Cancer Cures Sized


If you have Cancer, this could be the most important post of your life.

[ IODINE SUPERFOOD! Anti-cancer Agent – IODINE & THYROID DEFICIENCIES; Linked To Thyroid and Breast Cancer, Infertility, Obesity, Mental Retardation ]


[ ULTIMATE CANCER KILLERS – ULTIMATE CANCER CURES: All Natural, All Effective “Death Of Cancer 2013″ ]


[ CANCER SUPER CURE(S) – THE DEATH OF CANCER: BUDWIG DIET (Flax Seed Oil / Cottage Cheese), LAETRILE-Vitamin B17 (Apricot Seeds), SUNLIGHT/VITAMIN D (D3) [3 Month Cure or Less ]


[ THE BEAUTIFUL TRUTH: DYING TO HAVE KNOWN – The Gerson Therapy Cancer Cure (Video) The Healing Diet ]


[ GARLIC – NATURAL CANCER KILLER AND PREVENTION: GARLIC, NATURES ULTIMATE CURE-ALL: Certified Cancer Killer – 8 Scientific Studies That Prove Garlic Kills Cancer Including Brain Tumors ]


[ HOW TO CURE CANCER FOR $5.15 Per Day – Bill Henderson “Time To Terminate Cancer!” ]


{ SUPER HEALTH, ANTI-DISEASE — LONGEVITY, ANTI-AGING: S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol And The Arsenal Of Health }


cancer Myth_vs_Truth



Colorful tulip blossom field, Island Mainau, Lake Constance  - Hans-14-27-40-882_950x510


FDA Disclaimer
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and or information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



RUN FROM THE CURE – Full Version

The following presentation of RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story was made possible by Rick Simpson and video producer Christian Laurette… made for free to teach YOU how to heal yourself of disease and illness using cannabinoids.

Comments will be moderated to protect those who need this information. We are not asking anyone if it works, we are telling you it works; it is not a debate. Too many uneducated people coming to this channel to speak their mind on a life-saving plant they know nothing about and giving bad advice and in many cases making horrible remarks about the people who brought the information out to you.

There is no need to comment. Make the medicine or don’t… that simple.

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

The world needs this now! A story of how cannabis extract oil cured David Triplett’s cancer after he watched RUN FROM THE CURE: The Rick Simpson Story



What Causes Cancer

If you’re like many people, including the medical community, you probably don’t know what causes cancer.

Research shows that a Candida overgrowth may be the root cause of cancer. Using a Candida treatment program as an adjunct to other treatments may be the fastest way to a cancer free future!

1.4 Million New Cancer Patients Every Year

What you may know about cancer can be frightening:
On average, 1.4 Million new cancer cases are diagnosed annually in the United States

559,650 people died of cancer in 2007, and that is consistent with the annual mortality rate year after year in the U.S. 1,2

What is the Connection to Candidiasis?

As long ago as 1913, Nobelaureate Dr. Johannes Fibiger of Denmark proved the connection between cancer and fungal growths when he fed parasitic larvae–carrying cockroaches to healthy rats. The rats subsequently developed “cancer swellings”.3

Candidiasis (also known as Candida) is an overgrowth of fungal parasite within the body. Its connection to cancer may come in many forms.

One study suggests that yeast is the infection at the heart of most cancer cells. And the rise of cancer rates in first world countries over the last 80 years is due to the “modern” carbohydrate-rich, fiber-weak diet.

Carbohydrates in the form of processed white sugar, refined wheat and other foods with high-glycemic counts feed the yeast fungus so that it grows rapidly and disrupts the normal balance of good bacteria and bad.

This imbalance results in lower immune response, slowed wound healing and ultimately in the infection of healthy cells by parasitic yeast.

These infections result in cancer in much the way Dr Fibiger’s rats contracted cancer. As proof of this theory, in 2001 Helicobacter pylori (a form of bacteria) was found to cause stomach cancer.

