The U.S. Military, False ‘Patriotism,’
and Recruiting Human Fodder for Killing:
Let it Wither and Die
“Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder.”
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
There is so much going on simultaneously today, much of it very important, but most of it is also meant to be an abundance of intentional distraction. This is necessary so that the corrupt State can continue its drive toward global governance, democide, genocide, and mass division, while the general populace is so consumed by all these distractive measures that they have not the ability to separate truth from propaganda. As has been the case throughout history, one of the most dangerous distractions is the threat of war and conflict, which could obviously lead to active or ‘hot’ war. When this threat, along with many other threats, such as extreme weather manipulation leading to dangerous ‘unnatural’ disasters, economic upheaval, food and energy shortages, fake health threats, mass surveillance, and extreme debt and inflation, leads to societal chaos, most look to the government that actually caused all the chaos for relief. this is exactly what the ruling class desires and needs in order to quell any resistance by the people.
For purposes here, a conversation about the horrors of the military is necessary, as is the current phenomenon of extreme shortages of those who would normally and willingly join the military based solely on what many falsely refer to as “patriotism.” But due to the long-term history of this government’s corruption and evil, things have changed dramatically.
Like many words, especially when considering English, real meanings are often altered to the point of bastardization, as is often (most always) the case with the term “patriotism.” Originally, at least back to the 16th century, considering French, Latin, and Greek, the word patriot meant “fellow countrymen.” It can be attributed to father or fatherland, but it is not a love of government or the State. Anytime I hear the term “I love ‘my’ country,” I cringe, for how does one love an entire country and all it does, without acceptance of every act committed by it? There is nothing patriotic about blind love of country, about support for war, or about acceptance of immoral acts of a tyrannical State. In fact, actual “patriotism” concerning one’s self and his fellow countrymen, would rely on men banding together against any form of rule or tyranny; in other words, an active loyalty to freedom, and hatred for any authoritative governance.
A U.S. naval officer, Stephan Decatur, made the asinine statement in the 19th century that paraphrased is: “My country, right or wrong.” This indicates only a love of nationalism, and has absolutely nothing to do with any honest assessment of country, and rather is a religious response based upon worship of the political State. A much better description, as penned by Samuel Johnson is: “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” So-called ‘patriotism’ as misunderstood by most all in this country, is based on the bowing down in worship by the average man to the master class ruling over him. It has absolutely nothing to do with any so-called “love of country,” and has everything to do with the planned dependency of this pathetic and controlled population.
Since I am speaking here specifically about the military, and its ability to survive, consider what it is being turned into during the most critical time in its history. I must preface my comments on the fact that the U.S. military throughout the history of this country, has been tasked with being the murdering arm of the State. It has not, at least in any way noticeable, ever served as a defensive force meant only to protect these shores and its people from aggressive attack. This military is now, and has forever been, only an offensive weapon meant to support and do the bidding of this evil State.; a State that has now positioned itself as a killing machine used to not only slaughter, murder, and support the total destruction of other countries, but also to destroy the U.S. as we have known it as well. It is the enemy of all in this country, because it is controlled by the ruling class whose goal is to achieve a global technocratic reset regardless of the cost to this population or any other.
It seems today, that few join this military monster just because they falsely believe it to be the protective ‘parent’ figure of this heinous nation-state and its dumbed-down people. There is seemingly good and bad in this thinking, as one would assume given that recruiting volunteer soldiers has become so difficult to impossible, that people are actually ‘waking up,’ but that assumption would be erroneous to say the least. This military has sunk to the lowest level of competence, and uses any tactics it can, simply to round up the worst human elements available just to satisfy its recruiting numbers. Pay offs, bribes, ridiculous incentives, incredible bonuses, ‘woke’ madness, lies and deceit, and even the threat of possible conscription, have either been achieved or are forthcoming. If this country’s military had to depend on ‘patriotism’ to survive, it would quickly wither and die, but do not hold your breath in wait of such sound logic and reason to win the day. War and the slaughter of innocents both domestic and foreign, would disappear with the collapse of this government and its military industrial complex. That is unlikely to happen, as in my opinion, the march toward a more and more tyrannical and murderous military State will be sought by the power brokers in politics, and will remain as the enforcing armed mob and ongoing enemy of all in this country.
Currently, the military is offering regular signing bonuses of up to $50,000, and each branch offers other multiple payoffs to buy soldiers. Besides enlistment and reenlistment bonuses, student loan repayments are offered, ‘education’ programs, GI Bill welfare, accelerated promotions, and any number of other monetary incentives. The Navy incentive programs are even more ludicrous, offering up to $140,000 for active duty future sailors. Certain Air Force candidates can receive up to $180,000. Bonuses are also offered to Reserve and Guard personnel, and all of this is of course at taxpayer expense. But it gets worse, as the recruiting of women for military positions, including combat are offered, and more women than ever before are taking advantage of these payoffs. So now, this country has sunk into hell, expecting wives and daughters to die in vain Those foreigners being shipped into the U.S. intentionally by this government, are also able to gain these incentives, including a fast track award of ‘citizenship.’ These could be anyone, including hardened criminals, drug dealers, and others. In addition, there is the idiocy of DEI recruiting, and the military’s acceptance of any number of normally unqualified recruits. These include homosexuals, the absurd trans crowd, obese people, the mental and physically impaired, among many others, and without a multitude of new women enlistees, recruitment quotas would never be met. Of course, the physical requirements necessary for these positions have had to be dramatically lowered in order to fill the empty slots. Considering DEI insanity, this is also true of police, fire fighters, and others in important positions of so-called State ‘protection services.”
Get ready, as 2025 promises to be possibly the worst year in American history, as the ruling ‘elites’ and their puppets and goons in politics are going all out in order to pursue democide, genocide, economic chaos, mass starvation and poverty, war against resident populations; all in order to achieve the new global technocratic governing system meant to crush all freedom for every individual.
Americans are not free, and in fact, they are unwitting slaves to this tyrannical State. This is a fascist oligarchy that has many strong elements of communistic underpinnings. Those who worship the State, those who worship Trump or any other evil politician, and all those whose heads are in the sand, expecting some miracle to take place politically, by one or another piece of scum politician, are completely lost in a psychotic cloud of insanity. You are about to enter a time of great upheaval, a time of death and destruction, a time of a pale fog of uncertainty and fear. Open your eyes to reality before it is too late.
“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.”
Opening narration from “Where is Everybody” — The Twilight Zone
Reference links:
Military enlistment incentives, bonuses, and benefits
Air Force dangles big bucks for bonuses
Military bonuses, pay, and benefits