Don’t Feed The Fear Egregore


– Counteracting The Matrix Fear Frequency



By Bernhard Guenther,


“Fear opens the door to the adverse [occult] forces. What you fear is just the thing that is likely to come to you. Fear attracts the object of fear.”

– Sri Aurobindo


There is a lot of fear in the air. Don’t let the fear egregores infect you with lower states of consciousness and feed them. An Egregor is an esoteric concept in Occultism. They are non-physical entities or thought forms that arise from the collective thoughts and emotions of groups of individuals. There is a massive egregore that has been created by masses of people that keeps growing, injecting fear and feeding off them in a vicious feedback loop based on:


  • Fear of supply chain issues
  • Fear of WWIII
  • Fear of escalating war in the Middle East
  • Fear of whatever might happen at and after the elections
  • Fear of natural or man-made disasters
  • Fear of terror attacks
  • Fear of the power grid failing
  • Fear of economic collapse
  • Fear of global extinction events


…or any other fear you may be having about the future.


Feeding the fear of what you “think will happen” only results in more anxiety, paranoia, and doom & gloom as your mind (and occult entities) inject you with all kinds of worries and fear about the future, which you then give more power actually to manifest as a probability.


It also lowers your consciousness and psychic defenses, making you an easier target for the occult matrix forces to take over. You will keep looking for anything to justify your projections, fears, and concerns. Remember, these hidden [non-physical] forces attempt to create their desired reality through you, tagging into your weaknesses and fears and feeding off them.


As Rudolf Steiner said over 100 years ago:


“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.

If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed.”

– Rudolf Steiner (German): from  “Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes” – Berlin, 1907]


Many in the so-called “truth movement” revel in this paranoid fear frequency and have become food sources and pawns for archonic entities outside their five-sensory awareness.  I caution against believing any information about what anyone says will happen, for most of these predictions come from people already stuck in fear-based lower states of consciousness (below 200 based on David Hawkin’s “map of consciousness,” which comprises 85% of humanity.)


Any predictions [positive or negative] from channeled material and “alien/ET” sources also reflect lower states of consciousness, posing as higher ones. They are deceptive on purpose and cannot be taken seriously [I fell for some of them in the past].


No true positive Divine force would make any specific predictions. I have repeatedly heard these doom-and-gloom or savior golden age predictions for the past 25 years (and especially around 2012).  I once bought into some of them, getting caught up in future projections based on fear. None of them ever manifested. I

In reality, they did only one thing to me: distract me from my own inner guidance, my bodily intuition, my creativity, and my own emancipation and embodiment process and connection to the Divine, which would enable me to BE the change indeed and hence affect the world positively without getting into survival mode.


I still remember all the predictions from “credible” and popular figureheads in the truth movement only three or four years ago of a total collapse with significant supply chain issues and no access to food, gas, water, and electricity for at least six months. None of that happened, not even for one day.

I’m not implying that “bad things” can’t happen, but they usually never occur as you “think” they are. Our mind can come up with all kinds of “what if” scenarios and projections, but it is caught in linear time and cannot possibly foresee the future in detail with infinite probabilities, let alone map out our own unique soul purpose, karmic trajectories, Divine Grace, the lessons we need to learn, and the talents we are here to develop as embodied individuals during this Time of Transition.

The more you are concerned about possible negative future outcomes, the more you live solely from your head and are disconnected from your body and essence. As a result, you become more detached from the essentialness of the present, from nature and the divine within, and from the internal guidance system that is specific to you—and therefore, the more vulnerable you are to being manipulated via hyperdimensional injections/interferences.


We Don’t See The World As It Is; We See The World As We Are


The more fear we have on the inside, the more our perception of the world becomes fearful and even paranoid, where everything is a trap and psy-op. It is the foundation of the black-pilled truther. It’s important to point out that this fear is often repressed and unconscious.


We focus on what is already within us—what we have repressed, suppressed, or projected from our unconscious shadow.


To the fearful person, this world is a terrifying place, mainly clouded in negativity and apathy.


To the angry person, this world is a chaos of frustration and annoyance.