In addition, Human papilloma virus (HPV) is known to cause cervical cancer. And in June 2006, Cancer Watch reported that infections of microbes in the intestines can cause colon cancer.4

Antibiotic overuse can lead to Candidiasis. Candidiasis may be what causes cancer.

Another theory suggests that the widespread use of antibiotics, particularly in the UK and US, kills all bacteria – including the stuff needed to fight disease, cancer and yeast fungus.

This terrible combination of blocked immune response and parasitic overgrowth of the yeast fungus enables cancer cells to grow rapidly.

In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported in Feb 2004 that women who took 25 doses of antibiotics (or more than 500 days worth) had twice the chance of contracting breast cancer as those who took no antibiotics in the same period.5

Is Yeast What Causes Cancer?

In an extensive review of what causes cancer, in his book CANCER, Cause, Cure and Cover Up, Ronald Gdanski examines the many similarities between the growth patterns of cancer cells and parasitic yeast.

In it he points out that when an injury or infection occurs, the normal human cell multiplies its “growth factor” (its ability to create new cells) in order to heal the injury. When parasitic yeast infiltrates an injury or infection, it acts in much the same way as the host cell – multiplying its growth factor.

As they inter-mingle, they create mutated cells with flaws in the cell walls that prevent the collection of cells from connecting properly to finally close the wound. The result is overgrowth of mutated cells – in effect cancer.

In addition, Dr. Carolyn Dean (who is both a medical doctor and alternative health expert), when considering what causes cancer says,
“It is a scientific fact that, when yeast cells reach a certain critical mass, they change from a round budding stage to a thread-like tissue-invasive stage. . . In the small intestine, the yeast threads poke microscopic holes in the intestinal lining.

Such a phenomenon is called “leaky gut” – a superhighway to the blood stream with nothing to block toxins trickling across the gut lining.

Instead of absorbing life-giving nutrients through an intact intestinal wall, yeast’s chemical by-products, (all 180 of them), and the inflammatory products they produce, (undigested food molecules, toxins, and other chemicals), take a one-way ride.”

That one way ride creates a chronic fungal infection that leaves the individual vulnerable to the cancer effect described above.

Is Candidiasis What Causes Cancer?

Recently, an Italian oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, points out that at the most basic level cancer and yeast fungus have very similar (if not identical) characteristics.
Both cancer and Candida feed on sugar.

Both grow and reproduce only in anaerobic environments. 7,8

Both need an acidic environment to survive.

When you probe cancer cells within the human body, they appear white in color and uneven in texture just like yeast.
You have only to observe Oral Thrush (Candida of the mouth) to realize that they appear to be one and the same.

Further, in a comprehensive study by Lankenau Hospital Research Institute and the Institute for Cancer Research (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), researchers found fungi present in virtually all cancerous tumors they examined.9

In sum, Candida may very well be what causes cancer. If that is true, then simply cutting away the cancerous growth and treating with chemotherapy and radiation is NOT ENOUGH.

The invasive yeast fungus should be removed with an anti-fungal treatment and the Candida diet should be used to decrease yeast-promoting foods.

A Candida Treatment Program may help you become Cancer Free!

Natural antifungal treatments are inexpensive, have minimal side effects and should be a valued adjunct to other “modern” medical treatments for cancer.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, please talk to your doctor to see if natural antifungal treatments will interfere with your medical treatment. If not it may be worth the effort to try them. Since cancer cells feed on sugar, the Candida Diet is worth a try as well.

The worst case scenario is that they will do nothing. The best case scenario is they may help cure your cancer!


Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

Proof Marijuana CURES Cancer

THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study
Cancer Cure Discovered – And Criminalized!


fruits-and-vegetables1 fresh-

S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol And The Arsenal Of Health

INTRODUCTION: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates; Considered the Father Of Western Medicine

WHAT IS THE SHAD-LAA Natural Health Protocol?

