Confessions Of A Former Truther
By Clint Richardson
In Defense Of The Stupid: Perspectives By A Reformed Truther
To varying degrees, those who imagine that they have taken part in the popular alternative media notion that they have “woken up” begin to reference the majority of the remaining population as stupid. Zombies. Sheep. I suppose this is simply a sophomoric way of distinguishing one’s self from those who have not learned what the individual or group has learned – a surreal sense of self-entitled elitism for the collective minority stake of disenfranchised denizens. And yet these supposedly now “elite” members of the woken upclub will be the first to retain an attorney when their still enslaved legal persona is in legal harm’s way.
When politically things don’t go the way the woken up wish that they would in their outreach and activism, these “truthers” inevitably blame the un-indoctrinated mass of stupid people, which always seems to represent the faceless majority of the population out there that isn’t part of the truther network. If only the woken up were running things, everything would be peachy keen…
In all cases the problems of the world seem to stem from the collective stupidity of the rest of the race of man, of which the woken up seem to believe they are somehow no longer a part of in classic class-oriented stylings. Thus far, I have not been privy to any written test or other indicator of just who is awake and who is stupid and not awake. But it seems to be that the stupid people are the ones whom either disagree with or just wont listen to the awakened and their insistent truth.
The woken up carry an invisible torch that represents their perceived awareness for which they call ultimately “the truth”. They are indeed the self-labeled “truthers,” as if all else in stupid-land is not truth. In fact, about a single subject like 9-11-2001, these woken up truthers can have among them literally dozens of different and disagreeable “truths” for which they spew as somehow the one and only truth. There were planes on that day and there were also no planes. There were holograms and there were missiles. It was bombs and it was energy weapons. It was Israeli Mossad and it was the CIA. Bush was merely complicit and Bush pulled the trigger himself…
Anyone in stupid-ville presented with such vast varieties of the truth from such a woken up class of alternative misfits would certainly be more repulsed to the truth than accepting of it, which is exactly where I found myself as I listened to the rantings and ravings of my fellow truthers. Inevitably, when this public repulsion manifests in the form of them asking unanswerable questions or their denial of that presented truth by the apparently awakened people, the awakened get just as angry and fallacious in their response and repose as their apparently stupid counterparts in their own defensive dispositions. At this point the ad hominem attack creeps in from the unawares, and terms like sheeple, ignorant, and stupid are spewed in between truths.
No one would sanely argue over what is reality. But truth has many different flavors, being merely the perception of reality based on the learned knowledge of the subject of a particular thing in reality. Truth changes with different opinions. Reality exists despite any opinion.
Interestingly, woken up individuals must first and foremost admit that in order to become one of the awakened, one must first have been one of the apparently stupid. Though there is no merit badge, this turning point in the personal comprehension of one’s disposition and transformation from one of the stupid to one of the awake never seems to have an inception point. It is more so a leap of faith than an initiation into the truther club; an incremental change of paradigm and self-aggrandizement. It requires nothing really but a change of attitude; or more to the point, a change of perspective. But most important are the words and terms of art that come with that transference, for the elite always have their own artifice. Stupid is one of those terms. For suddenly the notion of independence from the stupid masses becomes a pertinent requirement of the awakening process. And slowly everything becomes murkily clear – all of the problems in the world seem to rest not on one’s self, but instead on the amorphous blob of stupid people out there.
This is apparently the 1st (and sadly often times the last) level of the awakening process.
And a truther one becomes…
It doesn’t matter that as a member of the awake club one has only actually physically met about 0.00000001% of the entire population of all of those people that are supposedly the stupid sheep out there. All that matters is that the awakened have come to a consensus that everyone else is stupid but us, no matter how irrational that notion actually is, and that this is the central division point in society between them, us, and they. This generality does not consider the notion that many of those stupid people have never heard the religion of truth from the awakened through digital and printed media. Thus, many are stupid sheerly because of the non-availability of information called “truth”. But we find that this is no excuse, for just like fundamentalist Christian folk the awake believe that everyone must have access to the truth – that the truth is universal – and so all of stupidity as a culture must therefore be simply in denial of the truth.