To the guilty person, it is a world of temptation and sin, which they see everywhere, as we can see in dogmatic fundamentalist Christians.


Nothing External Causes You Stress Or Fear


That’s a big one to comprehend. Stress arises from the buildup of our repressed emotions. This pressure needs an outlet, and external situations activate and trigger what we’ve been suppressing (often for years), both consciously and unconsciously. In other words, it’s not the outside events themselves that cause stress but rather how we react to them.


The rational mind and ego often avoid confronting the true sources of our emotions within and use projection to shift the blame. It’s the essence of Shadow Projection. Phrases like “They made me angry”, “He got me upset”, “It scared me,” or “World events caused my fear, anxiety and stress” are common expressions of this mindset caught in unconscious projections.


In reality, it works the other way around: our suppressed emotions, which are already within us, seek release and use these external triggers as excuses. It is because we are already angry that events or other people “make us” angry. It is because we are already afraid [but have suppressed/repressed the fear] that makes us fear others, the world, the “future,” and so on.


We unconsciously attract and create events based on our suppressed emotions and repressed shadow [not all, for there are forces beyond our control, but many]


This is the psychological, metaphysical truth: What you perceive as the “outer” world (and events) is also within you. Hence, you see many people gravitating to “outrage porn” and fear-based information on social media where they feed the same egregore group/thought-form entity. It’s often a “loosh fest” where they support each other’s shadow projections and repressed emotions as they need “reasons” and “justifications” for their negative inner life.


The mind and intellect are very cunning and deceptive in that regard, looking for any story and event (real or made up) to justify the projections.


Transcending The Matrix Fear Frequency


Overfocusing on prepping, stocking up, and being stuck in pure psychical survival mode will only make it worse, as you give more power to what you are afraid of. Sure, have basic common sense for some basic stuff and preparation. It’s not black and white. It’s always good to have extra resources on hand.


However, many preppers don’t seem to have emotional intelligence or a metaphysical understanding of how the outer world corresponds to their inner world. Lack of psycho-spiritual self-awareness [and inner work] results in mechanical overreaction based on unconscious repressed emotions and lower fear-based nature, suggestions from occult forces, and tagging into collective fear-based egregores due to the porosity of mind.


“Fear is an impurity, one of the greatest impurities, one of those which come most directly from the anti-divine forces which want to destroy the divine action on earth; and the first duty is to eliminate from their consciousness, with all the might, all the sincerity, all the endurance of which they are capable, even the shadow of a fear. To walk on the path, one must be dauntless, and never indulge in that petty, small, feeble, nasty shrinking back upon oneself, which is fear.”

– The Mother


Any fear that you have is rooted in the fear of death, which keeps you from truly living. The matrix entrapment frequency is based on FEAR. It manipulates you unconsciously and keeps you entrapped out of your own “free will.” 


The matrix forces want to keep you chained to fear: It disconnects you from your divine power, true Self, essence, creativity, inner guidance, intuition, and freedom. Here are some general tips on how to raise your consciousness and transcend the fear-based mutant matrix


  • Make peace with death. It keeps you from truly living and thriving.
  • Engage in psycho-spiritual work and especially shadow work to bring forth your true Self.
  • Work with prayer and sincere aspiration to the Divine.
  • Be aware of your nervous system.
  • Get into your body.
  • Breathe consciously and take breaks from social media [note to self.]


Align yourself with your higher nature, the eternal part within you. It is your personal guide, teacher, and unique connection to God. This is how you raise your consciousness, and that is how your level of Being living from your Essence has the most positive effect on the world at large.


However, to do that, you must face your fears, shadow, suppressed, repressed, projected, or negative emotions and transmute them. The solution is not a denial, escaping them,  or spiritual bypassing, forcing yourself to have positive thoughts, resulting in a fake “New Age” smile with fake positivity.


You cannot transmute what you don’t face within yourself. If you need more guidance with practical tools and insights into what I just described, listen to our podcasts, “Mastering Emotions Amid Chaos & America’s Election Astrology” and “How to Raise Your Level of Consciousness.


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