Super Health, Anti-Disease, – Longevity, Anti-Aging, — D.N.A. Repair And Maintenance +Overall Pain Reduction:

The Shad-laa D’Naram O.P.R. (it’s full name) is a combination or compilation of several Natural Health and Natural Anti-Cancer Protocols boiled down to a few simple steps/parts that do everything from fighting cancer and other Diseases to weight control, to vastly improving over all health.

It also helps reduce pain from aching bones, joints and muscles, and other ailments that come with age, or just regular wear and tear.

It does such a good job that it can be described as putting some in nearly perfect, pain free health. A kind of Super Health of mind and body. And it does it simply and easily. (Results Vary per Individual)

And a fantastic side effect that wasn’t discovered until years later, was it’s Anti-Aging Properties, that actually seems to slow down the natural aging process by 3 to 4 years, if not more. For every 3 to 4 years that others age, you age about 1…maybe less!

NOTE: It was actually discovered very early that this program REVERSED the Aging Process by years, 10-20 years on average(6 months to 1 year into the program). But the real, noticeable Anti-Aging Properties were not discovered until later.

And the best part is, it does it almost completely All-Naturally. 2-5 natural supplements and food are all that this program calls for to achieve all desired health goals, as set forth within the parameters of the Shadlaa-D’Naram O.P.R. Natural Health Protocol.

Super Health, Anti-Disease – Longevity Anti-Aging, D.N.A. Repair And Maintenance +Overall Pain Reduction

The SHADLAA D’NARAM OPR System combines no less than Ten (10) Natural Health and Natural Anti-Disease Therapies.

On a personal note;
You will recognize the Reverse Aging and Major Health Benefits long before the Anti-Aging aspects of this Personal Natural Health Program. You can ‘Feel’ the Reverse-Aging and Health Benefits. You can’t feel ‘Anti-Aging’!

You can only see and realize Anti-Aging over time, when you see others continue to age, too quickly it seems, and you not only don’t appear to age like others, but actually start looking younger, 5-10 years younger approximately. You feel easily 20 years younger inside with a mental and outward attitude to match.

What’s really weird is seeing young people get older and more mature and you still stay basically the same.

* Should You Buy This Book?…Would I Recommend It To A Friend?? ABSOLUTELY YES!!!
I would and do recommend it to friends and family alike. Those both younger and older. They all have aches and pains or this ailment or that. And who wants to grow old…fast.

* Other Anti-Aging, Reverse-Aging Diets:
I studied many Reverse-Aging and Anti-Aging Diets before i released the S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol. You know, checking out the competition. All the big name universities, and famous Doctors, online and off.

I was shocked at what I found. Many talked about the importance of increasing Fruits and Vegetables, Vitamin D, and Anti-Oxidants. But that was basically it.

All those things are vitally important. But they left out the least known and most important Mineral to Anti-Aging on the Planet. The one Mineral that the young have in abundance and that older people have virtually none of! And it’s not Calcium, Copper or Iron. It’s a corner stone of the S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Diet, and helps keep you limber and your skin elastic.

They don’t have the number one natural product in the World for maintaining and protecting your D.N.A. A product that is so great at what it does, that Science uses it to clean and maintain D.N.A. during Research. Nothing on Earth does the job this natural mineral does, and it is absolutely Vital for Human Life! And of course, most people never heard of it.

Aging starts at the D.N.A. Level, below that of Cells. So any thing you do to protect your D.N.A., can have life extending benefits.

* They also don’t mention another natural food, “That’s been used for thousands of year”, that has been proven by World Science and Medicine to Protect D.N.A., as well as kill almost every disease thrown at it, including all types of cancer.

* There are even two more natural foods that are not mentioned that both have High Anti-Aging Properties as well as High Anti-Disease properties. And it doesn’t stop there. There are two other natural foods that both have “High Anti-Aging and Anti-Disease properties that aren’t mentioned at all.

This is why I was shocked! They didn’t even discover half the truth and then sat back on their heels like they had done something! And of course, all these items are prominent in the S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol.

The problem was that they were only looking for Reverse-Aging and Anti-Aging Protocols and I wasn’t looking for that at all.
I bumped into it completely by accident.

