First the Great Reset and Now Happytalism
By Tessa Lena
July 23, 2021
This story is about happytalism. Due to the vast amount of information, this is part one of the series. “Happytalism” is a very tricky word that hasn’t gotten much attention yet — but we may start hearing about it shortly.
It’s a branding term that sweetly refers to the same transhumanist framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset (where real estate ownership is concentrated, where living beings are reduced to “digital twins” managed through the blockchain, and where we “own nothing” and eat bugs).
“Happytalism” is a piece of marketing language that lives together with “green and sustainable development,” “racial equity,” “inclusivity,” “climate justice,” “building back better,” and so on. Speaking of bugs, I can’t resist.

For context, please keep in mind that in 2019, the United Nations signed a broad and unpublicized agreement with the World Economic Forum on strategic cooperation on a number of issues, and 4IR is listed as one of the areas of said cooperation. On a tangent, I would also like to point out a detail that is easy to miss.
Where the agreement talks about health, it mentions cooperation on antimicrobial resistance. It so happens that according to the World Economic Forum, they expect antimicrobial resistance to become a major threat that will greatly exceed the dangers of the coronavirus.
It is also notable that the entire western health response to the coronavirus has strongly pushed for measures that reduce natural immunity, discourage the use of vitamins, and promote overuse of sanitizers, which is thought to lead to antimicrobial resistance (you can check the thread below).

Before we get to happytalism proper, please take a look at this mind-boggling United Nation article and video. For starters, here’s this bit where indigenous children sing about, I am sorry, the “new world order.” This song is also a part of the official United Nations video below. (The comments on the video are disabled.)

[While you are at it, please check out the sweet, sincere message by the well-known altruist and environmentalist, Prince Charles, who does not at all own any framework for a new economic system (at around 2:24). And if you have the heart for it, check out the WTF skit on potty training for the unwashed heathen (at 39:41).]
Notably, the story and the video were originally posted on the subdomain of the United Nations website that has to do with the SDGs (“sustainable development goals”), a program that is ears-deep in the World Economic Forum’s agenda toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset).

Okay, so the children sang a strange song about the coronavirus and the “new world order,” the latter known of course to be a funny phrase, whispered by crazy people as they go about “the elites” and adjust the tinfoil hats on their heads. I personally don’t use this phrase because you can’t get very far with it, even though … oh never mind.
But my good manners do not change the fact that the phrase was coined and popularized not by crazy tinfoil hat wearers but by some of the most influential people of the western world (the proverbial “elites”), such as, for example, Henry Kissinger, and that’s just in the recent era.
A bit of a philosophical thought process: Are there elites? Are we all on the same level when it comes to being able to control national and global cashflows, wars, the media and the politicians? How insane is it to presume that those in power might have selfish ideas about the world, and what it should be, and where it should go?
Is it insane to posit that in their heads, they might not relate to the rest of us as much as we would like, and might possess less respect for our opinions and interests than we may hope? Is it insane to speculate that powerful people might be talking to each other privately to promote their shared interests (while also competing with each other on their level)?
Has it never happened? Never-ever? Not even an oil war? Not even a crusade or a secret treaty? Not even an American corporation profiting from the Nazi concentration camps? Not even an alphabet agency protecting Nazi researchers and secretly shipping them to the U.S. to continue unethical experiments? Not even a drug manufacturer doing experiments on disadvantaged children in New York?
Is it insane to think that the special interests of today’s, um, elites, seemingly include converging biological life and digital artifacts (and I don’t care if this is their own insane idea or an insane idea suggested by their highly paid advisors — but the notion of it is officially official and featured on government websites in Canada and in the UK — while still undeniably insane.)
And is it crazy to think that someone out there seems very interested in establishing a, hopefully, all-planetary system of control and management of every living thing and every mineral on Earth, a system controlled by a few hundred or thousand particularly ambitious and wealthy individuals, and managed by AI?
Aren’t they themselves promoting this idea through the media and NGOs? Here is also very lavishly funded — and allegedly very miserable in real life — Ray Kurzweil — and his crazy singularity.

And what structures are there in place to ensure that modern western citizens are immune from being eventually — or soon — treated by the super wealthy the way the indigenous were treated by various European missionaries and their royal masters?
What if digital colonialism is really a thing in the heads of the “elites,” just like traditional colonialism was a thing that drove the rulers of the past? On a side note, please google the 1974 Kissinger report that, among other things, brags about incentivizing Indian men to get a vasectomy).
That’s that about tinfoil hats. Life is complex and multi-faceted but people do conspire, and they do it all the time, so the notion that they could be conspiring today is not that crazy. Also, please see the SoftBank founder talking about his 300-year plan.
Speaking of “long-range plans made in secret,” here is a wonderful article by Steven Newcomb, titled, “On Conspiracy.” (I owe the “long-range plans made in secret” phrase to him as well.)
Steven looks at it from an indigenous perspective. It turns out that back in the day, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Our settlements will gradually circumscribe and approach the Indians, and they will in time either incorporate with us as citizens of the United States, or remove beyond the Mississippi. The former is certainly the termination of their history most happy for themselves.”
A screenshot of, linked in the image

And now, please meet actual “happytalism,” Jayme Illien, and “Happiness for All,” an initiative that claims the participation of the United Nations and aims to install literally a “New World Order” based on “happiness.”
Before I say anything else, I want to first say that Jayme Illien seems like a very opportunistic man with deep ties to the alphabets and a possible a broken childhood, and that his direct association with the UN in the context of that specific project is officially disputed.
The United Nations has officially denied their relationship to his project, while at the same time promoting similar initiatives. That said, opportunistic folks play a significant role in human history, and he seems to be hustling really hard while having powerful connections. Here is an archived version of the now deleted Wikipedia article about him.
Here is an archived version of a Business Insider story about Illien that has since been deleted. It gives a lot of insight into his line of work. It talks about him being a United Nations representative for Economists for Peace and Security, and also about this:

