Freedom Action ‘Feminine’ Strategies with Regan Keely





I am, obviously, not a woman.  As a man though, and a natural one at that, I am attracted to and love them very much. From my mother to some great friends and those I get to be intimate with, my wife comes to mind, I have always appreciated the feminine aspect of life as interpreted through the actions of those who have been brave enough to be who they wish to be in accordance to their heart’s desires. In other words, women who feel and know it’s ok to be women, in relation to whatever they honestly feel is how they can and will be, with only themselves as the final arbiter of those choices.


In my opinion, it takes a strong sort of being to go against the grain of ‘popular culture’ and allow their true forms to shine in this world. Who can say what may inspire another? But I can in truth feel, that honest creations come from a place much deeper than our thoughts. Our hearts have a way of communicating to each one of us and then each other. And although we share many similarities it is, for me, a wonder that any still seek to confuse masculinity and femininity when they both have their sweet powerful,  unique and complementary places in a healthy life, for individuals and our communities as a whole.


To confuse function with form, metaphysics with fashion, passion with love and outward appearance with inner glow is, in my opinion, a travesty of what we are capable of by the very luck of having been born. We all get to be alive, for a moment or three, and we all have our gifts which can be offered, once discovered, to others willing to enjoy the ride with us. Ladies are lovely, femininity has a song all its own. I don’t go in for the painted clowns of perversion, but enjoy, the subtle tones of a life lived in honest beauty and wonder.


I hope you enjoy this lovely chat I had with Regan Keely on said topic of femininity with a strong focus on integrity and purpose as only you can decide, be ye Man or Woman, for yourself.

Cheers Lorenzo




Bio: Regan Keely is a Reiki Master Healer/Teacher, Musician, Writer, and Activist. She established Transforming the Darkness in 2018 as a platform for inspiring humanity through spiritual health, holistic freedom, and creativity. Her highest goal is to learn and teach how spiritual evolution is our greatest route to freedom, peace, and empowerment for all of humanity.

You may follow see more of her past and current creations here:




Big thanks to Autumn Skye for the main image.

Sophia’s Gift

Sophia is the feminine manifestation of god in physical form. Some teachings say she is the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. 

She is the embodiment of the sacred in nature, the interconnectedness of the spiritual and material realms. Earth and heaven.

“Sophia” translates from Greek as Wisdom or Knowledge.  It is Knowing. A deep rooted intuition.

“Wisdom is a knower in you. Not something that you know, something that knows you.”  -Jungian analyst J Gary Sparks


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