If I’m not mistaken, I think the same thing happened when the Christian settlers came to America and discovered not the just the land, but that the true native inhabitants of that land had never heard of Christ; and suddenly the universal truth of the church was not so universal after all. And so how does history go…? Better to kill these stupid natives than to admit that a different truth may indeed exist than the truth of the corporate church and its professors (truthers)… Or perhaps it was that the settlers didn’t actually have the whole truth, which would mean integration of cultural ideals that might defeat the percieved truth of the church! After all, it’s not like anybody on this secular Earth ever has all truth…
Ultimately, the life of a truther becomes more and more secluded, introverted, and lonely. After living in Manhattan for several years, I can certainly attest that one can be extremely lonely in a city of millions upon millions of lost souls; even when they are stacked up on top of each other like oily sardines. When one of the awakened finds that most people look at him as if he is speaking a foreign language as he tries to force his own brand of truth down the stupid people’s throats, a unique anxiety begins to develop that steers the truther into an even more “outside-the-box” feeling, while ultimately still being just as stuck within the box as the rest of us. After a while, the awakened realize that each of their fellow awakened elites seem to have different opinions about what the truth actually is, often in contradiction to each other. They begin to argue with one another instead of with the stupid people as they sit in meeting circles within public library rooms and relish a dream of change that they cannot ever seem to evoke.
Truth will create the change, if we could just agree on what the truth is and then not piss people off by forcibly “sharing” it with them while they are trying to enjoy what little joy life has to offer in some public park or boardwalk. Surely the stupid people came out to hear truth from the truth brigade, not just to enjoy the ocean view or play with their own children in spiritual happiness. And so like illegals on the Las Vegas strip flashing nudie adverts and hustling ads for prostitution and tittie bars, the awakened flash their own propoganda while insulting those who don’t bite the lure.
Once in a while one of the awakened actually wakes up a bit more than they are supposed to when they realize that none in their group actually seems to comprehend the actual reality of things, and that for the most part they are all looking for the same answers to the same questions that you and the other stupid people are. And so what at first was an appealing inclusion and membership into what appeared to be an awkward but special type of group status, turns out to be just an unorganized bunch of just-as-stupid people who just happened to stumble into the alternative realm and learn a few things others don’t know, and thus were re-enfranchised from stupidity into a group that believes they are different from the rest – and thus awake. Just like religion…
What does this really mean?
Ultimately, I figured out that the call-you-stupid thing is just an excuse. Not an excuse for everyone else, mind you, but an excuse for the name-caller himself – the awake one, that is. The true agitation among these truth groups is that they can never get anything done; that they cannot create the change they wish to be or see because they never do anything tangible in support of the change other than blaming others for the problems. And so the universal fallacy of an excuse must be that everyone else is stupid, asleep, and sheep because they do not conform to the cornucopia of multiple truths espoused by the awakened. And perhaps this consensus of fallacy is the reason these truth groups are so appealing in the first place. What a perfectly simple-minded concept, that everything is wrong because other people are responsible for the wrongness – but never myself. Never OUR-selves.
In retrospect, it was the perfect cop-out. For as long as other faceless people were responsible for all the world’s problems, it must certainly mean that I was not. I could hide away from my own lack of knowledge with like-minded individuals while, again being akin to Christianity as a sect, we all believed that we were special. We believed we could change the world by spreading our truth through obnoxiousness and guerrilla media. And with this simulated act of armchair confessionals, our souls were somehow being cleared in the real world without actually making any stand whatsoever against the evil for which we preach. There are no real efforts to change real things in real life. Spread the word of truth as if it is the word of God, and the brotherhood of truth will be saved and raptured from that hell we warned the unawake about.
Sounding more and more like religion, isn’t it?
Well, you know what? It worked. Truth groups stand as their own form of controlled opposition. We may have had some meger success at converting the stupid into the church of truth. But it only worked on those looking for a fallacious excuse to blame everyone else for the problems of the world while in actuality doing nothing about it, which is a fairly small community of stupids. It only worked on those who were tired of feeling alone in their contemplation of such a screwed up political system, and thus were already searching for like-minded people to blame for all the problems they couldn’t and honestly didn’t really want to fix. Complaining is sufficient and paramount to curing, apparently.
Unfortunately, the drop-out rate is also quite high in these truther groups because of this strange notion of truth being so multi-faceted as to include all different types of truths to explain just one truth. There seems to be more debate than consensus among truthers, and most members are followers instead of leaders that will accept unrealistic truths just to fit in.
