Feminism, Communism and the Destruction of the Nuclear Family
The above statement is listed in the 45 goals of the communist party to take over the United States. As mentioned before, these goals were entered into the congressional record in 1963, after it was revealed that there was extensive communist infiltration into our government. Today, many sources are claiming that this list is a hoax; however, the results of such goals are self-evident in our society, and one area where this is particularly true; is the nuclear family. Our families have literally been destroyed and for many reasons. Today, it is virtually impossible for the average family to raise their children without both parents working, providing the family has two parents. Divorce runs rampant in our society as nearly forty one percent of first marriages are likely to end.[2] It should also be noted that marriage itself is in a decline, less people are getting married due to several factors such as poor economic prospects and a society that is less involved in religious institutions[3]. Religion has always been one of the strongest advocates for marriage, so, the more successful the attempts to discredit religion, the more successful the attempts to break up families will be. According to Pew Research Center[4], 26 percent of today’s younger people, ages 18-32 are likely to tie the knot, compared to sixty five percent in the 1960’s, forty eight percent in the baby boomer generation, and thirty six percent among the so called generation x crowd.
These numbers reflect not only changes in marriage rates, but an overall shift in American values. The nuclear family once held the bedrock of society together as it was understood that this was the most basic unit of self-governance, which was the fundamental principle essential for liberty in the United States. With strong marriages headed by mothers and fathers, family units were solely responsible for the upbringing and education of children. This was based on the idea that men and women had equal but separate roles to play in raising and nurturing families, and this represented the true meaning of freedom to our founding fathers.[5] In fact, the concept driving marriage was based on a collective, as opposed to an, “individualistic” approach to forming society.
Coverture represents the idea that married couples form a community of interest that the married couple freely joins and that protects all members of the family better than alternatives can. It reflects equality because it is freely chosen by men and women; it protects consent because the parties think the community of love and interest protects their lives, liberty, and property. Such laws show that marriage as a union is to be exclusive and, except in extreme cases, permanent.[6]
Today, the idea of equality has drastically changed and this is having drastic effects on the family structure as well as the well being of children. The studies proving that children need both a mother and a father are numerous[7] as are the studies showing the disadvantages that growing up in single parent homes have on children. For instance, children in two parent homes are more likely to live longer healthier lives, more likely to graduate high school and attend college, are less likely to live in poverty, are less likely to get into trouble with the law, less likely to do drugs, less likely to be sexually active and are more likely to get married and raise healthy families.[8] Keeping this knowledge in mind, it is not hard to draw correlations between the declining marriage rates to the state of society today, with the high crime rates, poor academic performance in many schools and over all disrespect for society that seems to run rampant among many younger people.
The American left seems to have an entire different vision of America’s traditional family structure. To them, the family is an oppressive institution of patriarchal dominance. One where the women are oppressed and forced in a world where she is reduced to nothing more than a house keeper doing the work that is needed to be done by everyone else. She is prohibited from pursuing her own dreams as she spends the day washing clothes, vacuuming, cooking for her husband and tending to the children’s needs. The idea that this is an arrangement freely agreed upon, and that the work being done is pursued in the best interest of children is nonexistent to the left as they go about the work of discrediting the family as an institution. Where did these ideas come from? How did a nation that once espoused the traditions of the nuclear family, a nation that understood its importance in securing the blessings of liberty, become one of declining marriages and less respectful of the values that traditional family life once taught? Obviously there is communist influence here, but more notably, it is the work of Betty Friedan and her creation of the feminist movement.
