Era of Awareness
Conscious Origins:
In my teens, I became present to an elusive power that seemed to hide in the shadows of civilization. Ever curious, I felt drawn to pull at the loose threads of social reality to reveal a contrarian authority preventing the evolution of humanity’s awareness, destiny, freedom and personal power. Something was undeniably off about society. My ambition to understand outweighed my willingness to live an ordinary life. During this time, I was introduced to the practice of meditation by one of my high school teachers. My experience and perception of reality exploded like a supernova spreading stellar seeds of creativity, empowerment and inspiration into every facet of my being.
Social Circus:
What a grand show reality is! It is a far cry to imagine people enjoying current events. Viruses, racial and social inequalities and injustices, media-induced debates, extreme weather patterns, continued loss of freedoms and rights, mounting restrictions and accelerating tensions between classes. Soon, the 2020 US Presidential Election will take center ring. Yet, during one of the most opportune times in humanity’s history for transcendence and transformation, the fervor of political and social polarity roars stronger than ever from the grand stands. Ego, entitlement and self-righteousness replaces acceptance, consciousness and insight. The agenda must be fulfilled. The show must go on!

Minority Blues:
I have never felt so confronted and targeted for my diverse thoughts and perspectives regarding current events. Who I choose to be and expressing my unique perceptions has made me more exposed and uncomfortable in ways I have yet to experience. The most stunning realization is fielding the greatest of this intolerance, resistance and ridicule from family members and close friends. The great enigma is most of them are open-minded people. Now, I am presented with the timeless dilemma of suppressing my personal freedom and passion for sharing my viewpoints to honor the beliefs, perspectives and sensitivities of all who have adopted the daily widespread propaganda.
Majority Rules:
The ebbs and flows of popular social commentary are destroying alternative ideology, lifestyle and any individual who dares challenge or question the official narrative. Engineered reality offers no mercy and stands relentless against diverse perception. As always, the imposition of totalitarian opinion pushes its fear-laden agenda against the present uprising of universal consciousness, possibility and love. Social mania runs rampant through the streets, homes, phones and devices of civilization. Agreement replaces awareness as the fires of frenzy wreak havoc upon humanity. Across the great divide of nations, society is breaking under the vanity of its self-righteousness.
“The greatest gift we give another is the experience of being heard.”

Goodwill Calling:
Regardless of our belief, opinion or perspective, it is all worthless if we deny or refute acceptance, experience, listening and understanding of our fellow human. We certainly do not have to acquiesce, as we always have the choice to agree to disagree. Yet, even in that, there is unity. Consideration, comprehension, decency and empathy are all human essentials in our acknowledgement and tolerance of others. The value of these practices offer an amity that goes beyond imagination and realization. Points are not proven by popular accord, rather by the spirit of curiosity, encouragement and sincerity. Transcending duality empowers us to see not just the extraordinary in others, yet also in ourselves.
Heart of Hearing:
As much as we do not listen to each other, we do not listen to ourselves let alone a spiritual power. Whether it is our social conditioning, institutional programming or the selfishness of survival, we build social bubbles with our anxiety, fear and insecurity. We listen just enough to respond as we fend off the chaotic instincts, thoughts and emotions constantly emerging and receding within us. We tend to hear with our ears, yet rarely with our hearts. When we authentically listen, this act of being instantly transforms the experience of the speaker as well as the listener. It elevates the environment in which we exist, creating an extraordinary space for all to have the empowerment of being heard and related.

The impacts and influence of our current social circumstances continue to intensify. The daily norm most people are either counting on or hoping to return is as unlikely as any of us getting younger. The very notion of having things be as they were is delusional. When the question is posed, “how was that working?” the answer is an emphatic, “it wasn’t!” Things are more transparent than they have ever been. The social obscurity to which we desperately cling to avoid accepting the bitter reality we sponsor is clearing. If we do not see the social mania we enable, we are simply in denial. This indifference is what has allowed humanity to become such a cruel, destructive and toxic society.
Era of Awareness:
From my adolescence until now, I have experienced countless social epiphanies and revelations that have led me to my present observation of society. I have gone from raging teenage angst, to disturbed adulthood contempt, to inquisitive mature investigation and now distinctive middle age understanding of humanity. Beyond deception, delusion, fantasy and social reality resides our true expression of awareness we all must empower. It is a solitary path of creation, exploration, self-discovery and purpose only we can inspire for ourselves. We are only as aware as we create ourselves to be, with our instinct, thought, emotion and intuition. Our consciousness is our soul’s destiny. Everything else is illusion.
“Knowledge may give us the world, awareness gives us the universe.”

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