Downgrading of Hu-manity


By ethompson


“At a certain point the spiritual seeker always hits a certain stumbling block. Some insidious external force is relentlessly opposing spiritual progress. Traditionally it was blamed on ill-defined, malevolent beings like demons and devils. Almost all mystics have encountered them. These beings are real, and people in the past knew they existed, but did not understand who they were.  We have finally gained a greater understanding of who those malevolent beings are and how they operate. They are a certain group of alien beings who have been present on this planet for a long time, and who are very good at opposing our spiritual progress.” Don Juan Mateus.

Uncomfortable information

All of us with spiritual inclination, understanding and experience will have met the predator. The dark dreams – the primal, gut twisting spiritual terror that renders us helpless… like a frightened frozen rabbit hypnotized by headlights.

And, when we try to search for the source of our unease, we find nothing but shifting sand between our spiritual fingers.

Yet, the imprint of a terrifying encounter with ‘something’ is embedded in our psyche – a memory of the horror that long ago, destroyed our innocence;  imprisoned us in a sacrificial world, and confined a spiritual being to a fleshy, rotting suit of squirming appetites.

Cognitive dissonance

Lots of people instantly switch off – become cognizantly dissonant when we try to talk about esoteric matters. They can’t deal with anything that does not conform with the thinking of the status quo hive mind. But it is what it is…we cannot change their minds and neither should we try.

Understand… that most of you reading this blog dance to the beat of a different drummer – whether you know it or not

On our spiritual journey to wholeness we often encounter information that is contrary to our programming. We often dismiss it because it makes us feel uncomfortable – but that does not mean it is not relevant in spiritual understanding….. especially for those amongst us who wish for a brighter, more compassionate reality.

So, let’s step out of hive mind programming. Take a walk on the wild side of ‘what if’ and contemplate our spiritual fear from a different perspective.

Words of aboriginal wisdom

In the video with this article, Credo Mutwa the Zulu shaman and oral historian tells of a time when there was no moon and women did not menstruate. Credo talks of the coming of the Chitauri – the predator. Don Juan’s ‘flyers’ and the Jinn of Islamic understanding.

Credo says his people were rounded up by the Chitauri and taken to caves. When they finally emerged from the darkness, they had sexual organs…  some male – some female.  We read in the scriptures: ‘Male and female he created them.’ Gen5 v2.

What are we to make of this?

Did a Divine Being that walked with Source Creator Gen1 v29… somehow get captured by a demon and genetically modified…closed down for an off planet agenda? Maybe even a food source. After all, in a reality of ‘ as above so below’, we have our inhumane cattle farms… don’t we?  So, I think…boomerang wise, it is a real possibility….

The Counterfeit

The enemy of life cannot create it can only copy, and to achieve control of our thinking it acts as a chameleon constantly whispering all things to all men…holding the carrot of whatever we desire spiritually and physically right before our eyes. It has us figured out because it created us. It knows how we operate and the scope of the limited band of frequencies that it gave us – just 10% of our original capability as multi-dimensional beings.

So the managers of the farm have all the bases that control us covered: sex, food and entertainment – they clog our minds with trivia, tittivate our weaknesses, distract us with the game of ‘me versus you’ and’ us versus them’, while in the background they seek to undermine and destroy us. Oppose our spiritual progress….


If there is one thing to applaud in this horrible mess we call life, it is Metaphysical Law.

Lucifer is not omnipotent. He is a servant of the Laws he created for this construct. That is why the elite wear certain colours on different days of the week. Consult astrologers – hold blood sacrifices on auspicious days to keep themselves in power. The Law of Cause and Effect is the reason they have to tell us what’s in-store for us – they don’t want the havoc they are going to create  to karmically come back through the mirror and slap them in the face. Hollywood is their medium of information. We call it fiction when really it’s fact.

You see, the elite are bound by the Metaphysical Laws that govern the construct. The only difference between the rulers and the people is: they’ know the Laws and we do not. Cosmic knowledge is withheld from us – but even though the scumbags have tried to erase and destroy metaphysical knowledge –  in a Duality it has to remain accessible to the seeker.