“In 2011, Illien Global Public Benefit Corporation launched a multi-year campaign to move happiness to the top of the international policy agenda forever. In 2012, Illien Global approached the United Nations about creating the new global day, the International Day of Happiness, now celebrated worldwide every March 20.
With the support and leadership of ambassadors from all over the world – including the Kingdom of Bhutan, which measures Gross National Happiness instead of GDP – Illien Global was able to gain the endorsement of the President of the General Assembly and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to bring a new UN resolution to the General Assembly that would create the new global day, the International Day of Happiness.” (source)
When it comes to Jayme Illien, he has A LOT of websites, some are well-developed and presentable, some are completely raw and full of placeholder images and text, and some keep interestingly changing over time. In fact, in one of his interviews, Jayme Illien has changed his name as well. His Facebook has not been updated since 2018.
If you look at, it’s all digital ecosystems, smart cities, and blockchain, all the favorite things of the 4IR dreamers, wrapped in “green and sustainable” language for the busy and the gullible.
In his own words, “For 35 years, Illien Global™ has been dedicated to working with governments, intergovernmental organizations, global financial institutions, the technology sector, global leaders, academia, civil society, and the broader private sector to advance the human condition, invest in the future, and promote Happiness for All™.” (source).
Also in own words, “In 2011, Illien Global launched the Happiness for All™ Initiative at the United Nations, leading Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon to call for a new economic paradigm based on ‘Gross Global Happiness.’”
(Gross Global Happiness is its own thing. It looks like in part, the people promoting it really believe that they are doing something good; however, it was also true of various missionaries of the past who created suffering in the name of their ideology.)

Here is more on the International Day of Happiness:

Illien’s “United Nations New World Order” website has been scrubbed. But the archived version says, “The United Nations New World Order Project is a global, high-level initiative founded in 2008 to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050.”

The United Nations has denied their affiliation with this website. The webpage where they said it seems to be gone, but here is the archived version.
“And just to note that over the weekend, I’ve been receiving a lot of questions from different journalists about a website for a something called the United Nations New World Order project. I just want to state and say this very clearly that this project and website is in no way sanctioned by the United Nations.” (from the May 27, 2020 daily briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General).
And then, there is Luis Gallardo who also claims to be a founder of Happytalism. Gallardo’s web presence is far more polished than Illien’s. In his own words, he is the Founder & President of the World Happiness Foundation and World Happiness Fest (the original link is not available), the author of “Happytalism and The Exponentials of Happiness,” and the Director of the Gross Global Happiness program at the United Nations University for Peace.
He is also associated with the World Happiness Academy. All the projects are very fuzzy and look like there is good money behind them. Here is a video of both of them talking about Happytalism. To make it more interesting, in this online meeting, Jayme Illien goes by “Jayme Lilienthal.”
And finally, remember the notorious World Economic Forum’s proposition that went, “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”?
Well, well, well … here is another guy who wrote a book called, “Happytalism,” and guess what, buried among various sweet words, there’s de-prioritizing income as a value, which seems to me like a very nice and elusive way to say that after all, “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”
Add to that the trend toward very lucrative impact investment programs for “mental health,” and also money arbitrarily generated by the government (because they can) and then given to private entities to “solve problems,” and we have a robust feudal economy where the majority own nothing and play the role of unhappy bodies need to be made happy through government-funded impact investment programs, implemented by private companies.
Nice, right? (By the way, here’s from in 2018, “Taking on Mental Illness Is Fiscally Sound and Morally Necessary”).
And yes, the author of the book could be a mere opportunist who chose to write a trendy book, much like the opportunists in the Soviet Union pontificated ad nauseam about non-existent communist ideals. But … I don’t know … am I being silly not trusting these people with my happiness?
There’s lots more to say about the act of hijacking “good” language to sell whatever one wants to sell, but the article is getting too long. So I would like to end this story with the interview with Mary Otto-Chang, in case you missed it earlier. She is wonderful.
About the Author:
To find more of Tessa Lena‘s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.
© 2021 Tessa Lena. See privacy, terms and information collection notice
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- United Nations, Virtual Concert unites Pacific with the world in battling COVID-19
- Illien Global, Author Jayme Illien
- Illien Global
- Illien Global, Happiness for All
- Happytalism World
- Business Insider, UNIDOHappiness Founder Illien Touches Down at NATO, 21st International Economics and Security Conference […] Jayme Illien
- Business Insider, UNIDOHappiness Founder Illien Touches Down at NATO, 21st International Economics and Security Conference […] Jayme Illien (Archive)
- Crunchbase, Jayme Illien
- Happytalism, Jayme Illien Founder of Happytalism CEO United Nations New World Order Project
- Happiness Day, International Day of Happiness Founder Reflects on Third Successful International Day of Happiness
- Luis Gallardo
- World Happiness Foundation
- World Happiness Academy
- Latestly, International Day of Happiness 2021 Date and Theme: Know Significance and History of the Global Happiness Movement
- United Nations New World Order, New Economic Paradigm (Archive)
- United Nations, Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
- International Day of Happiness, About
- Wikipedia, Jayme Illien (Archive)
- Newsweek, Mother Teresa’s Charity Investigated for Child Trafficking
- LinkedIn, Happytalism, Prof. Dr. Aziz Akgül
- PR Newswire, UNIDOHappiness Founder “Safe, Alive and Well” as Massive Airstrikes, New Ground Assault Pound Aleppo, Syria