Brain Disruption and Child Development in the Wireless Age


In our wireless age, we are still uncovering the impact of childhood development and EMFs. All electrical and wireless devices generate electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Think: your children’s cell phones, gaming stations, tablets, laptops and computers, family television and microwave – all your popular and common household and office devices. EMFs never extinguish, though. They move indefinitely through space as they interact and disturb other electromagnetic charges in their vicinity. EMF exposure or interference impacts the natural electromagnetic processes that underlie all of the body’s biological processes. Thus, making the developing brains of children and adolescents particularly vulnerable to the effects of EMFs.


Antenna in the Human Brain

Research at the Caltech University (California Institute of Technology) by Joseph L. Kirschvink, shows the brain is a high-power magnetic receiver lined with several billion magnetic particles “tuned in” to background planetary frequencies that form the natural electromagnetic field surrounding us. Today, Earth’s field is polluted with technologically produced frequencies (EMFs), so the brain receives electromagnetic “junk” produced by AC electricity and wireless technology and transmits this junk to the cells.


Vulnerability to EMFs and Childhood Development

Children are especially vulnerable to EMFs and its effects on their development. Children’s skulls are less dense and contain relatively more brain fluid than those of adults.  A 1 year old child absorbs almost twice as much radiation per kilo as an adult. The following image shows just how much higher the electromagnetic radiation absorption rates are in the brains of 5 and 10 year old children as compared to the adult brain.



Childhood Development and EMFs: Mental, Emotional & Behavioural Disorders

Exposure to EMFs from cell phones, wireless networks and other wireless technological devices has long been associated with complaints of visual and hearing disruptions, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and cognitive difficulties such as attention problems, difficulty focusing, poor memory, and foggy thinking. The rapidly growing number of patients presenting with complaints they associate with EMF exposure, led Toronto Women’s College Hospital, to commence an initiative in 2012 to train family doctors to recognize symptoms of EMF exposure.

Given the diversity of these complaints, children’s vulnerability to EMFs and their effects, and the pervasiveness of EMFs in homes, schools and most everywhere else in today’s world, we must admit EMF exposure is adversely affecting childhood development. The role of EMFs in childhood and adolescent mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders begs deeper examination.

An EMF contribution is reflected in the rising incidence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, that has escalated in recent years in tandem with the increasing use of personal and industrial EMF generating devices in our technologically rich society. According to Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,

The mental health of young people is increasingly fragile. In Canada, one in five children and youth are identified with a mental illness. It is a trend reflected in other countries. Policy leaders and researchers with the European Commission and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services predict that mental illness will be one of the five most common causes of morbidity, mortality and disability among youth by 2020.1

Not surprisingly, the agency also reports 70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence2.


Executive Functioning, Childhood Development and EMFs

Since EMFs are received via the brain, how might childhood development be influenced by EMFs? Generally, emotional, mental and behaviour disorders seen in children and adolescents relate to deficits in what mental health professions refers to as “Executive Function”.  Executive Function is a collection of brain processes responsible for planning; cognitive flexibility: abstract thinking; learning rules; initiating appropriate action; inhibiting inappropriate speech and behaviour; and selecting relevant sensory information.  Executive Function is involved in judgment and decision making, trouble shooting, impulse control, reasoning, managing time and space, organizing and coordinating activities, setting goals, self reflection, self correcting; multi-tasking and mood.

Executive function develops during childhood through to young adulthood. This is when the child and adolescent learn to:

  • resist distraction by salient stimuli;
  • focus attention on stimuli that are important;
  • be goal oriented;
  • organize and direct activity so that goals are achieved in ways that are appropriate and rule abiding;
  • engage in abstract thinking;
  • make predictions about the future;
  • reason;
  • think from another’s point of view;
  • evaluate ideas;
  • reflect on ones own work,
  • be flexible in thinking making it possible to think from another’s point of view;
  • keep track of time;
  • simultaneously attend to more than one task;
  • engage in group dynamics;
  • wait patiently;
  • finish work on time; and
  • seek assistance when needed.


Brain Health: Childhood Development and The Role of EMFs in Executive Function Disorders

There are various documented EMF effects known to alter brain function, composition and activity, which implicate EMF exposure as a major accelerator and contributor to deficits in Executive Function.  Considering all of the following influences on the brain occur during EMF exposure, it is more than reasonable to consider EMFs an adverse influence on brain health during child development:

  1. Research shows the pineal gland is a “magneto sensitive” organ, meaning it is sensitive to electromagnetic fields and that EMF exposure suppresses pineal gland activity.  The pineal gland is the brain’s main source of serotonin, (5-HT).  Serotonin is especially important for effective Executive Function and also influences many brain controlled functions, including wake-sleep cycle, perception, memory, sense of well-being, impulse control, aggression and one’s sense of reality.  Increasing evidence links 5-HT signaling alterations during child development to emotional dysregulation and psychopathology in adult age.3
  1. According to research findings, EMF exposure puts the body into a fight or flight response (also known as “emergency state”, “acute stress response” ) that reorganizes the brain’s energies, among other things. The response increases blood flow to the brain’s limbic system producing heightened emotional response and hyper-readiness for action. The fight or flight response also reduces blood flow to the Frontal lobes/ forebrain, where Executive Function and cognitive thinking takes place. The reduced blood flow impairs Executive Function abilities and cognition in general (attention to detail, information processing, forming associations, memory).

