September, 2021





More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot


CDC Director Overrules Agency’s Own Vaccine Safety Committee, Sides With FDA to Approve Boosters for ‘High-Risk’ Workers


Fear and Ignorance — Not the Virus and Unvaxxed — Are the Real Enemies in This Pandemic


Pfizer CEO — Biden’s ‘Good Friend’ — Rallies Employees to Help Keep Drug Prices High


Protesters Around the World Target Global Corporate Food Empire, Demand UN Cut Ties With World Economic Forum


Monoclonal Antibody Treatment to Be Rolled Out to UK Hospital Patients With No Antibody Response


Dr. Peter McCullough on COVID Treatments, and Why CDC, FDA Shouldn’t Make Recommendations


CHD ‘Community Corner’: Dr. Aaron Lewis on ‘Ending Modern Day Segregation’


Booster Confusion Takes Hold as Biden Announces Expanded Eligibility + More


NY Hospitals Fear Staff Shortage as Vaccine Deadline Looms + More


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Children’s Health Defense |

Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

Children’s Health Defense
1227 North Peachtree Pkwy, Suite 202
Peachtree City, Georgia 30269
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