
The level of deception to which the human race has been subject to is today, so vast and all-encompassing in its scale that it can barely even be measured. We now live in a world of political correctness, where expressing real feelings, or saying anything where anyone may become even the slightest bit offended, is frowned upon. Yet all around us our air is hardly fit to breathe, our food is hardly fit to eat, our health systems sell sickness, our education systems misinform, our money systems promote debt, our peace policies promote war, our media delivers lies, our water has deteriorated to the point that we buy it in bottles that themselves are full of chemicals and our children are taught – before they are even able even able to think clearly that perhaps they may feel better about things if they were a member of the opposite sex… just don’t speak about any of it in case you make someone else feel uncomfortable. And so people just accept it and virtually no-one ever says anything for fear of what others may think about them.

In considering this condition, perhaps the most sobering aspect of it is the fact that this entire situation has all come about due to the actions of Government. People may balk at that and say, no it’s our fault, the fault of society and though that is true to an extent, more realistically, it has all come to pass simply because it has been legislated to be that way. Those elected in good faith and placed in positions of trust to ensure a safe and viable future for the people of their nations; those whom were entrusted with preserving the well being and security of those people; politicians who were employed and trusted to keep the populace safe and informed… All whom have done precisely the opposite of what the people believed they were employing them to do…

As a result of this misplaced trust, modern society is far more programmed than informed and quite frankly, is today, more in a state of clear and present danger than most people can readily fathom. And sure, on a deeper level, it’s our fault for not perhaps facing reality and dealing with things a little sooner. But that has occurred as the result of a gradual mechanism of programming that has taken a number of generations to achieve. Intensive and continuous subliminal programming is a difficult thing to break through, and via a government controlled education system and the carefully scripted and tightly controlled output of the Main Stream Media, this programming has, in recent times, reached epidemic proportions.


Through use of these two mechanisms, Media and indoctrination thinly disguised as “education”, over a few short generations, humankind has been conditioned into accepting a world where virtually everything that is presented to them is either upside down or completely backwards. A shining example lies in the manner in which we have been taught to shun our natural ways and medicines and to place our faith in science and chemical remedies and very notably, the alternative to Natural medicines, ie: the artificial chemical compounds and drugs used in pharmaceuticals are now called “medicines” and the original compounds they replace are now labelled “alternative”. That was a neat trick huh?

Similarly, in the name of pursuing peace, we have been trained to support endless war. We have been taught to accept open human rights abuses being carried out by supposedly democratic Governments. We have replaced protection and service officers with “law enforcement officers” and calmly accept these militarized and often quite brutal law enforcement officers as being “necessary for public safety”. And the list goes on… Shooting of unarmed civilians; imprisonment without charge or trial simply on “suspicion” with no evidence required. We see open support for blatant war crimes and human rights abuses through the world, such those carried out in Saudi Arabia for years and that are still being exacted upon the people of Yemen by the Saudi’s. Still there is open support for the myriad of war crimes being carried out in Palestine by the state of Israel whom, even though it is brutally aggressive, racist and warlike in all its foreign policies and actions, behaving precisely in the manner of any other rogue state you may care to name, is a portrayed to the world as a victim state that is striving for peace.

Our modern Governments rampage across the world carpet bombing whole countries and decimating entire populations to “free people” from oppression. Millions of people have been reduced to abject poverty by the war machine, and then simply left to fend for themselves in a life of continual hardship and suffering in order to “free them from the Tyrants who oppress them” Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria et al… While on the home front, people are fed an entirely false view of the world by a screen in their lounge room or via their favorite online platform that instructs them how and what to think. In this manner vast numbers of people, and most certainly the younger generations, have been trained to view real life skills and philosophical pursuits as unnecessary and to place value in materialism, success in business and economic or social standing. The never ending quest for the personal attention they never had as a child and do not even realize is what they are searching for. And the result has been that most have lost any real connection to themselves or to those around them and to the Earth they live upon. That is, if they ever really had any to begin with.

Due to our support for this lifestyle and our collective failure to take responsibility for ourselves, always leaving things to the Nanny state to take care of for us, we have accepted a loss of freedom in the name of “liberty” (two words which essentially mean the same thing) to a degree that is now openly threatening the well being of the peoples of all nations. And we have allowed it all to happen under the guise of preserving peace and the pretext of “National Security”. Though in truth this situation has come about due to people simply failing to pay attention. By peoples willingness to unquestioningly consume the information that is spoon fed to them by Government and the Main Stream Media. The problem being that in the case of virtually everything we are told by these two sources, the real truth lies in precisely the opposing direction.