So, lets take a look at the past and see what information, we can glean.

The ancient world

A quote from my article Pandora’s Box: “We read in mythology about Agdistis, the hermaphrodite mother/father being of Oneness that Zeus/Lucifer castrated. By chopping off her male member, Lucifer instantly divided Agdistis into two separate parts. One became split into two and the third dimension of Duality was born. This cosmic act of violence against a divine being is honoured in the sexual mutilation cult of Cybele, and the satanic ceremonies of rape, sodomy and blood sacrifice practiced by the Luciferian ‘illuminated’ covens that are so prevalent today.”

The timeless truth

 From the ancient world we move into modern times. The intuitive brilliance of scientific researchers like Carl Sagan, has allowed us to put together the missing pieces in the jigsaw of our past. In his book: ‘The Dragons of Eden’,  Sagan writes about many strange anomalies in our genetic code.  One of which is the genetic modification of the female pelvis to allow for birthing babies with larger heads.

In the scriptures we read “and god cursed Eve with painful childbirth.”

In order to keep us obedient, meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver- stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist; a horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, and filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now…” Don Juan Mateus.

The increase in the size of the human cranium may well have come into being with the addition of the R/Complex…the reptile mind of ‘me first’ that is needed to survive in this fabricated dimension of constant conflict. The owners of this construct would need to ensure that most of its creation survived in its virtual and sacrificial dog eat dog world – hence our programmed ‘instinctual survival reactions’ and the drive to constantly replicate in world of emotionally charged energy.

 Is it possible that we have been trapped in a separate reality – a small sliver of energy called visible light? Did we suffer a genetic downgrade? Were we hijacked from our high estate and forced to fall from  multi-dimensional beings to chemically induced animals, poor controlled creatures that constantly breed and fight for alpha male status called the pecking order of life.

The next downgrade – homo borgiensis

Under the guise of convenience and progress, we as a species are slowly being led away from our mystical and spiritual connection with Source Creation. We are being engineered into a ‘smart’ world of electromagnetic pollution, self aware machines, D wave quantum computers and the sky net electromagnetic grid. The Luciferian elite are trying to alter, modify and manipulate the human genome to usher in full spectrum dominance of the human mind, and with it – a new dark age of slavery and control.

Digital reality means the loss of spiritual reality and with the micro chip the borg is born.

Well, it’s happening right before our eyes and lives.

It’s happening

The New York Times reported on Nov. 26th, 2018 that a Chinese scientist had claimed to have made the first genetically modified babies using a powerful gene editing technology called Crispr. The claim that China had already made genetically altered humans came just as the world’s leading experts were jetting into Hong Kong for the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing.

You can bet your bottom dollar that gene editing has been going on in secret for a long time and there are genetically enhanced ‘people’ living alongside us to day. Although this technology will be presented as a miracle cure for inherited disease: sickle cell anemia – downs syndrome – cystic fibrosis and many others, it has a very dark side.

The dark side of this gene editing technology is that a super race can be created. The master race – the eugenicists dream of Aryan purity.  I think this is the agenda of the predator – the ‘off planet’  toxic genetic code that has always been a problem on this earth.

In a Duality there is always an opposition to evil and we must be careful that we do not get drawn into the game. There is only the One Life…a life that transcends the Separation that was forced upon us. So let’s honour it.

Where do we go from here?

Ephesians 6:12-13 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high  places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day.”

Where there is no hurt there is no sin

What does the full armour of God mean? It is the understanding that there is only One Life and everything partakes of it. Therefore to deliberately harm another living being whether animal, bird or reptile is to bring retribution and suffering upon self. Everything we do from this moment on is down to us….

In the words of the wise:  “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

We are all on a personal journey…mine is to break the matrix programme within myself.

I hope you got something out of the article. Please feel free to express your thoughts in the comments.

Further information on the gene editing of babies can be found @

Here is a link to first human embryo edited in the United States.