Digitally Manipulated Humans


and Medically Assisted Death


– Set to Become the Flagship Policy of the British National Health Service



by Julian Rose


I can’t help wondering, is Medically Assisted Death (MAD) a symbol of the state of mind of Great Britain today?


Have the citizens of this storm lashed island finally put their lives completely in the hands of those who devise so called ‘national health policies’ – 100% reliant on the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to keep people alive?


‘Alive’? Surely not, this is a misnoma. Let us not denigrate life to a description of human beings becoming dumbed down replicas of the walking dead.


Ex Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair, has lent his voice to the latest proclamations of the newly elected Starmer government, that a fully IT based healthcare system is the future of the British National Health Service (NHS).


The emphasis is on replacing general practitioners (GP’s) with non human digital health diagnoses and treatments. Just as in the food and farming world, farmers are to be replaced by robots and real food by synthetic laboratory lookalikes, under the mantle of the World Economic Forum’s Green New Deal.


Tony Blair recently got together with Keir Starmer and his medical/health advisory panels to help spread the word that a new emphasis must be placed on legalising medically assisted death in the UK. A highly controversial issue which has been simmering under the surface for some time.


With brain targeted ‘behavioural adjustment’ technologies now being part of the cult’s expanding medical armoury, and mass media’s continuous pushing the story of ‘human vulnerability’ to new diseases – only being preventable by big pharma’s vax programme – doesn’t this add up to the calculated destruction of our human instinct to support our natural health and freedom of choice?


Of course it does.


In a recent opinion poll conducted for the Daily Telegraph 60% of doctors apparently favoured legalising MAD. However, 43% of the pubic thought that doctors were being incentivised to take patients lives. The report, which is reasonably nuanced, can be found here:


A growing percentage in Britain who rely in the NHS to cure every minor aliment that comes their way, are brainwashed into believing that they need to take pharmaceutical drugs as a general prophylactic precaution against any kind of sickness. In other words, believe they should take such toxic medicines when they have absolutely no need for any medicines at all.


Recent reports state that thousands of people regularly line-up outside hospitals to be tested for something that is simply a figment of their imaginations. Some non existent ailment that they have told themselves, or been told, could lead to serious sickness.


What leads human beings to become such unempowered hypochondriacs?


The fact that they live in a permanent state of anxiety, apprehension and fear brought about by believing everything they read in the mainstream press, see on TV and pick-up in uninformed conversations.


There is a cult of death being engendered by those who hold the strings of power. Starmer and Blair, amongst others, are in the employ of this cult.


It is closing in on the NHS, once seen as the flagship health service of the world, to act as a tool for the genocidal interests of population reduction promoted by the New World Order, WEF, WHO and UN etc. Institutions that are puppets to the deep state shadow government’s demonic push to phase out sentient humanity and replace it with 100% controlled brain implanted cyborgs. Bipedal clones of the walking dead.


In Britain are located the headquarters of some of the most cunning and menacing leaders of this global cult. Such as those working from within the seemingly innocuous walls of Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs); Deep Mind artificial intelligence research laboratory; Common Purpose high level propaganda infiltration outfit, and the Orwellian 77 Brigade, the undercover army spy network.


These organisations – and more like them – have been subduing the British people step by step, rule by rule, act by act, for a very long time; in a carefully planned and sophisticated operation drawing on secret service knowledge, behavioural psychology, colonial exploitation and what I can only call ‘the art of lying.’


It is not surprising that Masonic lodges flourish within the House of Commons; and although I gag at having to say this, high numbers of upper echelon paedophiles, sex traffickers, infant torturers and deeply psychotic control freaks are ‘allowed’ to operate within the shores of the British Isles.


Mingling with the grey mist of sleaze and corruption that hovers over this land, there is also a lingering fascination with class. A form of fantasy which obscures objective and rational thinking.


Around half the population adorate the royal family and are happy to sponsor its make believe Camelot castle existence.


This Royal elite can do no wrong in these peoples’ eyes, in spite of the fact that it moves hand in hand with the protagonists of a totalitarian, fascistic future for mankind.


The same delusional state is on exhibit concerning the mystically elevated power of Eton, Oxford and Cambridge educated individuals. Be they academics, scientists, politicians, bankers, journalists or others.


With just the right pedigree, clothes, voice timbre, bearing and fake ‘caring’ attitude, such individuals have perfected their power to befool their clientele into believing them to be paragons of virtue, if not natural masters of world.


This is where the British score on the map of world hegemony.


