Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars
by James Corbett
August, 2022
Here’s a puzzler for you: why is it that every time the MSM reports on cloud seeding, they treat it like some kind of crazy new invention that the world has never seen before?
For the latest example of this phenomenon, check out China is seeding clouds to replenish its shrinking Yangtze River, which was posted to that bastion of truth, CNN.com, on August 18th. In this Pulitzer-worthy piece, it takes a crack squad of no less than three reporters to tell us that “Chinese planes are firing rods into the sky to bring more rainfall to its crucial Yangtze River, which has dried up in parts.”
Well, I never! What will they think of next, Mabel?!
Of course, only a few paragraphs later they admit that this isn’t some newfangled, cutting-edge technology, but a very old idea that’s been in practice for nearly a century. So why, then, do they insist on reporting on cloud seeding as if weather modification has never been used before?
Does it have anything to do with the fact that it isn’t just the Yangtze River that’s drying up, but key waterways in regions around the world? And what does it mean when millions upon millions of people are all facing water shortages at the same time?
Let’s find out, shall we?
The Problem: Droughts, Droughts, Everywhere!

As we dutiful, dedicated, faithful readers of CNN.com now know, there’s a drought going on in China. Specifically, the water in certain stretches of the Yangtze—the longest river in Asia and the seventh-largest river by discharge volume in the world—is down to its lowest levels since record-keeping began, affecting the water supply for 830,000 people and disrupting the irrigation of 644,667 hectares of farmland.
But the drying up of the Yangtze isn’t just a threat to drinking water and irrigation; the Yangtze River basin accounts for as much as 45% of China’s economic output. In fact, it provides vital cargo shipping routes and hydroelectric power to vast swathes of the country’s productive economic zone. So, in addition to threatening crops in the Yangtze River Basin, the drought has also led to cargo shipping suspensions and electricity rationing.
But, as bad as this drought is, it’s just one isolated event taking place in China, right?
Wrong. As the helpful journalists over at CNN also inform us, “The world’s rivers are drying up from extreme weather” (but they’ll show you how six of those rivers look from outer space!).
Indeed, there are droughts taking place throughout the northern hemisphere at the moment. For example, Londoners are facing severe water restrictions as the River Thames hits 20 year lows. As CNBC reports:
Britain’s Thames Water said Wednesday that a Temporary Use Ban covering London and the Thames Valley would begin next week, citing [. . .] “The driest July since 1885, the hottest temperatures on record, and the River Thames reaching its lowest level since 2005 have led to a drop in reservoir levels in the Thames Valley and London.
And let’s not forget the rest of Europe. Rivers across Europe have been “devastated by historic drought,” with the Loire, the Po, the Danube and other famed European rivers all hitting historic low levels (and exposing sunken Nazi ships in the process). You know it’s bad when French farmers have to stop making cheese.
Sadly, things are no better in Africa where there’s currently a drought threatening starvation in the Horn of Africa. The worst drought in the region in more than 40 years has led to the Horn’s fifth consecutive failed rainy season, threatening the food supply for millions of people who are already facing severe hunger. (But don’t worry, Africans! Just roll up your sleeves and take your shot! The WHO has the cure for drought!)
And how about North America? You guessed it. Drought.
In this case, the Colorado River is facing an historic drought. with officials warning that unless water use in the Basin is significantly reduced, the Colorado River System itself is facing “catastrophic collapse” Interestingly, this water shortage is leading to yet another blow to the already struggling food supply chain as American farmers are killing their own crops and selling cows because of the water crisis.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Rivers are drying up all around the globe right now because the weather gods are angry at us for driving cars. If only someone could do something about it!
The “Solution”: Weather Modification

The Chinese, it turns out, are turning to that strange, novel, mythical technique known as “cloud seeding” to solve their problem. As CNN helpfully informs us, the practice involves seeding clouds with silver iodide rods to induce rainfall:
The silver iodide rods—which are typically the size of cigarettes—are shot into existing clouds to help form ice crystals. The crystals then help the cloud produce more rain, making its moisture content heavier and more likely to be released.