We can see this backwards mentality now being taken to whole new levels in the United States whereby Trump is held by many as a champion of freedom, while openly stating he would like to remove guns from the people and build a wall around the country…. to keep others out of course, to keep the country safe from invaders. Naturally that’s why you would be seeking to disarm the populace as well, so they could keep the country safe from invaders… it all makes perfect sense… But at least the youth of today have things figured out… right?


In even having a Government – Democracy, Republic, whatever one wishes to label it as, if there is to be any true freedom for the people within its structure at all, then quite obviously there needs to be checks and balances in place. If it is truly a “Government of the people” by any standard, these mechanisms need to be there. If they are not, then it is no Government, it is a Dictatorship. And that really is one of the things that has brought us to this point: The removal, by government, of such checking and balancing mechanisms. This has of course been happening little by little ever since Government was invented and in modern times, more rapidly in the name of “National Security” and “preserving freedom”. It has been done by promoting the utterly absurd concept that in order for people to have their liberties preserved and futures secure, this “Government of the people, for the people” needs to keep secrets from the people and should be subject to no scrutiny of its actions as none is required. This ridiculous and erroneous notion has now in some cases, even led to Government passing legislation naming any scrutiny of its actions as a criminal offense. Whistle-blowers are now very aware they themselves are the ones facing the threat of prosecution should they ever be found to be revealing any crimes of Government. Does this seem reasonable to anyone?

Remember that in past times, the media was used as a Government watchdog. Indeed, the media is the only organization outside Government mentioned in the US constitution as it was realized even then, that a strong and free media is essential to maintaining the security of any nation. In past times, when someone blew the whistle on Government misdeeds, the media would be all over it, whereas now, things are very different.

Now, when someone blows the whistle on a Government crime, an entire mechanism of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) takes place. Typically the Media quickly shifts attention to the sworn oaths of secrecy and government protocol guidelines that may have been broken and shifts the focus to the flaws within the system that allowed someone with the “obviously dubious character” of the whistle-blower to commit the “crime” of not adhering to protocols and creating “this scandal”. The whistle-blower then becomes the focus of all media attention, the government crime that was reported is pushed into the background and continues, and the one who reported the crime is attacked, vilified and prosecuted for daring to break protocols. There is little mention that it was done in order to report a serious crime and to bring the truth to the people. It simply becomes a Political football and is used to introduce more legislation to give the Government the means to more effectively cover up any future misdeeds and provide the legal mechanisms to more effectively persecute any future whistle-blowers.

In countries such as Australia people can now be arrested and held without charge or trial for criticizing or even questioning the actions of Government or Police. People who do question the actions of Government or seek accountability from Politicians or Police are now being labelled by the Main Stream Media as “anti-government extremists” and therefore as potential terrorists. Some Australian Politicians have even openly named anyone who protests a Coal Seam Gas Well as a “Domestic Terrorist”. This is happening to greater or lesser degrees in all western countries and this my friends is no longer Government by any stretch of the imagination, it is Dictatorship. And this is the stark reality of what our world has become, and to where it is continuing to progress.



Yes, things have gotten pretty bad. And yes, they appear to be getting steadily worse. Yet even with all of the above occurring, there is an increasing awareness growing in the minds of the population. And albeit rather a rude one, it is something of an awakening nonetheless – and it is world-wide. The unprecedented level of war, destruction and loss of individual rights seen in the modern world has understandably served to shock a great many people to the point that it can no longer be realistically denied by anyone. This Earth is run by criminals. It’s simply a reality. And not only that, but it is in fact becoming very obvious to many now, that our problems actually go far deeper than simple criminality, personal gain for politicians and banksters. The stark reality is that the world of today is run by governmental systems populated by certifiable psychopaths whose actions strongly suggest they are hell bent on either A, depopulating large numbers of human beings and enslaving those who remain into a tightly controlled police state, or B, should they fail in their attempt, upon leaving this earth as a scorched and polluted graveyard in their wake.

