The Power of The Wise Fool

The Power of The Wise Fool

The Power of The Wise Fool     By Gary Z. McGee   “The wise man pretends to be a fool.” ~Shakespeare   On a long enough timeline, all timelines disintegrate. The road to self-mastery is a journey not a destination. It’s a process not a result. It’s...
The Last Human Election

The Last Human Election   The Last Human Election     By Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath     A.I. is here, shaping the world in which we live.      If you utilize spam filters, online shopping (e-commerce), social media,...
Trawling the Farm for Human Energy

Trawling the Farm for Human Energy

The Freedom Articles Trawling the Farm for Human Energy     By Makia Freeman     In many ways, living on Planet Earth is like living on a human farm.   We are being trawled for our “human energy”. I was starkly reminded of this the other day...
Propaganda in our Digital Era

Propaganda in our Digital Era

Propaganda in our Digital Era   By Susan Ferguson   “Propaganda, the Formation of Man’s Attitudes” is the brilliant work of the French philosopher Jacques Ellul. Written in 1965, Ellul offers us disturbing and painful insight into the...
Radical Self-integration

Radical Self-integration

Radical Self-integration: Strong Back, Soft Front, Wild Heart   By Gary Z. McGee   “The strong back is having grounded confidence and healthy boundaries. The soft front is staying vulnerable and curious. The mark of a wild heart is living out these paradoxes...