At the cellular level, the EMF-induced state of emergency, creates changes in cell biology with huge potential to damage brain activity and function and even brain cell (neuron) health. Namely, flight or fight responses weaken the protein in the cell membrane wall and delay non-vital processes, consequently impairing cellular communication and coordination. When in a state of emergency the cell succumbs to chronic oxidative stress, wherein the cell begins to ferment and becomes increasingly inefficient. The alteration in cell biology changes the atomic structure of the cell and breaks the bonds that exist in and between cells. These damages trigger changes in blood chemistry, induces free radicals, disrupts the cells ability to control  PH levels, enzyme activity, cell reproduction, synthesis, functioning and energy transfer. The state of emergency behaviour is passed on to each subsequent generation of cells.4

  1. As a result of living in electrified homes a phenomena, referred to by scientists as “cyclautronic resonance”, transfers the energy generated by the home’s electrical grid, in the form of EMFs, into the cells. The transfer results in cellular loss of electrolytes (ions) such as lithium which regulates mental stability, potassium which regulates brain function, and calcium which functions to create calmness and balance.5
  1. EMF radiation similar to that emitted from cell phones, portable phones, Wi-Fi and wireless computer equipment alters 143 proteins in the brain with detrimental effects to brain composition and function; in particular, in the hippocampus, cerebellum and frontal lobe, which are all involved in learning, memory and other complicated functions of the mammalian brain. 6
  1. Exposure to EMF cell phone radiation drastically inhibits the electrical properties of human DNA (conductivity, transmission ability), leading to corruption of the cell’s genetic material and, ultimately, the body’s functioning.7
  1. Biophysics indicates alterations in Earth’s electromagnetic field influence heart and brain patterns, which in turn regulate body functions. Additionally, a strong connection to the full spectrum of Earth’s frequencies is needed for optimum brainwave state and is essential for optimal healthy functioning. The electro-smog that blankets much of the planet in combination with EMFs inducted and accumulated in the body weakens the body’s natural ground to Earth’s electromagnetic field – a connection vital for natural healthy, physical and mental functioning, immune system response, rejuvenation, and life itself.


EMF-Protective Support For Healthy Child Development

Bio-engineers, EMF experts and health experts agree the most sensible and healthiest means of EMF protection is one that guards against the damaging effects of EMFs and restores the body’s natural relationship to the natural frequencies of Earth’s electromagnetic field. Previously, pervasive electro-smog impeded us from immersing in Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequencies in all but remote areas. This obstacle to health is effectively removed using EMF remediation that immerses the body in Earth’s natural frequencies 24-7. So, any child can live in harmony with EMFs while families enjoy the conveniences of modern electrical and wireless devices. Structured Water infused with L-8 Transceiver Technology meets that criterion. It is, therefore, recommended as effective and healthy, natural support for childhood development of growing nervous systems and development of innate personality, abilities and talents.




Liala Ackerman is the founder of Advanced Health Technologies and the developer of L-8 Transceiver Technology. An expert in Electro Hypersensitivity (EHS), she works with persons experiencing EHS since 2007.  Liala is trained in the science of Structured Water, by Clayton Nolte, developer of the Structured Water Unit, and markets the units since 2009.  For details about the underlying scientific principles and benefits of remediating EMFs using Structured Water and L-8 Transceiver Technology, visit:


References & Footnotes

Photo credit: Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

1Mental Illness and Addiction: Facts and Statistics, Centre for Addiction and Mental Illness,

2 Frazer A, Hensler JG. Serotonin Involvement in Physiological Function and Behaviour. In: Siegel GJ, Agranoff BW, Albers RW, et al., editors. Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects. 6th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1999. Available from: See Also, Crockett, Molly J. et al.,  “Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behaviour through effects on harm aversion”, Proceedings of the National Academy of  Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), vol. 107 no. 40, 17433–17438. M.J. Crockett; L. Clark; T.W. Robbins, G. Tabibnia; M.D. Lieberman. Serotonin Modulates Behavioural Reactions to Unfairness. Science, 06 June 2008

3 Pall ML. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine . 2013 Jun 26. A review of 24 studies investigating the mechanisms by which electromagnetic fields influence the biology of our bodies.


5Fragopoulou,  Adamantia F., et al., “ Brain proteome response following whole body exposure of mice to mobile phone or wireless DECT base radiation”, Electromagnetic Biology and MedicineDecember 2012, Vol. 31, No. 4 , Pages 250-274. This study examined the biological effects of exposure for 3 hours daily over an 8 month period.

6 “The Efficacy of EarthCalm’s Quantum Cell to Prevent Damaging Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Human DNA”, Glen Rein, PhD, Quantum Biology Research, March 2015

7In this study, Human DNA was exposed to cell phone radiation emitted by an IPhone3 both standby and receiving modes. Cell phone radiation caused a 42%-100% inhibition of electrical conductivity of DNA depending on the excitation conditions.

Biological Effects of EMFs

Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, B. Blake Levitt. 1995. Thorough explanations of these fields, and how they affect the body. An excellent overview.

Public Health SOS: the Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution. Camilla Rees and Magda Havas. 2009. Excellent overview of the latest science and practical health consequences of wireless technological devices.

Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven? Gerald Goldberg, MD. Authorhouse 2006. Clear short explanations of health effects, with descriptions of supportive experiments included in the book’s final section. According to its author, “the book demonstrates that the rising incidence of certain illnesses and cancers across broad geographic regions parallels the increasing rise in exposure and use of microwave (cell phone and wireless) radiation.”

Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization – July 16, 2010, Samuel Milham MD MPH, (July 16, 2010) ISBN-10: 145023822X

Samuel Milham, MD, PhD, one of the country’s most noted epidemiologists of the last 50 years examines and details the dangers associated with the increasing “electrification” of the society since the 1930s and 1940s, and links increasing electrification to the surge of modern diseases of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: including cancers, heart disease and diabetes.




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