It is now becoming apparent to many that this situation is being sustained and indeed was first implemented by a multi-national, multi-generational cabal that uses war, and its stranglehold over the world-wide money supply, as its two main tools of control. Politics and Government has become a puppet show; a career path for the ultra corrupt. And it has become a family business. A closed shop. This is a truth that now stands as self-evident. And many are opening their eyes and realizing that the time has now come for humankind to take the matter in hand. The question, as always, is what action, if any, can be undertaken? The control systems are so deeply embedded now and the programming that most people have undergone is so ingrained, that sometimes one can look at the situation and despair. Yet I, and many others believe that all is far from lost. In fact I see this time in history as one of great opportunity; a chance for mankind to at last experience true freedom, or at very least, to at last establish a pathway leading towards that goal.

It just depends on us and our willingness to not just open our eyes to the truth but to BE it, and to stand in it.

One very real problem that we face is the level of distraction, and it doesn’t just come from the fact that we are under sensory bombardment simply due to the machinations of modern society. There is also an inner distraction that occurs and is constant. This inner distraction, often unnoticed, is precisely what causes people to lose their attention for any given subject, to lose focus and become so distracted so very easily. The inner need they have to gain the attention they feel they deserve, due to the loss of attention they received as a child. Most children had their parents replaced by television and thus a schism was created inside them whereby now they spend their lives in search of something, not really knowing what it is they are searching for, as they have no knowledge of what was taken from them. They have no reference point. This creates a need within people to seek attention at every opportunity and not miss out on anything. They thus become very easily distracted by the slightest thing. And more often than not, to never really see the clear and present danger they may be in.


Yes indeed, everything is backwards… but are we backwards ourselves?


Have we gone that far?

Personally, I don’t think so. Although, it can perhaps be said for the overall perspective held by most people in regard to themselves. Perhaps that is backwards. It is backwards in their belief that they are just little people who cannot make a difference.

People should never forget that the true fact of the matter is, that every difference that has ever happened, any change that has ever occurred, anything regarding our social, political and economic situation, indeed any change to the earth that has even been brought about by the hand of man, ever… Ultimately first came from the spark of an idea that was born within the mind of a single individual. It didn’t come from someone “special”, it was just a man or woman who had an idea. An idea that resonated with others. They were just a ‘little person’…like you. We have been taught to forget that, to believe that ideas will come yes, but never from you. Never from us. They will always come from someone “more important”.

But that my friends, is a lie.

Each one of us holds this potential and each one of us can bring about change. The problems we have been facing within the ranks of the independent media and activist circles is the all or nothing mentality many people are promoting. The concept that we must attain instant freedom, on all levels, immediately, is simply not a realistic way of addressing things. Nor is it a goal that is in any way possible of achieving. There has been a series of steps that have brought mankind to this point, this crossroads if you will, and what is needed is a way of reversing the sequence; something that will stop the system progressing further and at least bring us to a point of safety whereby we can regroup and discover what the effective pathway to real freedom is. All that is needed is to have the right idea.


George Orwell once said: “If you wish to see a vision of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face, forever.”

The choice of whether we wish to avoid that future is now upon us.

People may call me paranoid for even saying such a thing and label me a fear monger but the reality is that the bells of warning have been tolling for a long time. With the roll-out of 5G, the IoT, and the very real prospect of a social crediting system whereby any “politically incorrect” thinking will see people placed into the category of “undesirable” and criminalized by default, we are now in a situation of clear and present danger.

Regardless of what any Politicians may be doing, in any country, 5G, the Smart Grid and Social Crediting underlies it all. And such a smart grid, IS the New World Order.

Make no mistake in that.

Ultimately whatever the remedy turns out to be, nothing will ever work until we are prepared to face the stark and obvious truth, that all that exists here within our civilization is people. Our problems stem from the fact that we have allowed and are continuing to allow people we entrust with positions of management to wage endless wars, destroy and pollute our habitats and strip us of our rights, our dignity and our freedom, simply because they write things down on paper and call it “law”. It is time we created and implemented the means to peacefully, lawfully and effectively remove ourselves from this farce, and to hold those responsible for it accountable for their actions. Should we fail to rise to this occasion and do so, then the responsibility for this mess cannot any longer be shifted onto the ruling Kakistocracy, because now that we see it, if we fail to rise to this challenge, then the blame lays entirely with ourselves.

Freedom is close, almost at our very fingertips – and yet so is the ultimate tyranny. Which is it we will choose to reach out and grasp?

If this world and the life and beauty it contains is as precious to you as it is to me, please consider commenting and ReSteeming and sharing this message.

In Lak’ech

Max Igan


Motion graphics by George Redhawk