As I say, the MSM repeaters tend to re-introduce this idea to its readers as some sort of novel invention every single time they report on it . . . and they report on it fairly frequently. Don’t believe me? Well, see this and this and this and this and this and this, for example. And that’s just what I came up with in one simple search from CNN.com!
Exceedingly strange, then, that they present cloud seeding as some unproven, experimental idea every single time they re-write the story even as they concede—as they do in their most recent article on the subject—that “cloud seeding has been in practice since the 1940s.”
Indeed, cloud seeding is not a new idea. In fact, as I have reported extensively over the years, not only has cloud seeding been around since the 1940s, it is just one of a number of weather modification technologies that have been used to modify (and even weaponize) weather for the better part of a century.
As early as the late 1940s, American mathematician John von Neumann was researching weather modification and its potential uses in climatic warfare for the US Department of Defense. In the 1950s early cloudbursting experiments were performed by Wilhelm Reich and in 1956 Dr. Walter Russell was writing of the potential for complete weather control. In the 1960s, Dr. Bernard Vonnegut, brother of the famous writer, vastly improved the techniques then in use by employing silver iodide crystals in the cloud seeding mixture. Silver iodide’s hygroscopic qualities insure water particles quickly bond with its crystalline structure.
Unsurprisingly, the idea was put to active military use almost immediately. From 1967 to 1972, the US Air Force ran Operation Popeye, a highly-classified rainmaking program deployed in Southeast Asia “in an attempt to slow the movement of North Vietnamese troops and supplies through the Ho Chi Minh trail network.” The program was so classified that even President Nixon’s Defense Secretary, Melvin Laird, didn’t know of its existence until it was reported in the press. So, who went over the Secretary of Defense’s head to authorize and coordinate a scheme to weaponize the weather? Why, Henry Kissinger, of course.
According to Seymour Hersh, who broke the story in The New York Times in 1972:
“This kind of thing was a bomb, and Henry restricted in formation about it to those who had to know,” said one well placed Government official, referring to Henry A. Kissinger, the President’s adviser on national security.
Yes, that Henry Kissinger.
Don’t worry, though. The revelation of the program caused such international outrage that the UN introduced a convention in 1977 prohibiting the use of environmental modification technology in warfare. The US ratified that convention in 1980, so no one has ever tried to modify the weather for warfare again. (Would world leaders ever lie to the public about something like that?)
Beyond the military benefits that weather modification brings, however, there are also the potential monetary benefits. So many events in the course of human activity are predicated on short-term weather and long-term climate phenomena that the ability to determine (or even influence) either could be extremely valuable. Insurance companies, for example, stand to lose billions (and reconstruction-related industries stand to make those same billions) every time a strong storm makes landfall in populated areas.
So it should not be surprising that a market has evolved for “weather derivatives,” effectively allowing large financial institutions to make money gambling on the weather. And it should also come as no surprise that this market was largely pioneered by that infamous globalist-connected insider corporation, Enron.
Perhaps this history is why the MSM feigns shock every time the idea of cloud seeding comes up. Will you look at what those crazy boffins are dreaming up now! Apparently they’re going to try to use it to clear the skies for a Wimbledon tennis match! Gee whiz, what will they think of next?!
Yes, of course the establishment press is lying to its readers yet again, keeping them in the dark about a well-established technology so their governmental masters can plausibly deny that any large-scale climate events are manmade. Large-scale climate events like, say, a hemisphere-wide drought.
Instead, they can safely blame the current water shortages on the globalist bogeyman of “global warming.” It’s all just a coincidence that we’re plunging into an age of water shortages, droughts, famine and pestilence, guys. And the answer to this crisis is more weather modification!
But why oh why, you might ask, would they be trying to deliberately engineer droughts on a global scale, anyway? Sure, it makes sense to use such technology against a specific enemy, but why would anyone deploy it against humanity as a whole? Is there a larger agenda at play?
