“Chemtrail Flu” — Is It For Real?
By – Catherine Frompovich
Is there such an unhealthy and debilitating condition as “chemtrail flu”? Not certain there is, I decided to do some exploration to find out what’s out there about it. However, I am positive that there is such a malady medically documented and called “multiple chemical sensitivity” [7] (MCS), which often produces flu-like symptoms in most people who are affected by it, especially during its acute stage(s).
Allopathic medicine has a love affair with chemicals because their ‘quiver’ of medicines are made from toxic, man-made chemicals (prescription-pharmaceutical drugs) so, apparently and universally, physicians and researchers, who deal with pharmaceuticals, cannot and will not, declare chemicals are the cause of health problems.
Chemtrails, being laden with super-toxic chemicals and heavy metals [1], plus other ‘ingredients’ like mycotoxins, mold spores, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A, desiccated human red blood cells, etc. [1], probably can mimic MCS symptoms, especially since everyone has to breathe chemtrail-laden air particles, all while the human immune system is being assaulted BIG time by those horrendous toxins.
Some call chemtrail flu “chemtrail syndrome.” GeoEngineeringWatch.org publishes a litany of symptoms on its webpage “Chemtrail Syndrome: A Global Pandemic of Epic Proportions:”
What follows is a fairly exhaustive list of symptoms associated with chemtrail spraying. Each symptom has been identified by various individuals who have clocked their occurrence with the onset of chemtrails being laid down over their homes or businesses. This list has been organized in a descending order, with the most commonly experienced symptoms at the top.
- Headache
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Low energy
- Compromised immunity
- Disorientation
- Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
- Sinusitis
- Skin discomfort/irritation
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
- Asthmatic (Breathing difficulties)
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Memory loss
- Eye problems (blurred or fuzzy vision)
- Nausea
- Liver problems
- Gallbladder dysfunction
- Tinnitus (distant ringing in ears or high pitched sound after spraying)
- Neck pain
- Scratchy throat
- Allergy symptoms
- Hay fever out of season
- Flu-like symptoms [CJF emphasis added]
- Susceptibility to colds
- General weakness
- Anxiety
- Lightheaded or faint
- Depression
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Shortness of breath
- Vertigo
- Anger/Rage/Frustration issues
- MORGELLONS disease
Zen Gardner says in “Chemtrail flu: Have You Had It Yet?”
The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn’t quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it’s a “mystery” flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it. [2]
Talking about one of the chemtrail ingredients, mycoplasma, Gardner and Dr. Len Horowitz tell what it apparently does in the body.
Micoplasma [sic] is not really a fungus, it’s not really a bacteria, it’s not really a virus. It has no cell wall. It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it. It’s a man-made biological weapon. The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what’s going on right now. CHEMTRAILS DESTROY YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION [2] [CJF emphasis added]
Here’s online patent information for a pathogenic mycoplasma [3] isolated from AIDS patients.
Another of the chemtrails ingredients, barium, can produce adverse symptoms affecting the nervous system—and in addition to flu-like symptoms—such as:
Muscle weakness and tremors, difficulty in breathing, stomach irritations accompanied by diarrhea, anxiety, cardiac irregularities, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and even paralysis. [4]
According to Russ Tanner [5], there are several Types of chemtrails:
Salty Metallic, Iron/Aluminum, Drywall Dust, Acetone, Swamp Water, Pharmaceutical, Sulfur, Blunt Metallic, Metallic Chemical, Pesticide, Freshly-Cut Grass, Dryer Sheets/Fabric Softener, Model-Cement/Burnt Plastic, which he describes on his webpage .
Personally, I find Tanner’s chemtrail descriptive-types quite an ingenious identification process, which may explain much about the abnormalities we experience in outdoor ambient air quality. At times I have experienced a dry, acrid-like odor outside, plus different colored sooty spots on my car. Have any readers noticed something “in the air”?
What else did I find out? Well, here are some probably little-known ‘factoids’ about chemtrails:
- In a bill [H.R. 2977] introduced into the 107th U.S. Congress in 2001, chemtrails were referred to as an “exotic weapons system.”
- Supposedly, chemtrail spraying over humans in the USA gained its legality from U.S. Code Title 50, Section 1520 which gives the Secretary of Defense authority to order testing “involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on civilian population” for research purposes. That should be brought to the attention of every member of the U.S. Congress and changed immediately—if not sooner!
- Mike Blair, a Washington reporter, wrote that “chemtrails” actually are “anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government.” [6]
So what can we do about chemtrails to protect ourselves?
First and foremost, I suggest maintaining as chemical-free a lifestyle as possible, including food, water and personal indoor home environment—no scented candles, etc., as chemicals and artificially-created chemical scents compromise the immune system. Always launder new clothing before wearing it, as it’s impregnated with chemical ‘sizing’.
Eat as nutritiously and organically as possible foregoing processed and junks foods, including restaurants which serve GMO foods/ingredients. Cut back on red meat consumption and include more raw organically-grown foods in your diet. Do research about grass-fed food animals, sustainable agriculture and food co-ops.
Seek out a holistic physician to give you guidance on how to detoxify your body under medical supervision, and to supplement your immune system. Moving heavy metals and toxic chemicals, which we all have thanks to chemtrails, can make a person very sick, if not done properly and gently.
Lastly, please become an activist and work to stop chemtrails globally, just not spraying over the USA. An excellent resource regarding chemtrail information is www.GeoEngineeringWatch.org. Educate your family and friends about chemtrails. Even though they’re not “what family and friends want to hear discussions,” the benefits truly are life-saving.
For more information on these symptoms check out CPOE.org
[1] http://stopsprayingcalifornia.com/What_are_they_Spraying.php
[2] http://www.zengardner.com/chemtrail-flu-have-you-had-it-yet/
[3] http://www.google.com/patents/US5242820
[4] http://www.testcountry.org/most-common-signs-and-symptoms-of-barium-poisoning.htm#ixzz1iznyq7jX
[5] http://globalskywatch.com/stories/my-chemtrail-story/chemtrail-information/chemtrail-types.html#BluntMetallic
[6] http://www.chembuster.us/
[7] http://www.multiplechemicalsensitivity.org/multiple-chemical-sensitivity-1.php
Chemtrail Illnesses
Joanne Steen explains chemtrail flu in this video
Chemtrail Tee Shirts and Tees
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.
Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)
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