shift relative to the birth of a star. The torus of energy in our heart center is the gateway for our soul to express universality into social reality.
The Soul Journey
The essential experience we all encounter in the moments between being awake and asleep is when our soul travels. It leaves our body and mind to journey beyond the electromagnetic barrier of the Earth’s atmosphere and known human existence. When we cross this threshold, we leave behind everything of this world to embody multidimensionality. However, when we return through this boundary to our body, we forget everything we experience while our spirit explores the universe. Our instincts and intellect are unable to comprehend our soul’s journey. Therefore, we are incapable of universal recall.

“Our energetic resonance is our universal signature.”
Are You Experienced?
It has taken me over thirty years of experiences to accept, remember, translate, integrate and understand their nature and purpose. They transpire in various ways with infinite possibilities and outcomes. Every time I return, there is an electromagnetic resonance throughout my being, in my body, mind, heart and intuition. I feel these are the remnants of universality empowering me with its multidimensional impression. This essential energy is received and synthesized with my personal consciousness, evolution and transformation.
Beyond the Veil
For the first time in three decades, I consciously experienced this transcendental shift. I was sequestered in a sacred space for days without food, water and, for the most part, light. At some point, I was able to transcend the boundaries and inclinations of my body and mind and cross the threshold into universal being. In this experience, I saw light in the darkness, heard sound in the silence, found clarity in the chaos and felt who I am and how I exist beyond my personal perception. I recalled where I travelled and the experience of progressively shifting and returning to my body.

Soul Return Experience
One reason we cannot remember when our soul travels is due to the intense process of re-integrating into our body and mind. In spirit, we are related with the universe as a multidimensional expression of energy. The best word to illustrate this is “universality.” When we return from our experience, the progression from being one with essence to existing in a three-dimensional reality with a two-dimensional existence is equivalent to condensing an ocean into a stream. This “reality” we adopt and emulate is the dream. We simply fail to nurture the necessary, energetic containment and expression to empower and inspire universality.
Reintegrating into social reality is not the most challenging experience when our soul journeys beyond the veil. It is the return to our self and who we have become that presents the greatest adversity. In my recent encounter, I recalled most of my experience, yet little of who I had been. Though I have become accustomed to these energetic shifts, I am not fully present to or related with the person I am now. I am in transition. As mentioned in previous articles, I am not inspired to simply know about these explorations. Knowing is an interpretation based on instinct and intellect. I am empowered by the experience of understanding my soul’s relation and resonance with the universe.
“Our soul is a sacred space of the universe.”