Author of the book, “The Feminist Mystique,”[9] Friedan lays the ground work for what would become the modern feminist movement where women demand total equality with men and the idea that men and women play separate but equal roles in raising children is all but dead. In fact, the idea of motherhood itself has become a form of oppression to modern feminists as the idea of taking responsibility not only for personal actions, but for the life of another has become the underlying theme in today’s abortion rights movement. The Feminist perspective has not only destroyed the traditional family, it has contributed to over downfall of society as feminists generally blame men for all of the world’s problems while seeking to dethrone them from all legitimate seats of power. In fact, many may argue that there is an overall effort to feminize men because it is believed that the hormone testosterone is responsible for much of what the feminists would claim is wrong with the world. The very first paragraph in chapter one of Friedan’s book says it all. Freidan writes-
The problem lay buried, unspoken for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for the groceries, matched slip cover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured cub scouts and brownies, lay beside her husband at night- she was afraid to ask of herself the silent question—”Is this all?” [10]
In that paragraph alone Friedan attempts to portray the life of an American housewife as an oppressed victim forced into a life of servitude. She goes on to give the impression that all housewives in America feel the same as they desire to go out and become politicians, scientists, businesswomen and live lives free from the bondage of motherhood, and serving the men that dominate them. Remember, to our founding fathers marriage represented the entering of an agreed upon contract where it was understood that men and women both brought to the table qualities and attributes that were essential to the raising of children and creating successful, responsible communities. This represented God’s design as it is difficult to argue that men and women are indeed created differently. Women are obviously designed to give birth and many would argue that they bring to the table a more delicate, loving touch to raising children then men do. On the other hand, men seem to have the quality of bringing discipline and teaching the hard learned lessons in life. This is why the nuclear family has been traditionally viewed in American society as the bed rock of self governance; men and women entering into a mutually agreed upon contract carrying out the work that was once believed to be Gods original intent for man. When men and women marry, bringing together their separate but equal abilities, they become one unit in the eyes of God, they become one flesh. The Feminist movement has destroyed this concept.
Today, modern feminists carry out the work of Friedan by insisting that society still revolves around the male and his never ending list of privileges. In nearly all aspects of our culture you can find a group of feminists rallying around a cause, blaming the man for some, misperceived inequality, or some form of injustice committed against women simply because of their genitalia. One of the tactics of the communist left is to continually insist that the “right wing” is waging a war on women, trying to keep them down, barefoot and pregnant, and that it is our traditional view of the agreed upon contract of marriage that is oppressing them. The truth however, is the exact opposite. So called right wing conservatives appreciate women for the qualities they bring to the table, qualities in many cases, especially when it comes to caring for children, men often lack. Men cherish women and think they are deserving of special treatment. It is the never ending, impossible quest of total equality that is the real oppressor of women and equal rights. Women are not designed like men, plain and simple. By ignoring this one fact, that there are simply different attributes that men and women were designed with, the left is forcing women as a collective group, into a role that the majority of them may very well fall short on. Society would be much better off if men were allowed to be men and women were allowed to be women. The true equality of the sexes would shine through as everyone is operating in the so called “gender roles” they were assigned.
To properly understand the feminist view, and the idea that gender is a social construct as opposed to a deliberate design created by God, it must be understood that feminists are operating from a Marxist, or Communist point of view. They simply do not believe in God, or rather; they may view God as the Patriarchal being that represents the oppression they claim to be fighting against. After all, feminism seems to be going about the work of totally remaking society in their image. They argue that gender is a social construct, separate from the fact that men and women are biologically different, and that this social construct was created to justify the subjugation of women. Freya Brown writes in her essay, “On the Social Construction of Sex,”[11] that the idea of sex being a biological difference is patriarchal in nature and in order to break from this oppressive mindset a Marxist approach is needed.