Perhaps most disturbing are the shock-jocks like Alex Jones, whose mega-corporation infiltrates and promotes on-air these groups while selling their members his own version of the truth. Ultimately, the group settles by consensus on which activism materials, bumper stickers, DVD’s, and other purchasable items to use and hand out, many of them from Jones’s “Infowars” mega-franchise. It’s very similar to the cheap plastic gizmo scheme in China under the doctrine of planned obsolescence, where disposable products mean future repeat customers. His brilliant but ultimately evil marketing strategy is simply to copy and hand out his purchased materials, in hopes of bringing ever more worker bees into his profitable media hive of Infowars corporations. And it works. For most people prefer to purchase his products of re-presented “truth” than to take them for free. This type of psychological approach to sales is certainly not new. But perhaps in this movement it was perfected by Jones. Selling through fear and intimidation, the Infowars franchise has turned into a truth monster, offering everything the paranoid truther could possibly need while he or she waits for the economic apocalypse. For the truther often cocoons and transcends into the slightly evolved prepper – creating two customers in one by splitting the personality of each. And the alternative and mainstream commercial machine is now specifically catering to this multi-billion dollar industry to furnish those with the mindset of some pre-ordained truther knowledge of the apparent truth of a future, yet unpredictable financial collapse with the products and services they’ll need to survive like cockroaches in a holocaust.
But the notion of actually correcting or changing the system so that this collapse doesn’t actually happen seems to now be just a sweet memory of what activism was intended to promote – the change we wish to be and see. A simulacra of truth has blossomed, where the battle is against words and opinions instead of against the physicality and reality of what will cause the apocalypse.
For truth is merely simulated reality – the perception of what is without knowing what is…
“The simulacrum is never what hides the truth –
it is truth that hides that fact that there is none.
The simulacrum is true.” –Ecclesiastes
Sadly, this mentality of preparation has taken over the rationality of the awakened. It is as if instead of simply stepping out of the way of an oncoming bus or somehow making it stop before it hits us, we are sold on the idea that it is better to prepare for the symptoms of the bus hitting us at full speed without even attempting to get out of the way or prevent it. After all, the system is collapsing not because of us, but because of the stupid people. Like corporate Christians, we pretend to be prepared for the rapture while not trying to stop it from happening. The ultimate cop out!
Fixing the problems would be unprofitable for the likes of Jones and company. His sponsors would go broke, unable to sell their wares where no fear exists; the same profit model of any mainstream television or radio network. And now that I think about it, those truther groups are likely more successful at scaring people into fear-based purchases than they are at informing them of reality; which is great for the profit driven fear industry that the truth movement seems to have become just a marketing tool for.
Perhaps this explains why the mainstream media, especially Fox News and its so-called alternative “patriot” network, is following in the footsteps of the Infowar machine. As the likes of Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other talking heads with multi-million dollar contracts spew fear and violence as their top stories, I’ve noticed that their commercials are now strangely imitative of those on the alternative news fear porn networks. Ads for storable food, gold and silver, alternative healing and medicines, and other patriotic-sounding “alternative” products permeate the mainstream airwaves: an almost exact profit-based model taken over from the alternative radio syndicate. It’s nothing more than the master selling his servants their own imagination, in preparation not for what is, but for what could happen.
As a former member of these groups like We Are Change, I can only say this. Get over yourselves! I did. The pre-scripted game plan is not working, and seems to me in fact to be working to the advantage of your adversaries, including Infowars and the like. The war is not over information, for most of that is the truth of ill-informed informers. It is extraneous secular information that is preventing you from acting like men, believing in a legal law that supports tyranny and plunder instead of fighting it with the passion and blood of old. You protest government from a safe distance in free speech zones. You pretend to battle the courts by never entering into them. You speak about government where your voice is never heard by government. You speak truth but never act within it. You store food but never feed the hungry. You replenish your storage when after 5 years surprise!, nothing has changed. You hoard gold and silver in preparation of a dollar collapse while still valuing it in those same dollars. You demonize the Crown, the Fed, the Treasury, the banks, and the banker Rothschilds even as they set the artificial market price of gold each day in the City of London – the same gold that you hoard. You go through the motions of preparation for the un-preparable. You stockpile guns and ammo with no intention to use them to solve these problems (the original intent), only to protect your just-in-case stash for when the problems perpetuate. You hope or pray instead of taking action. You use truth as an insult to those who don’t see it. You expose without consequence and enlighten without cause or action. You are victims of your own paradigm… bound in chains and controlled by the very information you pretend will set others free.
None of this is rational behavior.
I should know, I was one of you…
There is no such thing as being awake when you are living in and as this legal fiction, where truth is always a lie.
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