The Result: The Coming Water Wars

Old-timers at The Corbett Report will remember a conversation I had with Dr. Tim Ball on Corbett Report Radio back in 2012 on Peak Water and Agenda 21. In a nutshell, Dr. Ball was predicting that global water shortages were going to be used as the stick to drive the world into the arms of the UN’s Agenda 21 (as it was called before it became Agenda 2030).
The concept of water shortages drivinhg geopolitical conflict is itself nothing new.
In 2003, Colin Mason, a New Zealand-born Australian journalist, author and politician, published The 2030 Spike: Countdown to Global Catastrophe (revised and republished as A Short History of the Future: Surviving the 2030 Spike in 2006). The book predicted that six drivers of change—including, of course, global water shortages—will converge by the year 2030 to utterly transform the world. Although not exactly an international bestseller, it does turn up in the CIA’s online library. Why? Because it was one of 39 English-language books that was found in Osama bin Laden’s personal library in Abottabad. (Or at least that’s what the Director of National Intelligence tells us.)
Keen observers of the Syrian war will also remember when numerous outlets were trying to float the idea that the war was not caused by the documentable intervention of outside forces in the country but a severe water shortage in 2006. As Smithsonian Magazine “reported” back in 2013:
In Syria, a devastating drought beginning in 2006 forced many farmers to abandon their fields and migrate to urban centers. There’s some evidence that the migration fueled the civil war there, in which 80,000 people have died. “You had a lot of angry, unemployed men helping to trigger a revolution,” says Aaron Wolf, a water management expert at Oregon State University, who frequently visits the Middle East.
Hmmm. It seems to me that “some evidence” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that paragraph, but I’m no “water management expert” who frequently visits the Middle East like Aaron Wolf, so what do I know?
And in 2018 a team of researchers from the European Commission’s Joint Research Center published an article in the Global Environmental Change journal predicting that by 2050 the primary driver of geopolitical conflict would by “hydro-political risk.” In other words, “The wars of the future will be fought over water, not oil.”
So the idea that water shortages may lead to water wars is itself nothing new. But now let’s entertain for a moment this harebrained, cockamamie, tinfoil wing nut idea that perhaps—just perhaps—the global climactic events taking place at the moment (including the widespread water shortages taking place across the world) are not the result of your carbon footprint. What if—and I know I’m out on a limb here—they were being deliberately engineered with the types of weather modification technology that we know the US military and other countries around the world have been actively studying for at least 80 years now? What would that mean?
Well, it would certainly create a convenient case for the UN and other would-be world controllers to step in and start restricting productive human activity in the name of saving us from the weather gods. Climate lockdowns to save the day! Who could have predicted it?
Sound farfetched? Well, as even mainstream commentators are starting to note, the water supply crisis is not simply happening by chance. It is the result of carefully planned government actions, inactions and restrictions. For example, in response to a recent Telegraph article arguing that “Britain’s water crisis should be treated as a national security threat,” one member of the Twitterati pointed out:
The last major water supply reservoir built in the UK was Carsington in Derbyshire. It opened in 1991, 29 years ago. Population was 57.42 million. We now have 10 million more people & growing. Aside from other factors population, alone demands increase in water storage capacity [sic]
And if you still believe that governments are doing their best to protect their population from this environmental calamity, here’s another puzzler for you: If China is using cloud seeding to end the drought in the Yangtze, why isn’t everyone else?
The answer is obvious: the water shortage is a crisis by design, like the food crisis and the various geopolitical crises and the economic crisis that are converging to lead us into the gaping maw of Agenda 2030. And it’s designed to justify more government control over you and your life and, in the end, to corral you into tightly controlled urban centers where your access to the necessities of life can be turned off.
We must face a cold, hard reality: we are in the midst of WWIII, it is a war on free humanity by their own governments, it is being waged in secret, and it is a war in which the would-be world controllers have no compunction about doing anything—even modifying the weather and exacerbating ongoing emergencies—to increase their power over the people. Until we acknowledge that unpleasant truth, nothing can change.
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James Corbett writes about politics and society from an independent perspective
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