Americans design the global dominance ‘tough talk program’ and send in the troops to manage the geopolitical hegemonic agenda. While their ‘special partner’, the British, do the upfront diplomacy and high minded oratory that carries with it a certain fake, BBC-like ‘cachet’. Especially amongst those who are ignorant of the real agenda.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is replete with the strategies of this dangerous duo.


On the home front, top brass royalty, media masters and billionaires exert a powerful psychological hold over lovers of the spectacle of wealth; upholding the empire tradition in costly and colourful displays of white material supremacy.


Could any of these pompous figureheads be ‘evil’? “No! At worst a little foolish and a little thoughtless perhaps.” Unfortunately, the determination of the mass to remain delusional still far exceeds their determination to see the truth.


So Mr Blair, Mr Starmer and their corporate/cabinet henchmen, now step forward with some confidence to announce that all UK citizens will have to carry a digital health passport within the next five years, if they want to have access to NHS treatments.


While the NHS itself is prepared for a full-on digital future, based on the infamous EMF Matrix of global satellite surveillance networks called ‘The Cloud’, so proudly developed by anti-life billionaire Elon Musk.


Mr Blair has stated that he believes the Secretary of State must be joint data controller of this brave new world of soulless algorithmic ‘health care’.


Oh, then I guess he knows that he is already lined-up for occupying that role?


England and the English have many fine qualities which I do not mean to belittle, some of which still manage to break through the stranglehold of top down oppression to which they are so relentlessly subjected.


I remain deeply fond of my home country.


But a prevailing refusal to look reality in the eye by too high a percentage of the population, leaves them highly vulnerable to slavery to the deeply deceptive control system that emanates out from Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the BBC, MI5 and from the invisible ghostly strings that remain firmly attached to the historical delusion of the one time ‘greatness’ of the British empire.


While the process of change is slowly prizing open once fixed attitudes, these old bastions of belief in what it means to be British must fall – or be driven into submission by a rising tide of self respect and self belief amongst lovers of freedom, truth and justice.


The riots that broke-out in August reveal that a deeply held sense of injustice is felt by ordinary people whose basic dignity has been corroded by cowardly political hypocrites having long since abandoned any sincere commitment to care for the welfare of their people.


The National Health Service is now succumbing to the same process of abandonment; to a nihilistic, cold and inhuman artificial intelligence dictatorship. A world in which human love and respect for fellow humans is all but criminalised and consigned to the garbage.


How can one have health without human sympathy being the primary cure-all?


How can a health service retain any validity when it adopts the mass genocidal treatments on display during Covid? It can’t.


The tragedy is that dedicated and caring doctors and nurses are sucked into a system whose in house management is now more concerned with a technocratic cost pruning numbers game than the proper care of individual patients.


It has no doubt been recognised that costs come down when patients are supported to suicide themselves.


On top of their clinical responsibilities, doctors, like farmers, find themselves faced by mountains of obligatory paperwork to comply with before being able to concentrate their minds on those in their charge. The police have to contend with the same problem.


The basic processes of law enforcement, health care and food production are all being placed under the management of one centralised technocratic control system.


Those who should be defending the commitment of skilled health practitioners, are instead passing them on to AI and algorithmic based computer programs, with the excuse that these will be more ‘efficient’, cost saving and effective than caring human hands and warmth.


What a massive deception.


There are those in this country qualified to take leadership roles and set the correct course towards a pragmatic and positive reevaluation of attitudes and values, but they mostly remain in the shadows or are forcibly kept there. Spectators rather than actors.


This must change if the light of day is to penetrate ‘top of the pyramid’ imposed darkness.


Our world is in the grip of a satanic push for the end of humanity. This is no longer deniable.


The future proposed by these deceitful and demonic forces is the Transhuman cyborg and the obliteration of belief in a higher force of creation. I recommend reading my book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ for the essential antidote to this process.


Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it. There is no other option left for getting out of an otherwise permanently locked and bolted prison cell.


Instead of MAD ‘assisted suicide’ being the chosen escape route from pain and despair – a conscious life affirmative sense of spiritual self belief must rise up to take centre stage – and wipe clean the anti life coven that holds our world in its grip.


For those who still dream on about the British bravura that once ‘conquered the world’, let them show what ‘Great’ Britain is made of today!


What will such dreamers do now to conquer those intent upon signing the death warrant of this ancient, defiant island? This Arthurian kingdom, jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean and stoically braving the gales and storms that lash her rugged shores.


Wake up her old soul – that’s the answer! Let those gales stir your sinews into noble actions – before the chances of doing so are forever lost to an insentient cult of dehumanised parasites.



Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information






Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through



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