I was looking for Natural Anti-Cancer, Anti-Disease and Pro-Natural Health Protocols. Which I found. But as it turns out, the exact same Protocols are also Reverse-Aging and Anti-Aging. In fact, they may be even stronger at Reverse and Anti-Aging, than they are at Anti-Disease. Maybe!

At it’s Heart of Hearts, this is an Anti-Cancer Protocol, or abundance of such. But comparing this Natural Protocol to your average Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol, is like comparing a 1967 VW Beetle to a Mercedes. They both have wheels, but one is much, much better than the other!
And that also goes for your average ‘run of the mill’ anti-aging or reverse-aging diet or protocol.

And all this is accomplished with food and 2 to 5 natural supplements. It so easy…it’s almost as easy as breathing, You could put the whole basic program on a 3″ x 5” Note Card. But it’s so easy, you can’t forget.

It's literally mouth-watering - isn't it - werner22brigitte


*** PLUS BONUS: Yours Free with the Purchase of the S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol ***

The GARLIC – APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – HEAT THERAPY: Anti-Disease Protocol is pound per pound and dollar per dollar, the simplest, cheapest, quickest, most powerful, natural anti-disease protocol in the world today, bar none.

It combines (3) Anti-Disease Protocols or Therapies that have been used for thousands of years for natural healing, since the days of Egypt and before.

In 1997, when I started this journey on the Quest for Natural Cures and Remedies, it actually only took about (6) months to settle on this protocol. And it had sustained me for the next (14) years, until it was rolled into the Shad-laa D’Naram OPR Natural Diet System.

This is an Anti-Disease Protocol only. Not Anti-Aging or Super Health or anything like that. It does only one thing and it does it effectively. It fights all sorts of ailments, inside and out.


“I’ve spent thousands of dollars online for information or products, and whether they were worth it or not, and many of them weren’t, none of them, even come close to this BASIC information; in importance, usability or longevity.” – Wade House



S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol [The Super Foods Diet]

– If you only take in Super Foods, you can’t help but be Super Healthy. Even the Water, Sweeteners and Snacks used in this Program are considered by many to be Super Healthy or Super Foods. How can you go wrong!? – Wade House

The best way to describe the S.H.A.D.-L.A.A. Natural Health Protocol [The Super Foods Diet], is through it’s full name.

The SHADLAA-D’NARAM OPR Natural Health Protocol.
Every letter or Group of letters of the name actually stands for different parts of the system.

S.H. = Super Health
A.D. = Anti-Disease
L.A.A. = Longevity Anti-Aging
D.N.A.R.A.M. = D.N.A. Repair And Maintenance / R.A. = Reverse-Aging
O.P.R. = Overall Pain Reduction
It also includes: T.W.C. = Total Weight Control
(But I couldn’t work that into the name:)

All this is achieved through only a couple of handfuls of different natural products or supplements, so every product(food/vitamin/mineral) must do multiple things.

In fact, every product in this Program except one, is considered a Super Food.
You could easily call this a Super Foods Diet.

All Super Foods do multiple healthy things for the Human Body. Most of them are in this Natural Health Program.

But there is another group of Super Foods that are at the top of the list and must be separated from Super Foods that are only healthy when eaten(internally).

This group of Super Foods I call the “Real SUPERFOODS” or the “Total SUPER FOODS”.

This very small group of Superfoods all have three things in common:
They have all been used for 10,000 years or more, and are considered Ancient Cures and Remedies.
They all do multiple healthy things internally.
They all do multiple healthy things externally, also.

Anti-Aging / Reverse Aging
With fully 80%-90% or more of the Shad-Laa D’Naram Natural Health Protocol Dedicated to Reverse-Aging and Anti-Aging, this could be one of the best Reverse-Aging/Anti-Aging Natural Health Protocols in the World Today!

LIVE LONG! LIVE HEALTHY! – K.I.S. H.A.R.D.! Keep It Simple – High Antioxidant Rich Diet!


Taken from –  – 03/05/2016