At the end of the day, the sex/gender dichotomy is part of patriarchal ideology, and it is an idea that we need to break with in favor of a theory which is revolutionary and Marxist in character. The purpose of the present article is to provide an initial counter to the idea that sex assignment is “just biology.” A properly Marxist theory of sex will be more thoroughly explored in part two. Freya Brown-“On the Social Construction of Sex”
In today’s world the idea of gender being a social construct is being pushed to its ultimate limits. In the end, this is the problem when it comes to gender based equality and not the solution. The results of this backwards ideology are creating a world where sickness in the name of equality is the rule. For example, in many parts of the country the idea of having separate bathrooms for men and women is starting to be viewed from this “gender is a social construct” theory. For example, San Francisco elementary schools are forcing boys and girls to use the same bathroom because at that age, claims the school district, children choose to be transgender, or rather, tomboys.[12] As of 2013, the entire state of California adopted laws that allow children to use bathrooms and locker rooms not based on their biological sex, but rather the sex they choose to identify with.[13] Furthermore, the law allows both boys and girls to join sports teams not based on sex, but the sex they decide to feel like. How does this idea promote true freedom and not represent oppression? A young girl that decides she ought to be able to play football on the boys team is not only setting herself up for disappointment if they are unable to perform to the standard, she is also creating the conditions where boys will be unable to live up to their fullest potential because a drop in standards will be required in order for the girl who claims to feel like a boy to be able to play on an equal footing. This is oppression of the highest order if you think about it. The same is true if a boy decides to feel like a girl and uses the girl’s restroom. Just because this is now the law it does not mean that girls will automatically feel comfortable with boys invading their space and being present while they shower, change clothes and use the bathroom. This represents nothing but a sick, twisted remaking of society in the image of people who hold an anti-God view of the world. This is the same mentality affecting our military as well. As the debate heats up on whether women should be able to join combat units, no one is stopping to consider the real affects this may have on society. While it is certainly true that there are women out there who may very well be capable of performing to the same standards of men, the majority of women cannot, and to allow all women to serve in combat roles for the sake of achieving “total equality” threatens to lessen standards of performance while putting lives in danger. For instance, an article published by the website Western Journalism by female marine Jude Eden[14] highlights some of the problems of believing that women are just as capable of men serving in the combat zone. She highlights facts such as women losing half of their strength before a menstrual cycle, making them virtually incapable of enduring the rigors of combat that men are capable of dealing with. She also highlights a fact that the left, believing in Darwinism as they do, should understand very well. Once you put men and women together there is going to be sex. She mentioned the fact that once the U.S. Navy allowed women to serve on ships, problems of pregnancy, relationships, and unwanted sexual advances became prevalent, detracting from the mission of defending the nation. These are but a few examples; however, it should be noted that because men generally view women as needing protecting, it is highly likely that men would put their own lives in danger, abandoning the mission to protect women.
To believe that equality is something that needs to be forced by government as opposed to something that is already an inherent quality given by God only serves to further oppress women, not liberate them. Whether the left likes it or not, men and women are created different, with different purposes. Nothing will change the fact that biologically women are created to give birth, that is the purpose of the design. The left, through their anti-God, Marxist view will never be able to change that, and by attempting to do so they are serving to destroy the family structure as women are being made to feel that there is something more fulfilling than raising responsible, compassionate children ready to contribute to society. It is highly likely, looking at the work of Freidan and her political leanings that this is all being done on purpose with the deliberate intent of destroying the family. This isn’t to say that women shouldn’t be able to pursue careers; however, instead of teaching women how oppressed they are perhaps they should look at the effects children suffer when both men and women decide that careers are more important.
[1] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1561529/posts 10-18-15
[2] http://www.divorcepad.com/rate/ 10-18-15
[3] http://national.deseretnews.com/article/4535/us-marriage-rate-hits-new-low-and-may-continue-to-decline.html 10-18-15
[4] http://national.deseretnews.com/article/4535/us-marriage-rate-hits-new-low-and-may-continue-to-decline.html 10-18-15
[5] http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/10/the-true-origin-of-society-the-founders-on-the-family#_ftn4 10-18-15
[6] http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/10/the-true-origin-of-society-the-founders-on-the-family#_ftn4 10-18-15
[7] http://www.focusonthefamily.com/socialissues/marriage/teach-your-children-about-marriage/30-years-of-research 10-18-15
[8] http://www.focusonthefamily.com/socialissues/marriage/teach-your-children-about-marriage/30-years-of-research 10-15-18
[9] http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/ows/seminars/tcentury/FeminineMystique.pdf 10-18-15
[10] http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/ows/seminars/tcentury/FeminineMystique.pdf10-18-15
[11] http://anti-imperialism.com/2014/02/24/on-the-social-construction-of-sex-part-1/ 10-25-15
[12] http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/08/san-francisco-elementary-school-switches-to-gender-neutral-bathrooms-for-little-kids/ 10-25-15
[13] http://calwatchdog.com/2013/08/13/gov-brown-signs-gender-bathroom-bill/ 10-25-15
[14] http://www.westernjournalism.com/the-problems-of-women-in-combat-from-a-female-combat-vet/ 10-25-15
Radical Conservative. Follow David on Twitter.
is a freelance writer and researcher. David served in the United States Marine Corps from 1995-1999 and the US Army from 2001-2006. In addition to contributing to FreedomOutpost.com, he writes atCourtesy of Freedom Outpost.
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